The Twelfth Chapter

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It had been exactly two weeks since I had the dreaded meeting with Hillary Elmer and her words failed to leave me in peace.

"I have eyes on you, girl. Don't cross me because I'm sure you wouldn't want to end up like your father or have a worse fate. Stay away from my grandson and you'll get to keep your life."

She definitely knew everything and from her words she surely had a hand in my father's death.

My mother had been right. She was clearly a dangerous woman. She'd outright threatened me with a passion in her tone and I wondered what would happen if she executed her words. I couldn't even concentrate at the office.

My thoughts were interrupted when Allie entered my office abruptly.

"What's wrong Allie?"I asked,a frown on my face.
"Miss Salvador, Mr Elmer is here to see you and he says it's really important."

"He didn't book an appointment, did he?"

"No Miss Salvador, but he barged into the office and headed straight here. He looked pretty angry and the security tried to restrain him but he's not budging. It was only when I said I'd come tell you he's here that he's a bit calm."

I sighed as I pinched my nose in exasperation.
"Let him in, Allie."

She left with a nod.

Moments later, the door opened widely before the intruder slammed it shut.

I glared at his disheveled figure."Why are you here, Mr Elmer. We don't have an appointment and yet you strut right into my office like you own this place. What in goodness name is wrong with you?"

He pointed a shaky finger at me.
"You-you d-don't love m-m-me."he slurred.

I almost slammed my head against my desk in frustration.

Axel was drunk.

I had so much to deal with now. I had a threat hanging on my head and I couldn't deal with anyone's tantrums.

"Axel, we've already talked about this. We can be friends but you can't expect me to fall in love with you."

He looked at me and let out a laugh which left me confused.

"Do you think you can successfully go through that silly plan of yours by using my cousin? I'm not sure Alan will be pleased to know that you're just using him, isn't it?"

My gaze widened. He also knew.

"Don't look too shocked. My grandmother informed me. It was quite obvious though, how you abruptly forgave Alan and had him be your friend once again. Just so you could draw information out of him.
But you should know something, Alma. Not everything your little mother tells you is accurate. What you know is that Alan's father, Hugo Elmer killed your father but that's not true. They both died in the same accident because the car brakes had been tampered with. And why do you think your mother and grandfather do not get along?
It's all because your grandfather found out his son married a woman who was after his money. Your father never knew about that and thought your grandfather didn't want him to be happy so he let go of his inheritance for her."

I openly gaped at him as every word sank in. What in goodness name was going on in my life? At any point in time, there was something new for me to learn about and all it did was confuse me further. I just wanted to know why my father was murdered but I certainly didn't anticipate such a bombshell landing on me. But I couldn't just trust Axel.

After hearing everything he had said I was actually afraid of him. Was he stalking my family and I? How did he know all of this?

I couldn't just believe him. I wouldn't believe him.

"Do you think I'll possibly believe you? How did you even know this? Are you spying on me?"I fired at him. I didn't know what this grandmother - grandson duo was up to  but I had to be careful around them.

He sighed before looking at me worriedly,"Alma I care a lot about you and I cannot watch your family deceive you any further. Your mother is a liar and your grandfather only acknowledges you as his heiress, not a family member. Your whole life has been controlled as if you are a robot. You deserve your freedom from them all, from the lies, the fake concern and all that."

I furrowed my eyebrows at his words. What exactly was Axel Elmer playing at?

"Why not go on a vacation? Far away from trouble."

I squinted my eyes. I really didn't know what to say about this little episode here. Everything was just confusing.
But he just had to turn my confusion to anger with his words.

"Why not go on a vacation with me?"

Hiii lovelies. I finally got enough inspiration and I decided to give you guys the Twelfth Chapter. I hope you liked it.

Let me know what you think about the chapter in the comments section.

Also don't forget to drop a vote.

Love you all,

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