The Fourteenth Chapter

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My plan didn't work. I'd been hopeful about getting some information from Alan but it seemed he didn't like discussing his family at all.

A few months had passed by and I'd decided to abandon my fruitless plan. Alan was a good friend and I'd decided to make our friendship real this time.

Apart from that, I couldn't help but take note of the tiny sparks that sprang up whenever I was with him.

I had always been in love with him but my heart had just decided to acknowledge it now,at the time I was sure I'd lost him forever.

He was getting married soon and although it hurt me, I was happy for him.

"Gina, I need to talk to you."my gaze flickered to my bedroom door where my uncle stood.

"Toby come in. Are you alright?"his eyes were red and really puffy.
He'd been crying.

He sat at the foot of the bed and ran his hands through his hair.
"She's getting married to him."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion."Who's getting married to who?"

"My Hannah. She's getting married to Alan Elmer."

The world seemed to freeze as his words fully settled in my mind. Recognition burned through as I recalled our conversation the day he came back from Argentina.

Hannah Duncan was Toby's lover? How was that possible?

But if she was his lover,then it meant she'd been cheating on Alan this whole time.
I couldn't let him get married to a woman who couldn't stay faithful to him.

My hands fumbled for my phone that lay on my bedside table.

"Gina what are you doing?"Toby looked confused.

"I'm calling Alan. He has to know the truth."I said as I dialled his telephone number.

"Alan,hey I need to-"

His tone was rude as he cut me off,"We need to talk Alma. Let's meet at our usual spot. You have thirty minutes. Don't be late."

I frowned at his rude tone as I stared at my phone. He'd ended the call,he sounded angry about something.

"Anything wrong, Gina ?"I looked up to see Toby staring at me.

"Oh no, there's nothing wrong. I'm just going to meet Alan and stop him from marrying that cheat."he visibly winced but didn't say anything.

I stood up from the bed and got ready.
When I was done, I admired myself in the blue wrap dress I'd worn which I'd paired with a pair of black Mary Jane's.

"You look nice, Gina. Now hurry up, don't be late."Toby said pushing me out of the door.
He was as impatient as I was.

Sighing I hurriedly got into my car and drove to the cafe downtown.
Alan was already there and he kept on glancing down on his wristwatch.

I was late.

"Hey Alan."a soft smile made its way to his face when he saw me before his expression hardened.

"Sit."he motioned to the chair opposite him.

He cleared his throat, clearly about to say something before the waiter interrupted.

"I just get a cup of iced tea and a croissant."I gave him my order before turning my gaze to Alan. He'd been fuming the whole time and I was worried.

"What's wrong Alan?"I asked as I reached across the table to touch his hand but he flinched at the contact and I drew my hand back, hurt by his actions.

"Why Alma? Why were you playing with my feelings,huh? I thought you'd forgiven me so we could be friends again but what I never expected was you making a fool out of me."pain clouded his eyes and guilt washed over me.

I had really hurt him.

But he wasn't supposed to find out. It was a fruitless plan anyway and now he was even more than a friend for me. How had he known?

"Alan, I..."

"Don't speak, Alma. You've disappointed me and I'm hurt beyond words. I can't believe you used me and for what?
To find information about your greedy and selfish father. That's degrading of you to do, playing with my emotions as if they were toys for you. I'm hurt and I don't think I can forgive you for this. Please stay away from my family and I. Good bye, Alma."

He stood up, leaving me teary eyed. I wanted to stop him and that's exactly what I did.

"Alan before you go, just know that your fiancée isn't as faithful as you think. She's having a secret relationship."

He turned and looked at me in utter disbelief." Alma do you think I'd believe you? You just love to lie don't you? You've just lied to me and now you're making a false story about my fiancée. Just stay away from me."

"Alan I'm not lying. I know who she's with."

"And who might this person be?"he looked at me mocking interest.

I sighed because what I was going to say would probably let the rift between our families intensify but I wouldn't let that woman succeed in playing with the hearts of two men.

"Tobias Salvador. Your fiancée is having an affair with Tobias Salvador, my uncle."

Hiii lovelies. I finally decided to publish the fourteenth chapter after suffering from major writer's block.
I hope you enjoyed it.

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