Yuna is Heckin Crazy

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Author POV
Next Day

The boys are at school. They are really hoping to find (Y/N). They're hoping beyond hope that she'll be here.

She called herself in for the rest of the week, stating anxiety and the stomach flu.

"Does anyone see her?" Jimin asks.

The boys shake their heads.

It's lunch time and they are at the tree. They checked the roof already and was disappointed to find that their girl was no where to be seen.

From the corner of his eye, Jungkook sees a familiar face coming towards the group. He turns to see who it is.

Too bad it's just Yuna. Her friends are with her.

"What the actual fuck do you want you selfish fucking bitch?"

"Jimin calm down," Namjoon says sternly.

"Oppa what's wrong? Where's (Y/N)?" Yuna asks in her well known fake girly voice.

"We should be asking you that. You're the one who threatened her," Jin says through gritted teeth.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Yuna says, getting mad. How dare they blame her? She didn't make that bitch leave. She chose to. At least she finally fucking listened. Now Yuna can have all the boys to herself.

"The fuck you don't. We know what you said. We know what you did. You've been after Noona since the day she moved here," Jungkook almost yells.

Yuna laughs. The boys jump slightly from the sudden outburst.

"So that stuck up bitch finally listened. Do you not realize she was using you? She only wanted you for the attention. She never actually cared about any of you. The thought she could use you to become popular, to gain friends. And you all fell for it. She doesn't care about you. She only cared about your popularity. I mean, look at how she started talking to you all. Only after you chased after her. That whole shy demeanor was all an act. And you believed it."

The boys just stare. She's wrong. Isn't she? She can't be correct on this.

But is she wrong?

She has to be.

"When she realized that I saw right through that fake ass act, she ran. She knew she was caught. And now that she's gone, You can hang out with someone who is real, who is genuine."


Taehyung is beside himself. He's holding back tears.

Is Yuna right? He thinks back.

(Y/N) ran when they first introduced themselves. If she thought about using them, wouldn't she have started the moment they met?

And what about when Hobi tried passing that note? She responded about how their "fans" would be upset. If she didn't care about that, she wouldn't have attempted to get them to leave her alone.


"Yuna you're a god damn mother fucking liar!" Jungkook screams.

The boys turn to him.

"Noona is not like that. And she never will be. If she didn't care, if she was using us, she wouldn't have ran the first time we met her. She would have started trying to use us then. And we would have noticed. If she didn't care, she wouldn't have tried to get us to ignore her because of our so called 'fans' aka you and your bitchass friends. If she didn't care, she wouldn't have left because she was so worried about us after your threats. She left because she was scared for us more than she was for herself. She was so scared of what you would do if she didn't leave. I can't believe how you're STILL lying to us!!!"

Jungkook is right. All of that was true.

"My jagi is not selfish! She never will be! She cares for us more than anyone ever will. She loves us so much. She would never use us!" Tae yells. He has tears running down his face.

Yuma's face goes dark. "Jagi!? What the hell do you mean jagi!? You two are together???"

Tae hesitates. Technically no they aren't. But she did confess in that letter didn't she?

"Yes they are. And you don't have the right to stop them. They love each other. They are meant to be together. Taehyung got (Y/N) to open up. He got her to talk. He got her to break out of her shy little shell. Break down walls. Trust people. He got her to trust us," Hoseok says proudly.

If it was possible Yuna's face became even darker.


The boys stare in complete stunned shock.

"I know where she is. My dad knows everyone in this stupid fucking town. I will find her. I will destroy her. She will be no more. You all are mine. And mine only. I deserve you. Not her."

" I will destroy the one you love if you do not become mine."

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