38. It Was Him

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"You...? "

She stood there gaping at Tanner.

What did I miss?

"Hey..., you here? Can we..., can we talk? Glory, please excuse us. "

He said coming near and held her hand running upstairs dragging her behind him. I wanted to follow them and know what's going on, but then I resisted. It's not like, Bradley has so many secrets that I don't know. So I ignored them and turned to Nik.

"I need to go shower. Be back soon. "

I said and he nodded. Things between us are getting better now. More like I wanted it to be.

I smiled on my way to my room.

He's a good guy. And that's why he trust this. Something is there between us.

After keeping my laptop safe in the bag, I went to the bathroom for taking a shower. A hot shower in the cold weather did it for me. For staying calm, thinking slowly about the whole thing going on around me...

After I made sure that I'm not stressed anymore, I walked out of it and dressed up in fresh clothes. I didn't know how to make everything right, but I can try. So I decided to do the first right thing.

I dialled dad's number on my phone and connected the call. He picked up quickly just like he was waiting for it.


"Dad, can we talk? "


When I stepped into my mother's room, she was holding two big shopping bags in her hands walking towards the door. She saw me and smiled wide.

"Nicklaus, come in. Look at these. "

She pulled me inside closing the door and made me sit on the bed.

She took out a suit from one of the covers. It was my engagement suit. Full white with back tie and black belt.

"Isn't it perfect? "

She asked and I smiled.

"Yes, it is. "

It was charming. I don't know what's going to happen that day, but all that matters is how I make it believable that her plans are all working as she wanted. 

"You go give this to Glory. I have some calls to make for the event management crew to come over for the works. Day after tomorrow, you are getting engaged. "

Like I guessed.

"Okay. "

I left without another word towards Glory's room. She better have the plans ready.

I opened the door to see her sitting on her bed thinking about something serious.

"Hey, you okay? "

She got startled and turned to me.

"Yeah, I'm..., I'm fine. "

"You don't look fine. "

I said and frowned. She was sweating.

Something is wrong.

"What is it? "

I asked sitting beside her. She didn't look at me.

"Glory? Talk to me. "

"It's dad. I called him. "

"Why? "

"I wanted him to know that I'm okay. And..., he just asked me a lot of questions. And... --"

"And what? "

She started sobbing. She looked up into my eyes. She was crying.

"I don't know. I..., I'm scared. "

She hugged me.

"What is it? What did he say? "

"He's going to do something. "

She said and I pulled her away to face her.

"What? Why? "

"He knows. "

She said and sobbed.


"Why did you tell him? "

"I didn't mean to do that. Look, I can't hide anything from him. That's just the way he is. If he comes here..., I'm sure he'll do something bad. He..., he will find me. He will take me with him. "

She said and I frowned.

How bad that can be?

"And if he's coming here to take me, no matter what, he will do it. "

She said and I swallowed.

I hugged her again trying to calm her down when I heard someone walking inside the room before closing the door. We pulled away and looked back. It was Bradley.

"B....? "

She was almost terrified.

"Can you guys tell me what's happening here? "

"What happened to you? "

I asked and she swallowed the limp in her throat.

"The guy who you call your brother? I know him. "

She said and I frowned.

"Glory, you remember the guy I told you about, who helped me back then in the cafe? The stranger who paid my bill when my date left because of you? When this guy became your boyfriend?"

"The Sun Down Cafe? "

I asked still frowning.

"It was him, Tanner. "

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