The Sixth Chapter

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I stared at the black haired man seated in front of me, my face blank of any emotion. He was nervous, I could tell by the way he constantly rubbed his palms together as we sat in the cafe waiting for our orders to arrive.

It was one of the habits of his I'd taken note of when we were much younger.
The waiter soon arrived with our orders and I thanked him before switching my attention to the main course, Alan Elmer.

"So what did you want to talk about, Alan? You seemed pretty enthusiastic to speak to me."I questioned him as I took a sip of the Chinese bubble milk tea I'd ordered.

Clearing his throat,he looked at me."I'm sorry Alma."he began,"I never meant to hurt you then or insult your integrity. It pains me that I lost a very good friend because of my stupidity. Please forgive me."

I gazed into his hazel coloured eyes which mirrored hurt. I sighed, I'd been harbouring this for so long and I had to let it go. But my mind seemed to disagree with my heart, taking me back to what happened four years ago.

Eighteen years old me wandered on the beach, looking for the blonde woman who I came here with. Where could she have possibly gone without telling me.

I groaned inwardly. Minda was a pain in the neck. She might be three years older than I was but she was so immature and irresponsible to leave me all alone. Grandfather would definitely have her head if he found out I was left alone.

I scanned the beach, there were lots of people. Some indulged in ball games, others were splashing around in the sea, the water a sparkling blue as the rays of the sun fell on it.

I kept on walking around aimlessly, calling out Minda's name occasionally but to no avail. It was like she just disappeared from the surface of the earth.

Moments later, I heard a scream and turned only to be hit by a flying ball which sent me to the ground.

Groaning, I grabbed my head. The ball had hit hard and it had started to ache pretty bad. I tried to sit upwards but resolved not to,it only worsened the pain.

I noticed two teens in my dazed vision. They had the same hair colour but different eye hues, one with hazel coloured orbs and the other's as black as onyx. They both had looks of concern on their faces as they squatted down.

"We're so sorry, Miss. I didn't mean to hit you with the ball. I didn't realize it would go that far."hazel eyes muttered to which onyx nodded his head in support of his partner's words.

"We could-"before he could continue I heard my name being called out in a shriek.


I tilted my eyes in the direction of her voice and saw her figure sprinting towards me.
"Alma."she glared at the boys and squatted near me.

"What happened to you, dear? Your grandfather would kill me if anything happened to you."

"We're sorry Miss, we unintentionally hit her with our ball."onyx muttered nervously.

Minda ignored them as she helped me up.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you alone, Alma. I just got caught up with the horse riding."she muttered sheepishly as we trudged back to our cabin.

The whole day, my thoughts lingered on the two boys I'd seen. Throughout our month's stay on the beach I got acquainted with them and we eventually became friends.

But I never expected both of them to have feelings for me let alone compete for me. I could remember the exact words they both spoke that day. I'd gone to visit them in their cabin only to hear their banter.

"Alma is mine, Alan. Now you've got to stay away from her. We had an agreement on this. The one who wins her heart gets her."I heard Axel's angry voice mutter.

"For goodness sake, Axel we made a deal. You can't claim her while she's interested in me. It's very clear that Alma is attracted to me and not you. So I win the game and you lose so you rather should stay away from her."

I paled at Alan's words. A game? Were they competing over me? What did they take me for? Angry I stormed inside and met their shocked faces which quickly morphed to excitement.

"Alma,we weren't expecting you. What-"I held up my hand to silence him.

"I heard everything you both said. What game were you yelling about? What deal did you make? And why am I involved in it?" I felt like breaking down. I didn't want to believe all I'd heard but their silence proved everything. They were guilty.

"Alma,we can explain-"

"Explain what, Alan!"I yelled making them flinch,"what were you thinking? Do I look like a freaking prize? Or property to be owned by someone? Why would you do this? Was our friendship not of any value to any of you?!"I screamed, painful tears running down my eyes.

"Alma, please listen to us. We-"

"Shut up. Just shut up. Now I get it. All of this was a farce. You both became friends with me so you could find out who would claim me, right? It was all a game to you. And stupid me thought I'd finally gotten genuine friends who'd take me for who I am and not what I have. I guess I was wrong. I hope I never see any of you ever again in my life."I spoke before I run out of there.

How could they do this to me? I finally thought I'd gotten friends who understood me. After all, my life wasn't as wonderful as I expected it to be. My grandfather coordinated my life for me.

I had no friends, I was home schooled and my old friends from Mexico seemed to have forgotten me since none of them contacted me anymore and unfortunately I'd lost touch with any of them.

But this betrayal was something I never expected. I never expected them to treat my feelings as a competition. But then,it was my fault for trusting them both so easily while I'd only met them and I'd make sure that I wouldn't be fooled this way ever again.

"Alma."I was snapped out of my reverie when Alan called me.

"Are you alright? You zoned out."concern lingered in his eyes.

"I'm fine. Nothing's wrong."he didn't believe, his facial expression said so but he didn't push it.

"So about what I said, do you forgive me?" His eyes looked pleadingly at me.

"I'll think about it."I muttered before grabbing my bag, leaving him wide-eyed as I stepped out of the cafe,my feelings jumbled up.

Hiiiiiiiiiiiii my lovelies, chapter 6 is finally out.
What are your thoughts on the chapter? Was it interesting or boring?

Please lemme know in the comments section.

Also don't forget to drop that star right there for me.

Love you all,


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