Its Official, (Y/N) is Now a Member Of House Bangtan

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Tae's POV


She said yes!

I can't believe it! This is a big step for her. It must have been hard for her to agree. I'm so proud she didn't run.

I ran to her and picked her up in a hug. I spun her around and she started laughing. "Taehyung put me down!" She yelled and started hitting my back. I laughed and set her down, holding her waist so she doesn't fall over.

We finally calmed down and we all sat on the couches and floor. I sat next to Noona. Namjoon-hyung was the first to speak.

"We are so happy you chose to stay (Y/N). I promise we will be here for you. We will help you in any way we can. But we do have a question. You haven't told us yet." She looked at him like she knew what he was talking about.

Noona took a deep breath and looked down. I held her hand for comfort. She looked at me then back down to our hands.

"They were on a train going from one city to another and it derailed. Apparently there was a flaw in the building of part of the tracks that no one noticed. They w-were...." she trailed off and her eyes watered. I pulled her into me and rocked her a bit, rubbing her arm.

"I'm sorry (Y/N). I shouldn't have asked," Namjoon-hyung said quietly. I held Noona until she calmed down a bit. She sat up when she finally stopped crying. She looks so helpless and fragile.

But also so beautiful, even from crying.

"It's okay, Namjoon. I know you were all just curious. I want to say thank you though. For everything. For being my friends. For taking me in. For dealing with my shyness. I appreciate it so so much."

Can she get any cuter!?

We chuckled. "It's not a problem, (Y/N). We love having you here. And we love having you as our friend," Jin-hyung spoke up. Everyone nodded in agreement. Noona smiled a genuine smile. It warmed my heart.

We sat for a little bit just talking until a phone rang. We all checked our phones but it turns out it was Noona's. She excused herself and went upstairs. I wanted to follow but I respect her privacy.

So we decided to listen from the bottom of the basement steps.


"Hello?" I said into my phone. It was my Aunt.

"(Y-YN)? Oh honey I'm so sorry!" She was crying. I teared up but didn't let any fall. "I'm sorry as well Auntie. She was your sister. I just can't believe this happened," I told her. "I know sweetie. But I wanted to ask you something. I got a call from your principal. Apparently some friends of yours offered to let you stay with them?" She asked me. She sounds suspicious. I don't blame her.

"Yes. They did. They all live in a house together that their parents bought. One of them who we call the leader called all the parents. They said it was okay," I explained.

I guess it sounds sketch when said aloud doesn't it?

"Is that want you want (Y/N)? You trust them enough? I know how shy you are," Auntie said cautiously. I love how much she cares.

"Auntie they have helped me so much with that. They brought me out of my shell. They are helping me through my shyness. One of them, Jungkook, deals with it as well. Not as bad as me but they all helped him and he knows what to do. I love all of them. They are true friends," I began crying from happiness this time. I heard Auntie giggle.

"Alright sweetheart. I can hear how much you care for those friends of yours. You sound a lot happier then when you were here. I'll call your principal and give him my consent. I don't want you to lose your friends."

"Omg really!? Thank you Auntie!" I can't believe she said yes! Wait until I tell the boys. "You're welcome, darling. Just be careful. Oh. I don't want to bring down the mood, but I also was calling to let you know I will take care of the funeral arrangements. It's too much for you to handle by yourself. I'll call you when I have details, okay?" Auntie said sadly.

"Thank you. Please let me know. I love you." "I love you too, honey." We hung up. I'm sad but also happy that I can stay. I wiped my eyes and took a breath. Then went back downstairs.

I got down and the boys were looking suspiciously like they were trying to hear what I was saying from upstairs. I put my hands on my hips and raised a brow.

"Trying to eavesdrop boys?" I scolded jokingly. Seven faces went red and looked away from me. It was so funny I couldn't help but laugh. "Y-you should see your f-faces!" I sputtered out between laughs.

Bad move.

I barely had time to register all of them look at eachother and then pile on top of me. They all decided to tickle me! It was too much! "I can't! I can't breathe! I give! Please! Stop!"

The boys stopped and let me sit up. I was panting. "Don't mess with us Noona. We have ways to get you back," Jimin said lowly. If it weren't for that cute mochi grin it would have been intimidating. I stuck my tongue out and giggled.

We sat in a circle on the floor. "So (Y/N) what was that call about?" Hobi asked. "It was my Aunt. She got the call from the principal. She was asking me what I wanted to do. I told her," I answered kind of.

"And? Get to the point woman!" Yoongi almost shouted impatiently.

"Calm your tits, boy!" I challenged. I know he's known as "the scary one" but in my steps to be more outspoken I'm not going to let him get to me or talk to me like that.

"Boy? Excuse you I'm older than you." He glared.

"True. But that doesn't mean you can talk to me like that. To earn respect you have to give it, not scare people for it. Do not talk to me like that again," I said in the most serious voice I can do.

Yoongi went quiet. His eyes went wide. Then he cleared his throat. "You're the first one to talk back." I stayed silent.

Maybe I went too far?

"I'm impressed," Jungkook spoke up suddenly. I stared at him confused. "Well done Noona. Not even us would be brave enough to speak back to Yoongi-hyung." I smiled a little. Yoongi kept staring at me with a mixture of "wtf" and fluster.

"Anyway. Back to the call. What did she say after you told her you want to stay?" Jin asked. "Oh right. She said she's okay with it! Before she got off she told me she would call the principal back and let him know. I can stay!" I said excitedly.

The boys jumped up and began flailing around. Yoongi however just smiled a little. I hope I didn't make him hate me.

He came up and hugged me. The others stopped and stared in shock. I stayed completely still. "I'm proud of you (Y/N). For how far you've come. I admire and respect you for having the courage to stand up for yourself against me," he whispered in my ear. I smiled warmly and hugged him back.

Suddenly we were pushed to the floor. That one hug turned into a pile on from the Maknae line. Aish these boys. I laughed and let it happen.

I'm so glad my Aunt said it was okay for me to live with these boys. They are special to me. I can't wait to see what happens now.


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