Bad News

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I'm looking forward to school today.

Or more I'm looking forward to seeing Tae. I found out a lot more about him yesterday. I'm so glad I decided to take that step and talk to him.

I sing some Big Bang songs while getting ready. To fill the silence. I miss my parents. I hope they can come home soon. As much fun as it is to be by myself I'm kind of lonely.

I finish getting ready and make sure I have all my things, then I leave, making sure to lock the door behind me. I'm like way early because I was excited so I decide to walk to the boys'. I wonder why they all live together?

I get to their house and knock on the door, feeling way too giddy. The door opens revealing a confused and sleepy Yoongi. "(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" He asks yawning. I giggle. "I was just really early for school so I thought I would come here. I was also bored at home. My parents are still in America for work," I explain. He just nods and motions for me to come in.

As soon as I step in the house I'm greeted with the smell of bacon. My mouth waters a bit. <not mine. I hate bacon. I don't like pork tbh> I follow Yoongi to the kitchen. All the boys are there eating breakfast. They look up and smile when they see me. Tae's eyes brightened when he saw me. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Good morning boys," I chirp and wave. "Good morning!" They all say back at the same time, except for Yoongi of course. "Why are you here Noona?" Jimin asks. "I was bored at home. So I thought we could all walk together to school," I shrugged. I could see Tae's eyes light up again. He's really making me think he actually does like me.

But is it real?

"Would you like some breakfast?" Jin asked from the stove. "Ah. No thank you Eomma. I ate before I came," I reply. He smiles. "You're the only one who I allow to call me that," he tells me. I look at the others. "It's true. I called him that once and got smacked with a spatula," Hobi says. I laughed.

*walking to school*

I was walking in the middle of Taehyung and Hobi. Hobi is just about as awake as me. He's literally bouncing around. I shake my head. I saw Taehyung look down at me and smile. Then he "sneakily" intertwines our fingers. I look at him and he blushes. I just smile and swing around arms. I'm okay with this.

Taehyung's POV

I thought she would pull away. But I'm glad she didn't. She seemed happy that I did this.


She does like me back.

We held hands all the way to school. As we were waking toward the entrance doors I see Yuna and her little minions. She glares at Noona and notices our hands. Her eyes widen but quickly narrow. She turns away and continues talking to her friends. I hope she doesn't try anything.

I walk Noona to her first class. Before she walks inside I pull her in for a hug. She quickly returns it and my heart goes crazy. Then she pulls back, smiles sweetly and goes inside. I head to my own class.

*time skip to lunch*

All of us decide to eat lunch together today at the tree. I'm glad Noona isn't alone anymore on the rooftop. I'm still trying to get her to eat lunch but she refuses.


We were all chatting and eating when we heard a phone ring. It was Noona's. She glanced confused for a moment then answered it. Her face changed from confused to shocked to pure agony. We all looked at her with worry.

"T-thank you for letting me know. Yes please do. I-it's okay. Bye," she says then hangs up. She puts her phone down and everything is silent.

"(Y/N)? What happened?" Jin-hyung asks softly. She doesn't answer. "(Y/N). Please," Namjoon-hyung says reaching over to her. She still doesn't answer but instead grabs hold of my shirt and buries her face in it. I flinch in shock. She starts sobbing. Loud. "Noona! What's wrong?" I ask panicking.

"M-m-my p-par-rents. Th-they're g-g-gone!" She cries even harder. We look at eachother. I hold her tighter and stroke her hair. "What happened Noona?" Jungkook asks. She tries to answer but her sobs keep her from talking. My heart hurts seeing her like this. I want to cry seeing her cry.

The only thing I can do is hold her. Give her comfort.

The bell rings to go back to class.

I whisper to the others, "you can go to class if you want. I'm going to stay here with her. She shouldn't be alone right now and I know she won't want to go to class like this." They all shake their heads. "We're staying as well. We never leave family alone at times like these," Yoongi-hyung states. Everyone nods in agreement. "We will stay as long as we need," Hobi-hyung adds on.

She eventually cries herself out and falls asleep against my chest. We didn't know what to do so we kind of stayed seeing how long it would take for her to wake up. We were just watching her and talking quietly amongst ourselves when the head principal comes up to us.

"What are you all doing out here? You should all be in class," he says. Then he sees Noona sleeping on me. "Wait. Is that Miss (L/N)?" We nod. "We have been looking for her. But by the look of her she knows already. Poor thing. We called her Aunt and Uncle back in Daegu. She will be moving there tomorrow."

"What!?" I say a little too loud.

"Hyung quiet!" Jungkook whisper shouts.


"Sir if it's not too much trouble we could look after her. She's become special to us and something a little more special to one of us. We don't want to lose her," Namjoon speaks up. He really is a great leader.

"Well, I don't know. That's up to her. And her family in Daegu," the principal says. "Please, we want to help her," I softly whisper. By this point I'm letting tears out from the thought of losing her again. I already almost did once.

He stares at me. "She became something more than just a friend to you didn't she?" I just nod in reply. He sighs. "I'll see what I can do. For tonight if she is okay with it she can stay at your house. You all have an extra room right? All your parents bought an eight bedroom house?" "Yes sir," Yoongi-hyung states. "Alright. Take her there tonight. I'll call her Aunt and Uncle and talk with them to figure this out. Make sure she comes to school tomorrow,he orders. "We will sir. Thank you so much," Jimin-hyung thanks and bows. He smiles a little then walks away.

"Oh! I'll also let all of your teachers know what happened so you won't be in trouble for skipping."

"Thank you, sir" Namjoon says.

"Well, we better get her home. She can wear some of Jimin's clothes tonight since he is closest to her size. I'll wash her clothes tonight so they are clean for tomorrow," Jin-hyung says. I nod and carefully pick her up. I carry her bridal style to the house. My heart picks up speed when she snuggles into me. Kookie and Jimin-hyung both have a mix between a smirk and a smile seeing me. I roll my eyes.

I hope she can stay with us.

Saranghae 💖

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