The Seventh Chapter

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When I got home, the place was eerily quiet. Like the kind of quiet in those horror movies where there's the calm before the storm.

Carefully, I trudged up the stairs, silently slipping into my bedroom and locking the door behind me.

Prevention is after all better than cure. It would be better to protect myself than be careless and get attacked.

Sighing, I walked to the bed unaware of the figure stealthily following me. It was only when a hand clamped over my mouth, that I realized it.

I tried to bite the hand but it was impossible. With force, I elbowed the figure who let me go with a groan and grabbed my baseball bat which lay close to the fireplace. I'd strike him if he attacked.

My serious stance was broken when full blown laughter came from the figure. It sounded familiar almost the same way he laughed.


He took of the covering over his face,"hello, dear niece."he said, spreading his arms wide. I rushed to him, embracing him tightly as he lifted me up and twirled me around making me giggle lightly.

"I missed you so much, Gina. How've you been? The old man's still grumpy, I can see."he muttered after releasing me from his embrace.

"Yeah, he's still the same. Overbearing and controlling. I'm already sick and tired of this. "I groaned plopping unto the bed. He followed suit, dropping himself on my bed.

"How was Argentina?"I shifted on the bed till I was facing him waiting for his answer.

He just shrugged,"it was fine. I met a girl. She was super nice."he spoke,a blush appearing on his cheeks.

I wiggled my eyebrows mischievously,"Oooo, and what might be this lovely lady's name?"

"Hannah."he simply said with a full smile on his lips. He must really like this girl considering his reaction to our conversation.

"Wow,then she's a really lucky girl to have gotten your attention because you deserve to be loved. You have a big heart and it's high time you receive the amount of love you give to your family and those around you."he smiled thankfully at me to which I winked back.

A loud knock interrupted our conversation.

"Come in."
The door opened to reveal my grandmother.

"I thought you both would be here and I was right. Dinner's ready, we're waiting downstairs."she smiled before gently closing the door.

Tobias and I walked down the stairs to the dining room. Grandfather was already seated, looking gruff as usual.

I could feel his piercing gaze on me but I ignored him and focused on my food.

"So my boy, how was your trip? You didn't tell me where you went to."grandfather asked making me raise my head up.

"Ricardo, we're eating. Can't you just wait till we're done?"my grandmother chided him. He looked displeased with her actions but said nothing leaving the table in silence.

I was the first to finish my meal. I didn't want to risk another confrontation with my grandfather just as the one that happened in the morning.

"Regina, you're starting work tomorrow. At the company."I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"But I thought that would be when you stepped down and I'd be working from home till then."I muttered.

"I've changed my mind. You're going to start working tomorrow. No questions."

I groaned internally. This wasn't something I contemplated happening any time soon.
I felt panicky within. I sucked at meeting people. After spending the few years been homeschooled, I didn't really get along easily with others.

"But grandfather-"

"I said no questions. And when I say no questions that's what I expect you to go by."he spoke with finality and I huffed out a breath.

I hated this.

I hated my life.

I hated being rich.

After eating, I stormed out of the dining hall. I just couldn't understand why my grandfather was being cruel to me.

I didn't recall doing anything to be at the receiving end of his anger yet that's always what I got.

I passed my hands through my chestnut curls as I plopped unto my bed, staring at the beautifully designed ceiling.

The interior designer was very good.

I felt my phone vibrating besides me. Minda was calling me.

"How could you not have told me Tobias was back in New York City!?"was the first thing she muttered as soon as I answered.

Minda was interested in my uncle and I'd always thought they looked good together but apparently he'd found someone else and breaking the news to Minda was actually heartbreaking for me.

"I'm sorry Minda for not telling you. I recently just got home from my meeting with Alan..."

"You met him? OMG, I thought you'd put up an excuse to avoid him. I'm proud of you, my dear."she muttered making me roll my eyes.

"How was it? What happened? Any thing I should expect?"I could already imagine her wiggling her eyebrows mischievously.

"Stop being inquisitive, Minda. It went fine. That's all you should know."


"No buts. I'm not telling you anything. You're just going to tease me and I'm not up for that."

"Oh come on, I need to know. I'm your god sister for crying out loud. It is my duty to check on your well-being including your love life."

I bit back a giggle at her words,"God sister? Does that even exist?"

"Of course it does..."the rapping on my bedroom door took my concentration of Minda.
"Come in."

The door opened and Tobias slipped in,a smile on his face.

"Are you speaking to Minda? Could I speak to her?"he asked excitedly and I just handed the phone to him.

I could hear Minda's cheery voice from a side and I could tell she was happy. I zoned out a bit thinking of my mother so they could converse.

"Argentina was really great. I met a girl, her name's Hannah..."

My head snapped back to Tobias just when a light grimace made a way to his face.

"I'm so sorry, Minda. I should have let you know and not raise your hopes. Please try to forget about me and forgive me for hurting you."

I couldn't hear what Minda was saying but looking at Toby's expression, their conversation didn't go well.

He just dropped my phone on the bedstand and abruptly left without a word.

Hiiiiiiiiiiiii my lovelies. How was the chapter? I hope you liked it.

Please lemme know what you think about it. Don't forget to vote.

Love you all


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