Chapter 2

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"Miss Madelyn" Bernard spoke as she entered the room. "Mr. Bernard" Madelyn spoke, trying her best to greet him politely.

"Miss Maude has made me aware that you have been getting distracted. Thoughts of life without us" Bernard spoke. "No sir. I just-" She stuttered. "I just got distracted" She explained.

"Well Miss Maude thinks your distractions are messing up your work" Bernard explained. "No sir. They aren't. I promise" Madelyn pleaded, knowing the torturous methods of eliminating the distractions.

"We will continue the procedure Madelyn. Please take a seat" Bernard spoke. Madelyn stood still, not taking a seat in the scary chair sitting in the center if the room. "Madelyn. I said take a seat" Bernard said, louder, sending a chill to Madelyn's bones.

"I- I can't" Madelyn spoke. Bernard walked up to her. "Madelyn you know what happens when you refuse" Bernard said. Madelyn knew exactly what he was talking about.

If she refused the 'procedure' she would be inject and forced into the procedure.

"Don't you think you have enforced enough "procedures" on us" Madelyn spoke loudly. Bernard gave her a cold stare. "Madelyn I said take a seat" Bernard spoke. "No" She yelled. "You and Miss Maude have forced me to do enough. You made me kill people. You made me forget my life, to be your robot and complete the tasks you are too cowardly to do" Madelyn yelled again.

Bernard walked over to the table. He walked back towards her with a syringe. "Bernard I swear to God. When I eventually break out of your control and out of this facility I will come after you and-" Madelyn was cut off as Bernard injected her with a sedative.

Madelyn loss control of her body. Bernard dragged her to the chair and strapped her down. She was still conscious, she just could not move her body.

"Bernard-" She groaned. "I swear" She spoke. "I know. But lucky for us. You will not remember any of this when you walk out of here" Bernard spoke.

He leaned over a table to her left. He mixed a red powder into a liquid. He poured his concoction into a glass. The liquid was steaming red. Madelyn knew what this liquid did. It softened her mind, so he could erase the distractions and false hope of escape.

He pushed the glass to her lips. She sealed them shut as hard as she could, which was not as strong due to the sedative coursing through her.

"Madelyn open your mouth" He demanded. She refused. He forced her mouth open and poured the liquid in. She tried to spit it out. Bernard held her mouth shut, until she swallowed.

"Fuck you" She spit out after she swallowed the liquid. It burned her throat going down. "Oh Madelyn. You were the hardest one to break. Now look at you. Submissive, unable to fight back" Bernard laughed wickedly.

She let the liquid consume her and the poorly lit room went completely black.

Madelyn's thoughts swirled around her brain.

Madelyn stood outside the door of the facility, finally free of the torment that took place with the dark walls. She smirked to herself and took a fast pace and ran away from the building.

She stopped suddenly. Looking back to building. "Miss Maude saved me. She pulled me from the desolate life i was living" She spoke to herself. Words placed in her mouth. "She gave me purpose" She spoke and walked back to the building.

Her vision went black. Bernard stood in front of her. She quickly jumped to the attack, punching his face until it was black and blue and his eye was sufficiently a dark purple color. She lifted her fist about to punch him again.

"Bernard saved me. He helped condition me to the person I am. He made me strong. Stronger then I already was" She whispered. Words placed in her mouth. She got off of him. Standing above him. She reached forward to help him. Everything went black again.

Her vision came back. She stood in the armory, wearing her black suit with blue tones along the leather she wore, black mask covering her mouth, dark goggles covering her eyes, holsters around her thighs holding guns and knives she was more than conditioned to use.

She looked up. A man strapped to a chair. "Soldier" A deep, coarse voice spoke from behind her. Madelyn looked back to see Miss Maude standing there. "Ready to comply" Madelyn said. "Kill him" Miss Maude demanded. Madelyn turned around to face the man. She looked at him.

She quickly pulled the gun from it's holster and aimed for his head. She didn't hesitate. She shot the man. His body fell limp in the chair. Her vision went black again.

Her eyes opened, scanning across the quiet room. She was sat in the center chair. Her arms were no longer strapped to the chair. Her face showed no emotion. She looked to see her arm had an IV in. She looked up to see Bernard standing in front of her.

"Soldier?" He asked. "Ready to comply" Madelyn spoke. "Very good" He spoke and walked away from her. She stood up from the chair. "Go to the armory and suit up. Miss Maude will meet you in there" Bernard spoke. "Yes sir" Madelyn responded, monotonously.

She exited the quiet room. She walked down the long dark hallway until she made it to the armory. She entered quickly and pulled on her black and blue leather suit. She clipped all the holsters and pockets for knives and guns.

She heard the door open and stood at attention as she saw Miss Maude enter. "Madelyn" Miss Maude spoke. "Soldier?" She asked. "Ready to comply" Madelyn spoke, no emotion in her voice. "Very good Madelyn. See you are so much more tolerable when you comply" Miss Maude said. Madelyn didn't respond, no emotion on her face, looking like a murderer ready to kill her next victim.

"You have a new mission. Brand new actually, came in about 5 minutes ago. You will go to Washington DC. There are 2 targets, level 10. I need clean swipe, dead, no witnesses" Miss Maude spoke. Madelyn looked at her. "Yes Ma'am" Madelyn spoke. "You will leave immediately. You must listen to the guards on the jet." Miss Maud spoke. "Yes Ma'am" Madelyn spoke.

"oh and Madelyn" Miss Maude said, making Madelyn halt her steps. "No witnesses" She repeated. "Yes Ma'am" Madelyn responded and continued her steps until she was board onto the jet.

Chapter 2!! Things are starting to get going. I hope you are enjoying this story.

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