The Eleventh Chapter

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I silently studied the beautiful woman seated across me. She fidgeted in her seat, clearly she was worried about something.

"Are you alright, Alma?"I asked her and she jumped, startled.
I furrowed my eyebrows in concern. When she'd asked to see me for the second time, she was cheery but now it seemed something was bothering her.

"I'm alright, Alan. Nothing's wrong with me. I'm perfectly fine."her response was strained and I had the urge to press her to tell me what was wrong with her but I stopped myself. I couldn't do that, she barely trusted me.

I sighed and glanced at her,"You wanted to see me Alma. What's the matter?"

The words she uttered next were enough for me to forget about her disturbed state.

"I want us to be friends again, Alan. I know that you deeply regret your actions in the past and I'm willing to reconcile with you. What do you say?"

I had no words to express the immense feeling welling up in me.

"Alma, I'd love to be friends with you again. I promise you I'll never take your friendship as a joke ever again. I'd do anything to make you happy."I gushed and she let out a laugh.

"Calm down, Alan. There's no need to make promises. I know you'll do your best."

She trusted me without any questions.
I was so overwhelmed with feelings, she'd forgiven me so easily and I'd do everything to make sure she never regretted her decision.


I was using Alan.
The guilt that flowed through me when I observed his excited look was immense.

I wondered about what would happen if he found out that he was currently serving as a pawn in my game, that I'd apparently forgiven him when the truth of the matter was I still couldn't let go of my hurt and anger towards him.

I must be such a good actress, I thought icily, fooling him with a forced smile on my face when all I wanted was information from him.

I knew this was a low blow but I didn't care. My curiosity piqued up the moment I learnt the truth and I wouldn't be able to rest until I'd gotten to the bottom of it.

We spent the day talking and laughing at random things but the guilt that coursed through me was immense.

Swallowing it down, I fixed my mind on my aim, finding out the truth.

"I want you to meet my grandmother, Alma."I stilled at his words.

My mother's words rang continuously in my heard.

I was supposed to stay away from her yet here I was leading myself right to the slaughterhouse.


Hillary Elmer was definitely not pleased when her eyes landed on me,then to Alan and I's intertwined hands.

"What is this girl doing here Alan?"anger was laced in her tone yet she managed to suppress it.

"Grandma, don't do this now. I brought Alma here because she's my friend and I wanted you to meet her officially. She's having dinner with us."
He said as he dragged me to their dining room. With a kiss on my forehead,he left to freshen up.

A few moments later, Hillary Elmer entered, her icy glare settled on me.

She sat gracefully at the head of the table.
"Why are you here, girl?"
It was a simple question but I sat fidgeting in my seat.

It was impossible for me to tell her I was here because I was using her grandson as a tool to knowing the truth.
Sensing my distress,a cynical smile made a way to her lips.
"They sent you, didn't they? And you came. To find out the truth about your father's death, isn't it child?"

My blood turned cold at her words and my eyes widened.
How could she have known?
Was I that plain with my emotions?

She continued, ignoring my panicked stance.
"And you're trying to use my grandson to get to me, isn't it?"

I gulped visibly and she grinned.
"Will you not answer me girl? I posed three questions to you and I'm waiting for your answer. Tell me-"

She was cut short when Alan strode into the room.
He noticed the tension in the room and his eyes flickered from me to his grandmother before he sat beside me at the right side of the table.

"Is everything okay?"he asked worriedly.

"Yes."I answered but nothing was okay. I was barely through my plan and already someone had unraveled my intentions.

This was bad.

All through dinner, my mind kept on whizzing and I barely ate. I was so glad when it ended, I needed to get away from that woman.

I waited for Alan at the foyer as he got his car keys and she suddenly appeared beside me, whispering before she left me standing, panicked.

"I have eyes on you, girl. Don't cross me because I'm sure you wouldn't want to end up like your father or have a worse fate. Stay away from my grandson and you'll get to keep your life."

Hiii lovelies. It's been dreadfully long since I updated and I'm so sorry. I've been busy with classes and I was suffering from major writer's block. But thankfully, here's the eleventh chapter.

I hope you liked it.
Don't forget to vote and comment as well.

Love you all,


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