3. Who Are You!

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Toca Toca was blaring through the speakers as the bartender filled twenty glossy shot glasses of tequila in front of me.

Twenty freaking shots of tequila getting ready to go down my throat.

"You sure, I have to do this? "

"What? You're just getting hammered at a party. Why does it sound like it's a rocket launcher? "

I still remember the last time I got drunk with merely fifteen shots of this burning liquid, I found myself in a strangers house the next morning, since he was busy with his boyfriend in his room, I was in his living room sleeping like it's my own house.

He was kind enough to recognize the fault of both of us and drop me back at my house. That time, I was not committed and neither did I narrate the sad story to anyone else after the incident.

So I was left alone to decide whether to accept this challenge or give up.

On one side, I can't say the reason for a no, since the stranger was Jackson's kind of neighbour. And on the other side, I can't say yes since the outcomes will not be so cool.

"You're scared. "

Not of my boyfriend, yes for myself.

"He's not rude to me. But this is too much for proof. "

I said and she pouted.

"This is not too much Glory. He's enjoying the scene. Show him that you are awesome. "

My eyes went wide.

"I'm not awesome, Bradley. "

I spat and she scrunched up her nose at me in disappointment and I rolled my eyes.

"Just do it and prove everyone wrong girl. Don't let her underestimate your freedom. "

Victor said behind us and Ashton already started cheering me.

"Yeah... Come on girl...! "

Just remember you said that.

I shut my eyes close and took a long breath. Slowly the others started cheering too. Jackson was not among the voices because he was concerned about people seeing me drunk in this particular dress as he said earlier.

I looked at the glasses again.

Fine. I'm gonna extinct soon.

I swung the first five glasses in a short span of seconds and Bradley started jumping with excitement.

"Come on baby..., you're doing great. "

"Stop being childish guys, she's not confident in getting drunk maybe. Why are you forcing her? "

Jackson finally spoke up and I turned to him.

"I am confident. "

That's it, and others started cheering louder.

This is my drunk self speaking, not me...!

I swung ten others faster than earlier and paused again.

"Awsome.... ! Five more and you win Glory. Just five more. "

I shook my head to clear my vision since the five glasses started appearing double for my eyes.

I can do it.

"Count it. "

I said and started finishing the rest.

"One...! "

Bradley said.

"Two...! "

Ashton said leaning beside me.

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