The Ninth Chapter

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She rejected me. She just rejected me. Even after finding out Alan was out of range, she still rejected me.

I sat in the cafe, shocked and hurt by her reaction. Why couldn't she love me? What was it about Alan that I didn't have?

It was always Alan. Even when we'd met her for the first time,it had been Alan.

I'd never failed to notice the look she had in her eyes when she got close to him. She loved him then and it was still evident she still did even though she was angry with us both.

My heart pulsed with anger for him. Everything was his fault. If only Alan hadn't come with me for that vacation, Alma would have loved me.

I resented him. I hated him. Grabbing my phone, I dialled the number.

"Hello."she muttered tiredly." What now, Axel? I've been doing everything you asked me to do."

"It's time, Hannah. It's time for us to do what we planned. I can't lose Alma again. I hope you're up for it."I spoke determinedly.

"Count me in. I'm ready for anything."

My mind was reeling as I recalled my conversation with Alma. She'd seemed so lost and hurt that it crushed me. I couldn't help but assume I was the cause of her pain.

I stood in the book shop, going through the list of novels stacked neatly on the shelves. I recalled Alma was into romance books and I decided to get her a couple of them.

"Hello Sir. You seem to be lost. You've been moving in between the shelves without picking out anything. I was wondering if I could be of any help."I turned around to notice a slightly older woman in glasses staring at me with amusement dancing in her eyes.

The first thing I noticed about her was the shade of her eyes, the same blue I recognized in Alma. I shook my head in denial, anybody could have blue eyes.

"Yes Miss. I'm actually looking for some romance books. "I said smiling sheepishly.

"For a special someone, right?"she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and I felt my cheeks pull up in embarrassment.

"Actually yeah."I muttered and she walked past me, scanning the shelves.

"My daughter is also into romance novels. I think you should try Julie Garwood and Barbara Taylor Bradford novels. They're really interesting. My daughter was obsessed with their books. Maybe your special lady may like them too."she said pulling out three huge novels and handing them to me.

"Prince charming, Angel and Remember."I said reading their titles.

"Yes."she smiled,"Those are part of my favourites. I believe she'll love them."

"Thanks Miss.."I trailed off.

"Oh I'm Sasha. Just Sasha. It was nice meeting you young man but I have to go. I came to New York to surprise my daughter. Good luck with your special lady."she muttered and hurriedly left the shop before I could even thank her.

Weighing the books in my hand, I trudged to the cashier and got them paid.

I'd give her this later, hopefully if she accepted to meet me again. I'd planned something for us both and I just wished she'd accept to go out with me.


I winced for the second time as Minda continued to yell out the same statement over and over again.

"He said he loves you? Axel freaking loves you? Why I'm I not even surprised? It was obvious from the day they both started fighting over you. You, my dear are caught in a love triangle."she gushed dreamily.

I sighed as I took a bite of my salad. We were having lunch on my bedroom balcony which overlooked the beautiful flower garden.

"For the record, Minda , what you're saying is just absurd. Axel's confused. He just wants to use that as leverage to get closer to me again. You can't possibly expect me to believe him."

Minda gave me a pointed look.
"I know what you're doing. You're only acting out because you learnt of the fact that Alan's engaged.."I made an attempt to stop her but she raised her hands in silence.

"Don't say anything, young lady? No matter what you say, nothing will let me change my mind about what I'm going to say. "

She held my gaze,"You're in love with Alan. And you never stopped loving him. You've only just shut out your heart because you're angry and hurt about what happened five years ago.
And hearing about him being engaged to Hannah Duncan just broke you."

I paused, contemplating her words. Had I developed an ice cold heart? Was I refusing to acknowledge the love I'd had for that black haired, hazel eye coloured man. A love that could possibly be still existent?

"You might refuse to accept but you never stopped loving, Alan. Under normal circumstances, you'd have tried to talk Axel out of it. But what did you do?"she asked thoughtfully,"Oh yes. The exact opposite. You reacted out of jealousy when you heard that he was engaged. Stop denying yourself of your feelings. He apologized sincerely, didn't he? So why can't you forgive him and start over with him?"

I sighed. Minda was right but I wasn't accepting the fact that I loved Alan anymore. The past just had to stay in the past.

"Fine. I'll make up with him." Minda had a gleeful smile on her face,"Just as friends."and just like that her smile fell.

"It's fine though. It's better than none. Why don't you call him to meet -"

"What are you doing here unannounced, Sasha?" I heard my grandfather's aggravated yell.


My mother was here.

Hii lovelies. Finally done with the Ninth chapter. Hope you liked it.

Lemme know what you think about it in the comments section.

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Love you all,


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