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Tomorrow I would finally be going back to school after a month. It had been a day or two since I had heard what Noah had said on the phone with Beth.

I don't trust either of them.

After I got done putting my shoes on I grabbed Alex's car seat with him inside and left my room.

My parents and other siblings had come back from their trip just yesterday night so everyone was home as of right now.

When I got downstairs mainly everyone was in the living room watching tv.

I walked in and sat the car seat down on the coffee table.

"Watch him real quick while I go make his bottles."

"Okay." Elizabeth grinned picking Alex up out of his car seat.

Now, who told you to do all of that?

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a three-ounce bottle out of the cabinet. I grabbed the formula that was by the baby warmer and put the right amount in the bottle.

I added some water and put the cap on the bottle so I could begin shaking it.

Once I was done I put it in the bottle warmer to warm it up a bit. I took the bottle out when it was ready and tested it on the back of my hand to see if it was the right temperature.

At the same time I was walking out of the kitchen my dad had walked in.

"Can I feed him?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yeah go ahead." I hand her the bottle. "You know how to hold him while you feed him right?"

"Yeah." She nodded and began feeding him properly.

I sat on the other couch and let out a loud sigh.

Alex had me up all night. He refused to go to sleep as if he was going to be missing out on something.

It was a good thirty minutes later when Alex was burped and fed. It was already twelve and his appointment was at 1:30.

I picked him up and sat him in his car seat. I strapped him in and put the blanket over the car seat.

"Alright, I'm leaving out mom!" I holler as I pick the car seat up.

"Do you want me to come with you? First-month checkups can be scary for new parents." She yelled back.

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking though."

I grab the baby bag and put it over my shoulder. I walked out of the house and went to my car.

Once I got his car seat secured in place I got in the car and started it up.

It only took me thirty minutes to arrive at the doctor's office. The longest part was probably finding a parking spot.


I was currently in the doctor's room waiting for Alex to get his shots. They had already weighed him and everything.

"Okay, Dad I need you to hold his arms like this." The nurse instructed. "We're going to be giving him two shots in each of his legs today." She then went on to inform me of all the shots and stuff like that.

"Okay, do you have any questions before I began giving him his shots?" She questioned as she got the tray with the needles and band-aids ready.

I think I was more scared about the needles than Alex was.

I winced as I watched the needle pierce his skin. I kissed the top of his head as he let out a couple of cries.

The nurse put a bandaid on it then grabbed another needle to repeat the process.

She did this three more times until we were finally done.

I turned Alex around and rested him on my shoulders so I could calm him down.

"Dr. Jamie should be in, in a moment. Is there anything else you need?" The nurse smiled up at me.

"Uh yeah."

It felt wrong to even ask this but for some reason, I didn't trust Beth and after what I heard the other day from Noah didn't help.

"I'd like to get a paternity test."

The nurse's face quickly turned to a frown. "Are you not sure that this is your baby?"


"Well, the thing is I'm not sure. His mom and I aren't together and I think she had something going on with my brother. " I tried my best to explain.

The whole situation is honestly embarrassing and sad.

"Okay. Well, we can do that." She nodded her head while taking her gloves off.

"Would it be possible to speed the process up?" I ask.

"Sorry but every test takes about a week or tw-"

She stops talking when she sees me take a couple of crisp hundreds out of my wallet

"I can get the results to you in at least two days." She quickly switched up.

I grinned at her and put the money in her hand. "Good."

"I'll be back. I need to go get the paternity kit."

not proofread. chileeeeee! Beth & Noah bout to be exposed ☕️ i feel so bad for Hunter's bc he's attached to baby Alex. did y'all read my new book yet?

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