Um... I'm Back? Oh and (Y/N) is Threatened

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It's been quite a while since the last update. Things have happened.

First off, the boys have really started getting good with their singing and dancing. They practice just about every day after school. They're really working hard to achieve their dream.

Tae is apparently still working on this song for me. He told me he wants it to be perfect.

Honestly whatever he does is perfect.

We're back at school now.


Yuna and her little followers have not stopped trying to make my life hell. If anything they have gotten worse since they found out about the little "trip" the boys and I went on.

I wish they would leave me the hell alone.

The glares, the theoretical scenarios of beating me up, they won't stop.

It's getting to be too much.

Taehyung has somehow managed to work his school schedule around so he can walk me to each class.

Amazing how his charm even works on the administrators. I think he is also noticing Yuna getting more hostile towards me.

I never thought I would have death threats against me, let alone by another high schooler.

This is crazy.

At the moment we are sitting on the roof of the school. We don't feel like the tree is the best option right now.

"Noona are you ok?" Kookie asks me. I look over to him. He looks concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say. Probably not convincingly enough. I'm a bad liar.

"Okay," he says with a frown. I look away.

"(Y/N) we aren't going to let anyone hurt you. I can promise you that," Jin says to me. I just nod.

I'm not really scared, but I am worried.

I shouldn't let it get to me. I don't think she would really do anything, especially if she doesn't want to ruin her reputation. Orange definitely isn't her colour.

*time skip brought to you by BUTTER. STREAM IT*

Well this blows. Somehow I got separated from the boys. I have no idea how that happened. They are usually stuck to me like glue.

And Taehyung never lets me out of his sight.

Well shit.

Here comes Queen C*nt herself.

"So where are they? Did they finally drop you? Slut," Yuna says with a sneer.

"We got separated," I reply in a small voice. I'm more confident than I used to be but she still scares me when she's up close. She might actually touch me.

"Good! Without them around I can do what I want and you can't stop me cuz you're a little wimpy bitch."

Oh lord.

Whats she going to do?

For some reason her minions aren't backing her up like usual. They're standing behind her but not smirking or laughing like they always do.

"Yuna, a teacher is coming down the hall! Let's go already. Just leave her alone. She isn't worth it," I hear one of them whisper.

Yuna looks down the hall and rolls her eyes. Then she glares at me.

"Listen here whore. You need to get the hell away from them. They are mine. You hear me? Mine! Not yours. If you don't leave this school and get the hell out of this town you will pay. I have ways to make you disappear and get away with it. You have until tomorrow."

She gives me one last shove against the wall and walks away. Both of her followers look back at me with looks of sympathy.


Now I'm terrified.

hi. I hope someone is still reading this. If not, that's okay. I know I basically abandoned this story. But I want to finish it. Hope someone's enjoys.


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