28. I'm Fine

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"What the hell just happened? "

Harry asked frowning. He was stunned about all these.

"Our mother happened. "

I said and sighed before sitting beside him.

"She researched about her dad? "

He asked still frowning.

"According to what she said, yes. And, according to what my mother said, that was done before she saw her with me in the cafe. But why did she act unknown? "

"Why does she have to do anything with that girl? And who is her father? "

"He was a secret agent. He's retired and she moved away from them to the city and made a boyfriend to live like a normal teenager. That's what mom said. But..., what if she's here because mom wanted to. What if all these coincidences are planned already? What if mom is really behind everything? "

I asked in confusion and Harry held my shoulder scooting closer to me.

"What should we do to find it out? "

He asked and I turned to him.

"Will you stand with us in this? "

He rolled his eyes.

"I hate that girl who calls herself your girlfriend. But I will still support you since you're also included. "

I smiled proudly at him.

"What if you have to lie to our mother? "

He guffawed at my question.

"Are we so innocent every time? "

I laughed and he accompanied me.


I kept trying to call dad since I left the Carroll brothers after threatening their mother. But the signal strength here is too bad that I couldn't figure out any other way to connect him. Finally, I decided to get out of the house like the last time...

I swallowed at the memory.

He's my enemy. Nothing else.

I said to myself walking out of my room to get out and try to call dad again. The workers were still in the Hall planning the decorations when I was going to open the front door.

"Ms Glory...? "

Someone called me from the group and I rolled my eyes before turning to them smiling.


"Can you help us a little with this? "

"Sorry, I'm bad at decorations. "

"No, no...! It's just the colours. "

I huffed and approached them unwillingly. They showed me the colour options. It was all different shades of white and black.

Are you kidding me?

I gaped and looked at them.

"It's an engagement party and the colour code is this? "

I saw Harry coming down the stairs in my peripheral vision and suddenly looked at him.

"We want balloons of all of these shades. And curtains should be carbon black and crystal white. The decorations should stand out with intense black designs on white background. Do you get me? "

He asked and I narrowed my eyes at him.

Am I hallucinating? He's suddenly interested in the engagement of his enemy?

He smiled at me.


"Were you trying to call someone? You can use my phone if you don't get signals. "

My eyes went wide.

Harrison Carroll is being nice to me?

Something in his eyes threatened me that, if I tried to mock him, he'll forget that he's supposed to be nice to me.

I smiled back at him keeping our hatred aside and went closer to him.

"Thank you. "

I snatched the phone in his hand and he clenched his jaw still smiling trying to be calm with me.

I dialled dad's number on the phone and waited. The line connected instantly surprising me.

Which sim does he use?

"Hello...? "

He spoke and I paused.

We have never talked for years since I left home rejecting his offer to become like him. So I forgot about the reason why I called him and now was guilty of calling him.

"Hello..., who's it? "

I saw Harry raise his eyebrows at me when I hesitated to talk.

Harry nodded and said.

"I'll be in my room. "

I nodded back and he left.

"Can you hear me? Hello...! "


I said and now, he became silent.

"Are you okay? "

I asked expecting him to get angry anytime soon.

"Where are you? "

He asked and I felt the hurt in my chest. I forgot that how much of an effective had in me.

"I..., I'm fine. "

"So you are not. Since that's not the answer to my question. Where are you, Glory? "

I shook my head trying not to cry and took a long breath before speaking.

"Are you safe? "

"What will happen to me? "


I said cutting the call and took another long breath.

He always understands me. He was always my superhero. And since he knows how stubborn I am, he didn't call back. I was going to leave when I heard the doorbell ringing and I frowned.

Probably Tanner and Ms Ivory's back.

I turned back and opened the door and saw a girl standing there smiling. She was beautiful is an understatement. She had a great figure, short brown hair and red lips with perfectly lined eyes and brows, shouting model. Her smile faded into a frown when she saw me. She was expecting someone else. A particular someone else if I presume.

My Unfortunate Girlfriend Where stories live. Discover now