The Fifteenth Chapter

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Alan stilled at my words and his brows furrowed in despair.

"What are you saying, Alma? What's your motive for doing all of this, huh?"

I didn't think because I blurted out the words I was supposed to keep hidden.

"I love you, Alan."

His eyes widened for a second before they hardened. I immediately clamped a hand on my mouth. I shouldn't have said that. God, I made a mistake and by his expression he detested me.

"Alma, what happened to you? How could you stoop this low? So you were willing to destroy my upcoming wedding just for your selfish needs. I can't believe I'd loved a woman like you. You're a very big hypocrite,a pretentious being and I'm disgusted at the sight of you. From today, I'm cutting all ties with you. From now on we're strangers to each other. Good bye."

I slumped onto the floor of the cafe and watched him walk away. Tears continuously spilled my eyes but I didn't care.
I could hear flashes around me and I was sure this would make a headline in tomorrow's news but I could care less. All I cared about had just shattered right in front of me.

He said he'd loved me. He loved me. My heart squeezed more painfully at his revelation.
If only I hadn't built our friendship on lies, he'd have believed me and left his cheating fiancée and we could have been together.
I was such a pathetic being to have thought using him would yield any good results. I thought I could hide that fact from him but it's true what they say, nothing can be hidden under the sun.

But how had he known? The only people who knew were Axel and their grandmother.
They must have told him.

I sighed and composed myself before getting up from the floor. People looked at me with different expressions but I ignored them all and walked out with my head held high.
It was only when I got to my car that I broke down and started to cry again.

My life was a mess.
I drove with excess speed not caring about where I was going.It had started to rain and even though the wind screen's wiper kept on pushing the water off the front glass, my tears blinded me.

I didn't realize when I swerved that I gotten to  an old and worn out bridge that wasn't used anymore. I didn't even know where I was but before I could comprehend anything, my car had slammed into the old barrier and fallen over.

The last thing I remembered was the feeling of water rushing round me before all went dark.


Pain and anguish.
That was the only thing I could feel now. How could Alma do this to me? I thought she was genuine but it turns out she was fake.

And who did she do all of this for?
Her greedy and selfish father who wasn't even alive anymore.
My grandmother was right about the Salvadors. They were evil and it had taken my encounter with Alma to actually believe her.

Hearing her voice spew out the truth was just heartbreaking. I'd played the voice recording just to make sure I had probably heard wrong but hearing truth out of her lips made things worse. The day she told me we'd gone to a bar to celebrate my upcoming wedding.
I was hurt that I was getting married to Hannah. If only Alma loved me, I'd have done anything to stop the wedding.

But her drunken words that day had been a stake in my heart. I didn't understand how I was able to compose myself around her till today when I'd gotten fed up of acting like everything was fine when it wasn't.

I clutched the glass of tequila in my hand as I pondered on what had transpired today. The house was silent, only the pitter patter of the rain was heard. I didn't know where my grandmother was but that was the least of my worries now.

Hannah. Could she really be cheating on me?

I didn't want to believe her words but there was a nagging voice in my mind telling me she was being truthful.

I'd have to talk to Tobias Salvador.

A knock sounded at the door and Lily, the housekeeper answered.

"Who is it, Lily?"I shouted from the bar. I didn't get any response so I just got back to my drink.

"Alan."the voice I heard had me stiffening.

Tobias Salvador stood drenched with worry and panic written on his face.
I sat staring at my fiancée's potential lover with bored interest.
I couldn't care less about why he was here. I was sure his niece had sent him here to convince me that my fiancée was cheating just so she could pursue me.

She was as greedy as her father.

"Alan, where is Alma?"his question stunned me. I expected him to tell me about his affair with Hannah, not ask me about his deceitful niece.

"How I'm I supposed to know? I'm not her keeper, I'm I?"he looked shocked at my words.

"Alan why are you speaking like that? Alma is your friend."

"Well not anymore. I broke up our friendship because your scheming niece only befriended me to get information about her dead father. I don't know what you people told her but you should stop blaming my family for that misfortune. My father died in that accident too."

"What are you muttering, Alan? Alma would never joke with your feelings or anyone else's for that matter. She loves you. You're drunk, I'm sure you don't realize what you're saying."

Hearing him say Alma loved me fuelled my anger and I threw the glass in my hand against the wall.

"Never say that again. I don't care about her feelings or anything for the matter. If you have nothing else to say,then get out of my house.

He sighed before muttering the words that made my heart fall

"Alma is missing."

Hii lovelies. Here's chapter 15 for you. How do you feel about the twist?

Alma's in an accident in an unknown area and it doesn't seem she'll be found soon.

Alan's reacting to the day's event. He's broken of ties with Alma.
Do you think it's justified he's worried that she's nowhere to be found?

Let me know what you think about the chapter.

Please vote if you liked the chapter.

Love you all,


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