The Boy's Wake Up Shocker

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Am I sure I want to do this? Am I making a mistake?


But this is the only way to make sure the boys are safe.

At this point Yuna is unpredictable and she can do literally anything.

So I'm not taking any chances.

I take one last look at the house.

The house that the owners have so graciously let me into.

The house where I felt safe, warm, loved.

The house where I made actual friends.

"I'm sorry."

I turn around, and walk away.

I don't know where I'm going. I guess maybe to a hotel? At least for now. I wonder if I can move back into my Auntie and Uncle's house? I'm sure they would let me. I can just tell them that I've felt so homesick and upset because of my parents and I need my family. They don't need to know about what's going on with Yuna.

I take my phone out and stop walking.

Should I delete their numbers? Do I block them?

Maybe I should.

I'm too much of a coward to face them in person. I left them a letter by the fridge.

I don't want them to try to convince me to come back. They don't need this drama, and I don't want to be threatened anymore. I'm tired of it.

So I'll just leave.

Great. Now I'm crying.

I stop thinking about how much this hurts and pull up Google Maps ™️. I find the nearest decent hotel and head there.

(Mini time skip brought to you by my anger that my photos are gone from my chapters)

Once I'm in my room I flop on my bed. I lay there for a while thinking of what to do next.

Soon enough I fall asleep.

Author POV

The next day the boys woke up before (Y/N). Or so they thought.

"Where's Noona?" Jimin asked.

"Good question. She's usually up by now," Jin says as he's walking to the fridge. He stops right before he opens it. His head tilts sideways.

"Guys," he says low. He takes the letter off the fridge door.

"What's that Hyung?" Namjoon asks, confused.

"I think it's a letter from (Y/N)."

"What? Let me see!" Taehyung yells. Jin hands him the letter.

Tae opens the letter. His face hyper focused on the words the love of his life wrote.

Hey boys,

I know you must be so confused as to why this letter is on your fridge. Well, for one, I knew this would be the first place you would go after waking up lol.

But I'm gone. I've left.

I know, shocking. Little wimpy (Y/N) runs away again. I ran from my problems instead of facing them.

But I think I faced them long enough. I can't handle the threats anymore. What Yuna is doing is too much for me to deal with.

Also, that last threat really worries me.

I don't know what she is capable of and I'm not waiting around to find out.

This is the best for all of us. I want to keep you all safe.

Taehyung, I am so sorry to leave you.

I want you to know.

I love you.

I do. I love you. Your hugs, your smile, your touch.

I love when we hold hands. I love when you wrap your arms around me. I love how much you believe in me.

Thank you for protecting me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for not giving up on me.

But I need to leave. Please try not to find me. I honestly don't know where I'm going. But I want to make sure none of you are hurt because of me.

I love you all,


Taehyung continued to stare at the letter. It's silent in the kitchen. All seven boys have faces of shock and sadness.

"I can't believe she left," Hobi whispers.

"I can. She always runs. You know that. I thought she was getting better, but I guess not," Jimin says.

"That last encounter must have really scared her. Clearly she thinks this the best move," Namjoon states. The boys look to him.

"Where could she have gone?" Jungkook asks. The boys shrug.

"I don't know. But we need to find her. We need to show her that we can protect her. We need to let her know even more that we are here. We don't care what happens to us. Or, at least I don't care what happens to me! I need her back! I can't lose her. Even if Yuna somehow kills me, I don't care. As long as she's safe. I... I need her...." Taehyung begins to cry.

"It's okay Tae. We'll find her," Jin says. He gives Tae a big hug.

*I'm coming for you jagi* Tae thinks.

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