Hoseok's Attempt

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Day number two at my new school.

After lunch and running from the boys, classes were, well, not great. Namjoon and Hoseok are in my last two classes. They left me alone.

I know I shouldn't have ran. But I was overwhelmed. Especially with that hug from Taehyung. Why did he have to do that?

I'm getting more stares today. This time from girls. They're glaring.



At least they won't pretend to like me. I keep my head down and walk to class.

I sit at my desk and keep my head down. I hear whispers.

"Who does she think she is? Better than us?"

"Yeah I think she thinks she's too cool to talk to us."

"I saw her talking with BTS yesterday. Tae hugged her and she ran!"

"Really? She thinks she better than them as well? Well, that's good for us. She better stay away from them. What a bitch."

I frowned. I'm not a bitch, just shy. I really wish I could get over this. But it isn't that easy when you have been this way your whole life.

*time skip to lunch*

There is no way I'm going back to that tree. I'll go to the rooftop. No one ever goes there. I can be alone and think.

I make it to the rooftop and sigh loudly. What am I going to do? I don't want people to hate me. I want someone to realize I'm just shy. I want help.

I think back to those boys. They seemed nice. They came up to me on their own. But what if it was a joke? What if they were doing the same thing those girls did back in Daegu?

I hope not. At least Taehyung and Jungkook seemed real. Taehyung's smile was so cute I actually smiled for real when I saw it. That hug he gave me was really tight as well.

Stop it heart!

No beating hard like that, you don't even know them.

*time skip to the last class of the day*

Creative writing. Namjoon and Hoseok have this class with me. I don't pay any attention to them, but I can feel their eyes on me.

I was listening to Mr. Wang talk when I see a piece of paper land on my desk. I glance around and my eyes met Hoseok's. I look down at the paper. I open it with shaky hands.

We didn't mean to scare you. Please talk to us. Students are talking and saying throngs that I don't think are true.

Is he only wanting to see if I'm a bitch or not? I glance back at him. He has a soft smile.

Hmm...maybe I should talk to BTS.


Those girls. I don't think they would be happy with me. They seem to like these boys a lot.

I'm sorry but no. You have some...fans I guess...who would hate me even more. Have you not seen the glares I'm getting? Please just leave me alone.

I sent the paper back. His smile faded. He looked at me and shook his head. I faced the front and ignored him the rest of class.

Class finally ended and I was walking out of the school when I was stopped by a couple girls. The ones who were talking about me earlier. One of them came right up to me. I could see her bad eyeliner application.

"Who do you think you are? You think you're better than us?" She asked in a fake high voice. I got scared. "I-I'm just sh-shy," I whispered and looked down. "Ha. I doubt that. You just think you're too cool for anyone. I heard about you and our Oppas, BTS. My poor Tae-oppa gave you a hug and you rejected it. And Hobi-oppa tried talking to you today. One of my girls saw you and him in class. Let me get one thing straight with you. They don't need a bitch like you. Don't taint them with your ugly bitch ass." She flipped her dyed blonde hair and walked away.

I went home and cried. I can't handle this. I don't want bullies. I just want some real friends.

Saranghae 💖

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