The Second Chapter

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I could remember the first day of my training as a proper lady. My grandfather had made sure to hire one of the best etiquette instructors to tutor me.
Her name was Elise,a thirty-five year old woman who was keen on her job. She made sure I learnt the art of ladyhood from my dressing to how I ate. She was perfection and I strived to be perfect so my grandparents would be pleased.

But right now, I couldn't help but feel like a disappointment to them as I started at the tabloid on the newspaper.

The Tomboy Wears A Gown And Her Knights In Shining Armor Come To Her Rescue.
It was inadvertently a huge surprise when businessman Ricardo Salvador made known the existence of his supposed granddaughter, the apparent child of Mariano Salvador,his only son who sadly died from a gruesome car crash. However on her official debut as a newly added member of the elite society,it proves that she is not adapt in their ways.
It appears Regina Alma Salvador lived her life as a tomboy thus giving her inexperience in the ways of the rich.

Her speech lacks the needed elegance and her demeanor is utterly plain. Looking at the previous night's events, it could be seen that the girl lacks the charisma and gracefulness she needs. Noting her stiff posture and her tripping, things could have spiralled out of control. If not for the saving grace of cousins, Alan and Axel Elmer, our dear damsel in distress would evidently be terribly injured. Now a question has been raised by people wondering if a simple girl as her has the criteria to lead a business company successfully.

My grandfather grunted angrily as he glared at the tabloids, my grandmother's efforts to calm him down proving effortless.

"Damn paparazzi. Can't they ever stop writing fake news? I can't believe that already Regina is the topic of the day but not in a good way. I just lost my appetite."he muttered before leaving the dining table.

I sighed and my grandmother cast a wary glance at me." It will be alright dear. We'll fix this."and with that she also left me alone to eat breakfast. I stared at the plate of pancakes in front of me. I almost gave up on eating but I didn't want Harley, our chef to feel terrible about us not eating so I forcefully gulped them down.

Moments later, Minda casually strolled into the dining area, taking a seat and grabbing the rest of the pancakes left untouched.

"Good morning, Alma."she muttered, slowly cutting her pancake before taking a bite,"i I saw the tabloid on yesterday's event. Or should I say accident?"

"It was a disaster if you ask me."i huffed,"and why where they both there in the first place? I'm pretty sure we didn't spill too much info about our identities to them, did we?" Irritation surged through as I recalled the unexpected and undesired encounter with those two men. I never expected to ever see any of them after the incident five years ago but as ill luck would have it,here I was meeting them again in the most uncomfortable of situations.

Minda looked to be in thought." Actually you interacted with them and not me, my dear. You had them both wrapped around your fingers. I'd never seen a heated love triangle such as yours before."she snickered playfully making me scoff.

"Oh please Minda. It was more like a competition with me being the prize. It was like I was property that could be owned and that was disrespectful towards me and my feelings. They're both dimwitted idiots to think I was merely an object and I'd be foolish to associate myself with them ever again."

"Whatever you say, your majesty. But I do know you were interested in A-"
I cut her off.

"That's in the past, Minda."i deadpanned."I have no feelings for any of them."

"If you say so. Anyways I came to get you cause we're going out for shopping."

"No we're not. Have you forgotten the tabloids and the paparazzi? And the people. They'd definitely stare."

"Well my dear, haven't you ever heard that people stare at beautiful things. Let them stare all they want. You're beautiful and you shouldn't hide it. Now get your butt of the seat and let's get you dressed."she muttered excitedly.

I groaned internally at her words. Minda getting me dressed meant trouble. After minutes of scanning and changing of clothes, she finally settled on a white tube top matched to a blue jeans hot pants and black knee length boots.

"Perfect."she gasped,"now let's see what the paparazzi has to say after seeing this look."she winked mischievously at me.

Grabbing my hands,we walked out to her car,a black Porsche. The ride to the mall was utterly noisy with music blasting in the car and Minda's shrill voice in combination.

I was sure I'd get ear problems after this.

The Aqua Blues mall was our destination.

"Come on, Alma. Forget about the world for a while. Let's have fun."she said dragging me into the first clothing store we sighted.

But I guess having fun was out of the question because Alan Elmer was right in front of me,a girl in his arms.

Hiiiiiiiiiiiii my lovelies, second chapter is here. What do you think about it? Don't forget to leave your comments and your votes.

Love you all


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