The Sixteenth Chapter

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Alma had been found.
I wasn't supposed to care for her but when I learnt about the state she was in when she was found, I couldn't help myself.

She was in an accident.
The thought of her stuck in the car for almost two hours in that huge mass of water tore at my heart.

I paced up and up the hospital's hallway, waiting for some news from the doctor. Tobias hadn't moved from his seat since we'd come and it was over three hours since we arrived here.

"Tobias, where's my daughter? Where's Alma?"
My eyes met with Sasha, the woman I'd met in the bookstore. She was Alma's mother?

"Calm down, sister. She's in the ICU now. They completed her operation but she's still in critical condition. The doctors are attending to her."she broke down crying and Tobias held her and led her to sit as her body continuously shook with tears.

"What happened to her, Toby?" Tobias looked at me but I looked away. I felt like I was at fault.
Maybe I should have listened to her before acting out.
I wondered why she did it. Did she think ending her life would make things easier?

My thoughts wondered back to the moment they'd retrieved her car out of the river. I shuddered when I saw her stiff,cold body bleeding. She could've died if it wasn't for the fact that that road had security cams and the moment her car had plummeted into the river had been captured.

When Tobias had received the call in the middle of our conversation, I hadn't expected it to bear this grave news.

I sighed as I gripped my hair in anxiety. Why had the doctors taken so long?

"Sister, Alma's car fell over the old Delta bridge. She was stuck in her car for almost two hours. "Sasha looked like she would die right now as she listened to Toby's explanation. She began to hyperventilate but Tobias reassured her about Alma's safety,"luckily she didn't suffocate because of the air bag in the car. However the water managed to crack her rolled up windows so she has a couple of cuts but don't worry, she'll be fine."

"Tobias, how can you tell me not to worry? My daughter was stuck in her car underwater for almost two hours and you expect me to calm? I can't be calm. I can't."she started crying again.

"Miss Sasha, I know you can't stop worrying but I'm sure Alma wouldn't be pleased to find you like this when she wakes up. Please try to cheer up. She will be fine."I said walking to her.

She looked at me before a look of recognition filled her eyes and a forced smile made it's way to her face
"My boy, it's you. It's nice to meet you again. Did your little lady like the books I'd helped you pick?"I stiffened at her words.
If only she knew that my little lady was her daughter, the same woman who was fighting for her life in the ICU and that I was most probably the reason she was there, I'm sure she'd kick me out.

"Anyways I never learnt your name. What's your name, my boy?"

"Alan, Miss Sasha. I'm Alan Elmer." Shock filled her eyes before terror filled her eyes.
"Alan Elmer, what are you doing here? You're not part of our family so please leave."Miss Sasha was glaring heatedly at me and I flinched at her gaze. Hatred filled her eyes that I thought I'd perish there and then.

"Miss Sasha, I'm a friend of Alma's. I was with Toby when he'd received the call. "

"Her friend? How is that possible? I told Regina to stay away from you and your family."she yelled and Tobias flinched. She looked angry and then her mood shifted as if she'd just realized something.

"Regina disobeyed me. My daughter disobeyed me and did what I'd asked her not to."

"Just leave, Alan. I don't want you anywhere near my daughter. When she wakes up, I'll have her know that she can't meet you again."

I grimaced at her words. I'd already done her job for her yet here I was still waiting for news from the doctors. I was being foolish, staying here when I wasn't needed.

I turned to Tobias and he nodded gratefully. He'd let me know about Alma's condition once she was fine.

I turned to walk away when the doctor came out of the ICU halting my movements.

Miss Sasha rushed to him in anguish, almost pushing the doctor down.
"How's my daughter doing doctor?"

The doctor looked at us with gloomy eyes that made my heart widen with fear.

Alma had to be fine.

"Your daughter is a fighter, ma'am. It's actually a miracle she survived being underwater for nearly two hours. She's been currently stabilized, however she developed pneumonia because of the freezing temperature of the water. It didn't help that it was raining but we've also gotten it under control. The-"

"Doctor, can we see her?" Miss Sasha cut him off and the doctor let out an annoyed huff.

"Yes you can but she's still in critical condition so you'll have to wear protective clothing."

"I want to see my daughter now."

"Yes ma'am but before you go there's one more thing you need to know."

"What is it, doctor?"

"The accident hit your daughter pretty hard and her spine got a huge hit."
My eyes widened at his words. No it couldn't be. His words however confirmed my fears.

"I'm sorry ma'am but your daughter won't be able to walk."

Ta daaa. How was the sixteenth chapter? Did you like it?
I hope you did.

Did anyone think Alma would die?


Did anyone think Alan would care? Do you think he's being foolish?

Let me know what you think.

Unexpectedly the doctor says that Alma can't walk.
Alma's now crippled?
Oh God, let me know what you think of the situation.

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Love you all,


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