The Seventeenth Chapter

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Alma couldn't walk.

The moment the doctor uttered those words, Miss Sasha collapsed out of shock. Right now, I was in the ICU with Alma.

She actually looked dead if not for the constant beeping from the heart monitor which showed she was alive and breathing.

There was a huge bandage around her forehead, and she was ghostly pale.
She breathed through the oxygen mask peacefully though.

I sighed as I gripped her hand in mine. They were cold but I held on to it.

"Alma, I'm so sorry that I didn't listen to your point of view. Maybe if I had, you wouldn't have taken that drastic decision to end your life. I'm so sorry. Please get well."
Tears threatened to spill down my eyes but I held them at bay. I had to stay strong in case she woke up to me by her side.

The vivid image of the video played right before my eyes. According to it, she'd intentionally run her car into the barrier. She'd wanted to kill herself and it was all because of me.

Oh goodness, everyone was right. Our families would constantly hurt each other even if we didn't mean to. I had to stay away from her now.
I'd just wait for her to wake up and then I'd leave.
I just wanted to know she was alright before I finally left her life.

For good.


When my eyes fluttered open, everything was glowing white and I shut my eyes before letting out a groan.

The person clutching my hand abruptly left it and when my eyes opened they met his gaze.

"Alma,are you alright?" he asked but I'd gone silent. I didn't expect to see Alan ever again when I fell into the water.
I expected to be dead.

"Hey, I'll call a doctor so he'll come take off your oxygen mask, okay?"he muttered before rushing out of the room.

"Miss Salvador, I'll be taking off your oxygen mask to check if you can breathe on your own now."the doctor muttered and I gave a nod.yk

Now I was silently staring at Alan while trying to inhale oxygen calmly through the breathing tube.

"Why are you here, Alan?"my voice sounded scratchy but I didn't care about that. He wasn't supposed to be here, after all we were strangers now.

"Alma I'm sorry."he said out of the blue, not meeting my gaze. I was surprised though, what was he sorry for?
What's done is done.

"You don't need to apologize Alan. I understand you and I respect your decision."

"It's not about that Alma. I'm sorry I drove you to the point of trying to commit suicide. I know I should have heard your side of the story."

What was he blabbering about? Suicide? What the-

"You think I tried to commit suicide?"I looked at him in disbelief,"I'm not crazy Alan,why would I want to kill myself huh?"

"But the video-"

"Which video?"

"The road you used had security cams and luckily it captured the moment when your car fell over the bridge. The video it recorded had everything seem planned. You drove your car right into the barrier as if that's what you wanted to do. As if you were trying to kill yourself."

"I was driving over speed, that's why the car swerved that far. I didn't think it'd hit anything and I definitely wasn't planning on committing suicide. Now please if that's all you wanted to know, feel free to show yourself to the door. We're literally strangers now."I tore my eyes from his hurt gaze.

He was the one who made that decision. He had no right to be upset with my friends. He let out a weary sigh before leaving me, sparing me one last glance.

I took in a deep breath to calm myself.  I needed to forget about Alan.

Caught in my thoughts, I didn't notice the figure that entered my room.

"Alma, my baby, you're finally awake. Thank God. After four months, you're finally awake."she said rushing to hug me. The familiar scent of her rosy perfume had me know it was my mother.

"Ma."tears had gathered in my eyes,"I'm so sorry for scaring you. I'm sorry."

"It's alright baby."she withdrew from the hug, wiping my tears.
"I'm glad you're alright but I'm upset that you disobeyed me. I can't believe you went frolicking with Alan Elmer when I'd clearly told you not to, Regina. I told you that family is dangerous but you still went ahead to do the one thing you were supposed to stay away from."

"I'm sorry, Ma. Please forgive me."she looked at me wearily before sighing.
"I forgive you Regina, just don't associate yourself with them ever again."

"Yes Ma."she didn't have to worry anymore after all Alan had cut all ties existing between us.

I looked at my mother who was shedding tears.
"Ma, what's wrong? Why are you crying? I said I'm sorry."she gazed at me before rushing out of the room.

"Ma, Ma wait."I tried to get off the bed to go after her and that's when I realized I couldn't feel my legs.
What was wrong with me? I didn't notice my legs had gone numb but now the sudden feeling had me in fear.

"Ma."I shouted again but I didn't get a response. I leaned on the pillow thinking of my numb legs. I was worried. Hitting the button by my bed, I waited for someone to attend to me.

"Hello Alma, I'm your nurse Ava. Are you in need of anything?"I glanced at the nurse who'd just entered the room,a soft smile on her lips.

"Yes, I do. I don't know why but I can't feel my legs. I don't know why and I'm worried."

Ava's smile vanished and a pained look framed her face.
"What's wrong with me, Ava?"

"Alma, it's not my place to tell you-"

"Please just tell me." I was desperate to know what was wrong with me. Already, the worst scenario played in my head and I hoped that I was wrong.

"I'm sorry Alma but you can't walk."
I felt like I'd been doused in freezing cold water. This couldn't happen.

No, this couldn't be.

But the look in her eyes killed my hope. A loud shriek left me and I started thrashing on the bed. Panic set through me and I couldn't comprehend anything around.
Only when I felt a sharp prick in my arm that I calmed down, my eyes drooping till everything went dark.

When I woke up, I was alone. Tears ran down my eyes as I comprehended the situation.

I was a cripple now.

My body wracked with tiny sobs. I felt pathetic and weak. I was a mess.

The door to my room pushed open and a figure entered. It was definitely a male and from his looks he wasn't a doctor either.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"
The light in the room barely illuminated him but I didn't fail to recognize him when he took his hoodie off.

Axel was in my room.

The Seventeenth Chapter is here . I hope you liked it.
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Love you all,


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