35. They Are Alive

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"This can't be possible. No way..., this is true."

I muttering trying to hold it together. All this time...

"No way he's her son. "

Then I remember something.

"I always wanted a daughter. But God blessed me with a son. "

She was talking about him?

I covered my mouth with my hands.

"I can't believe this. All this time, she kept hiding this...? I mean..., why did she do that? "

Nik asked himself when I was trying to calm my nerves. But when the picture flashes in my mind, these goosebumps start tickling my skin.

"Who gave this to you Glory? "

She asked and when I turned towards her to answer, her phone started going off on the table and she turned to look at the screen.

"Excuse me, guys. "

She rushed upstairs with it and I signed leaning back on the couch. Because if I stand up, I may faint with all the high blood pressure.

"She was..., she was hiding this all this time? I..., I don't know what to think about this. "

"Neither do I. If she was chasing him, she knew about me too. And she wanted to make me go away, or..., him to hate me? I mean, why would she want that? What did I do to her? "

"None of these make any sense. Why would she put me in the middle to get rid of you? She..., cares about me. I know that. "

"Do you? "

I asked when he sat there confused.

"I do... Okay? I know her. She wouldn't hurt me or my brothers for any selfish reasons. I know that much. "

"So then you tell me, Nicklaus. If she's the angel Mary, why am I still in your life? "

"I DON'T KNOW....! "

He yelled standing up and I got startled. He walked away to the front door and I stood up following him. He got out and suddenly stopped walking. I looked ahead at the black-dressed gunmen standing in front of us aiming right at Nicklaus. He smiled before stretching his arms.

"Fair enough. I was pissed anyway. But you have to think better than attacking with the guns like you're scared that I'm stronger than you. "

He said and they looked at each other before dropping the guns.

"Good fools. Glory, can you please go inside and close the door for us? We have a hell lot to discuss. "

I did as he said and waited. It took a minute before I heard something exploding, nothing else. Then the door opened and he rushed inside and immediately closed the door panting. I frowned at him.

"What did you do? "

"I didn't want to work on such idiots. So I lessened the effort. Let's go before they wake up. Call her down. "

"Wake up...? "

"No time for questions, get her...! "

I nodded rushing up the stairs and reached her room. She was looking into some book, frowning.

"We need to get out of here B. Pack your bags. "

She looked at me still frowning and closed the book.

"What is it? "

"I don't know... --"

She trailed off shaking her head and took out a big suitcase from her closet.

"He resembles the guy so much. Just like he's the carbon copy of the guy? "

"And who are they? "

She started throwing random clothes into her bag hurriedly still not softening her expression.

"The stranger who I met in the restaurant and the character in the novel? I don't know if it's a strange coincidence, or because I'm so into my books, what he says about him is the same as the guy in the story. "

She said zipping up the bag finally and shook off the matter from her head not wanting to strain about it.

"Anyway, at least his name is not the same. "

She said and chuckled.

"Glory...., hurry up and move your ass fast. "

I heard Nik yelling from downstairs and pulled Bradley with me towards him.

"Why are you yelling like that? "

"Because luckily, we're getting out of time. "

He said and opened the door. We got out of the door and rushed towards the car. I noticed the men laying down in the front yard. They were not bleeding, or wounded.

"They're alive? "


He put the luggage inside the trunk immediately opening the door for us to get inside. Bradley got in quickly, but I was not that quick to move. He went to the driver side and stepped in when I hesitated to look back at the fallen people behind us. One was starting to move and I panicked.

"Get in the damn car, Glory. "

I sat in and closed the door not wanting to poke the bear. He started the car and pulled out of the compound sooner and I relaxed in my seat.

"What did you do? "

"It was just a sleeping gas explosion. "

I frowned.

"And I thought you were going to fight. "

"Guess what, I'm smarter than that to think about the circumstances after I go for a freaking killing spree with a bunch of serial killers. "

I huffed and suddenly felt like something is missing.

"What is that face? "

Bradley asked from behind me and I shook my head in confusion.

"I have this feeling... --"

"Like what? "

Nik asked and I thought about it.


"I didn't take my laptop. "

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