12. No Way

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"Mom, it's enough. I'm full. "

I said moving her hand carrying the last scoop of the soup away and she scowled at me.

"You're still my little boy. I know when your stomach is full. Now drink this. "

She said reaching me again. I shook my head but surrendered. She smiled and shuffled my hair.

"Good boy. "

My phone started going off intruding the moment and I tried to look at the caller ID. But before I could hardly sit up, she stopped me and I laid right back on the bed.

"You remember what the doctor said, right? Your head still needs rest. Especially the sensitive parts... --"

"But I.... --"

"Which includes your eyes. "

"But I still... --"

"And you're not moving from the spot for three days like the doctor said, no matter what happens. And I will look after everything on behalf of you. So stop stressing or I will become strict. "

I raised my hands in surrender and she got up from the bed smiling in satisfaction.

"Take a short nap if you want and call me if you need something. "

She said walking away.

"Mum...! "

I called and she turned her head towards me reaching the door.

"I love you. "

Was the only thing I could muster up to say to her.

"I love you more. "


He didn't answer my call. I felt angry and worried. So without lagging, I increased the speed of sprinting towards my destination.

It took almost an hour to reach there. The gate opened for me and I drove inside till the front. The man in black arrived opening the door near Harry and gasped. He looked towards me, but I was already getting out without waiting for him to acknowledge my presence. Since all of them saw me yesterday, no one blocked my way when I got inside.

I saw Ms Ivory coming out of the kitchen smiling at me. She approached me and I asked.

"Where is Nik? "

Her smile was replaced with confusion.

"He's upstairs. "

I didn't wait for another second before I ran up the stairs in search of my prey. And I finally saw the open room in which he laid peacefully hiding his face behind a novel. I stormed inside through the open door walking right in front of him.

"I called you. "

He just looked at me from the book he was reading with a blank face.

"Why didn't you pick up the phone? "

He had a band-aid on his forehead and his face was tired.

He ignored me and sighed looking back into the book before speaking.

"I also called you and you were busy playing thief police, I assume. But I'm not complaining like a five-year-old now. "

I went closer to his side.

"Because I was being followed by men with guns, literally getting ready to shoot me."

He didn't even look up.

"Good to know. At least now you got my point. "

I gaped and shook my head at him.

"You don't care. "

"No. "

He murmured.

"Because I'm just a stranger for you. "


He nodded still not looking up.

"A lier who was forced into your life to torment you. That's what you think of me, right? "

He smiled and looked at me finally.

"You're quite intelligent, I see. "

I felt very irritated.

"Go....to....hell....! "

I said before walking out of there.

"Thank you...! "

He yelled at me as I walked away.


I reached near the stairs and I calmed down my nerves before walking down.

I saw Harry talking to Ms Ivory and she holding his wounded hand delicately and talking carefully ushering him towards the couch.

Just like he sensed my presence, he looked up towards the staircase to find me approaching them.

"Here comes the devil. Ask her yourself. "

He said walking up the stairs ignoring me. I frowned at his attitude and looked at Ms Ivory. She offered a sad smile and approached me.

"Are you okay? "

She held my hands and asked. I smiled and looked down.

"I'm sorry about what happened to him. "

"Oh..., me too. I should have stopped him when he hurried out of the house in the early morning. No one thought that it's gonna end up like this. "

I frowned a little and looked up.

Harry got wounded when he barged inside our hiding place. And she's... Saying something else?

"I was calling him when it happened. It was a shock for me when I heard him..., Oh My God...! "

She was suddenly going to faint when I caught her.

"Ms Ivory? Are you okay? "

She looked up at me and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just by remembering the moment, I..., "

She trailed off looking up like trying to control her tears.

She's not talking about Harry.

"He's the most responsible among the three. "

She chuckled and looked at me. Her eyes were already filled. He held my hands like support and squeezed lightly.

"You seem very gentle towards him. And I'm happy that you're in his life. "

No way.

It's Nicklaus.

"And, it's already proven that he cares about you. As soon as he contacted us, the first thing he said is to send Harry and some extra men to your house. "

What happened to him?


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