The Third Chapter

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I never expected to meet her again after the stunt my cousin, Axel and I pulled on her.

I was happy to have seen her after such a long time but then finding out she was from that family was disheartening. My grandmother disliked the Salvador family for reasons unknown to me and I had a feeling it'd be difficult getting closer to Alma because of her.

I just couldn't understand why fate had to be so cruel to us humans. We all deserved love but it seemed we always had to suffer to get what we actually deserved.

A smile made its way to lips as I recalled the previous evening's event. I could still remember the feel of her skin against mine,it was just as soft as those years ago. My heart had thumped furiously fast within my chest having her so close to me.

Axel. His name suddenly made an appearance in my head and a scowl fitted my face. Damn it. He just had to be a meddling obstacle.

"Babe."I snapped my gaze to the blonde woman who glanced at me from where she held up a dress.

"Are you alright? Your facial expressions have been switching simultaneously. Nothing bothering you?"her question had worry backing it.

"It's nothing to worry about. It's just something about work."I lied smoothly to which she gave a nod. I spared her a momentary glance as she waltzed back into the changing room to put on the new dress she'd picked out. I sighed as the thought made its way to my head once again.

I was engaged.

To Hannah Duncan.

I could recall the surprise on both mine and Axel's face when our grandmother announced our out of the blue engagement. I was so upset but I only accepted the offer because I was sure the one person I had feelings for would never reappear in my life till now.

I flipped open my phone and moved to my gallery. It was always the picture I took with her that caught my attention whenever I went there. It was a very sunny day and we were on the Miami Beach. She was in a simple t-shirt and shorts with a pair of shaded glasses and a sunhat. We were both laughing into the camera as I ruffled my sand filled hands in her chestnut hair.

Things had been so fun and peaceful then and I wandered if we could go back to how we were before.

"Alan!"my startled look settled on Hannah who looked down at me with anger."what's wrong with you? You've been gazing at your phone with that silly smile on your face forgetting that you came with me to the mall to keep me company and not to humour yourself with your phone."she looked like she was at the verge of tears.

Shifting in the couch I was seated on, I gently pulled her next to me and hugged her closely, slowly rubbing her back in comfort.

The sound of the door of the shop opening reached my ears but I overlooked it. I had to please the sobbing dramatic blonde beside me before she decided my grandmother was the best option to handle me. I could already envision her scowling and pointing an accusatory finger at me and that was something I didn't look forward to.

"Well oh well, sorry to disturb your little love fest but you've kinda taken the whole couch's space."

It was her. Her voice would never escape my ears. Alma. Hannah immediately got off me and shifted well on the seat, throwing a sheepish smile to Alma whose smile seemed forced.

"We're just leaving."she said grabbing my hand and dragging me to the cashier where an attendant held the bags of clothes.

Clearing my throat, I glanced in her direction where she was seated but she didn't spare me a glance. Her eyes were solely fixed on her companion who constantly asked her thoughts on the clothes she picked up.

Another tug on my hand had my attention fully on Hannah who stared at me curiously.

"Let's go."I said overlooking her her questioning gaze and dragging her out of the store.

For some time,we moved from store to store buying all sorts of stuff. By the end, I wondered if they were all worth the time and effort I'd spent. I knew Hannah was a very picky woman and she'd definitely dump any clothing of hers as long as she deemed it out of style no matter how much beautiful it was.

After grabbing some food, I dropped her at her apartment and headed home.

Douglas, our butler greeted me at the door.
"Sir, your grandmother asked that I make you aware she wants to meet you in the study as soon as you arrive home."he spoke once I entered the mansion.

My mind was in a turmoil as I walked to the study. What could Hillary Elmer possibly have in mind discuss with me? Asking me to the study definitely spelt out trouble, she was definitely planning something. And that something definitely wasn't good in any way.

Knocking on the door, I heard her voice beckon me inside.

"Good afternoon grandmother."I greeted her once I spotted her frame on her chair facing the glass holding overlooking the garden.

"You didn't go to work today. Where were you,boy?"she questioned, ignoring my greeting.

Swallowing, I told her of my outing with Hannah.

Her head bobbed in acceptance as she slowly turned to face me. My eyes flew to the newspaper clutched in her fingers and I knew what she wanted to talk about.

"I'm pleased that you've decided to bond with your fiancée unlike your cousin who acts like his doesn't exist."
Clearing her throat, she beckoned me to take a seat in front of her, dumping the paper on the table." However I'm not pleased with this."she pointed at the photo where Axel and I cushioned Alma's fall. "I know she's the same  woman who caused a rift between your cousin and you. I want you to stay away from her. I don't want the past repeating itself."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
What did she mean about the past repeating itself?

"What are you saying grandmother?"

Sighing, she drew in a breath and muttered the words that made my blood run cold.

"Her father is the very reason your family is in shambles and she's following his very footsteps. To destroy your relationship with the only family you have left. It's in her blood because she's a Salvador. They're home wreckers."

Hiiiiiiiiiiiii my lovelies, chapter 3 is here.

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Love you all


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