Chapter 14

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"Oh this store" Nat said dragging Madelyn into another store. "Nat we have been in 10 stores, we have more bags than we can carry" Madelyn said. "We just need a couple more things" Nat spoke.

Natasha walked into an aisle, Madelyn slowly trailing behind her. Natasha was throwing some undergarments into a basket. "Nat" Madelyn said.

"So you and Bucky?" Nat asked, looking throw the hangers trying to find Madelyn's size. "What about Bucky?" Madelyn asked. "I know that you are like 100 years old or something but it is obvious he likes you" Nat said, throwing some more clothing into the basket.

Madelyn smiled and blushed lightly. "Oh my god. You like him too" Nat said. Madelyn looked at her "It's rare to find someone with shared life experience and Bucky shares that with me. We just connect in a way nobody else can" Madelyn said. Nat smiled.

"Well let's pay for these and get you home to lover boy" Nat said. Madelyn chuckled and followed behind Nat. They paid, using the card given to her by Tony.

Nat and Madelyn walked back to the car, bags around there arms. "I think I have enough clothes to last me the rest of my life" Madelyn said, laughing at the backseat full of bags from the mall.

Nat chuckled. "We are going shopping again. For sure" Nat said. Madelyn chuckled. Nat hit the gas, weaving through the streets of the city, heading back to the compound.

Nat blasted music and sang along and danced. Madelyn liked that Nat was so nice and willing to help her out. She liked to have someone to do these things with.

Nat pulled the car into the garage of the compound. They both got out and grabbed the bags and brought them to Madelyn's room.

Madelyn flopped on her bed, making the bags of clothes fall to the floor. Nat chuckled. "You look tired girl" She spoke. Madelyn smiled. "Well now I have some comfy clothes to wear while I sleep" Madelyn said. Nat laughed.

"I think Bucky is waiting for you down stairs" Nat said. Madelyn looked at her. "Ok" She said and got up. Nat followed behind her.

Bucky's eyes instantly went to Madelyn's when she walked into the room. She still wore her leather suit, which her skin had to hate because how long it was on her.

Bucky strolled over to her. "Hey" He said. "Hey" She responded. "How was shopping?" Bucky asked. "Fun. I needed some clothes" Madelyn said. Bucky smiled. "That's good" Bucky said. Madelyn nodded.

"Come here. I want to show you something" Bucky said and took her hand.  She let him lead her through the compound. They entered the elevator and Bucky clicked the button for the top floor.

Madelyn smiled at him, realizing where they were going. The doors opened and Bucky brought her to a flight of stairs with a door at the top. "Come on" He said and started to climb the stairs, Madelyn following behind him.

They went through the door. Madelyn stopped in her spot when she saw the beautiful sunset paint the sky. She could see the skyline of the city. Bucky smiled at her reaction.

Bucky sat down on the edge, letting his feet hang. Madelyn sat down next to him. He looked at her. "How do you like it so far?" Bucky asked. Madelyn looked to him. "I like it" She said. "That's good" Bucky spoke. "I live just right over there" Bucky said and pointed to the city.

"I think i'm going to head home after dinner" Bucky said. Madelyn looked at him. "When will you be back?" She asked. "Couple days. Steve and I are training for a mission coming up" Bucky said. "Ok" Madelyn said. "Ok" Bucky said.

They both looked at each other. Madelyn looked beautiful with the golden sunlight shining on her face. Bucky put his hand on her cheek. She leaned into it. He slowly leaned to her face, her reciprocating the action. He let his lips gently land on hers. Madelyn smiled into the kiss.

Bucky pulled away to catch his breath. "You look beautiful" He said, almost a whisper. She smiled. "You don't look too bad yourself" She said. He smiled and leaned in to kiss her again.

"Dinner time" They heard Tony say over a speaker. "He calls them like animals" Bucky said. Madelyn chuckled. "Let's go get some food. Im starved" Madelyn said. Bucky stood up, grabbed her hand and made their way to the kitchen.

Once they were in the kitchen everyone had a plate and was lined up, scooping some of the pasta on their plates and going to sit down at the table.

Bucky and Madelyn got in the back of the line. They served themselves some food and sat down, next to each other, at the large table. Madelyn kept her leg against his, liking the secure feeling she got from his touch. Bucky smiled at the action and kept his leg touching hers.

Everyone ate and talked. The team spoke of past missions and funny stories they had to share. They talked until everyone's plate was empty.

"It is getting late and I have a meeting early in the morning so I am going to bed. Cap you are in charge of making sure the kitchen is tidy" Tony said before excusing himself and going to bed. Steve groaned loudly and walked to the kitchen to start cleaning up the meas from the meal.

Everyone else put there plates in the sink and either went to the screening room for a movie or they went to bed. Madelyn and Bucky put their plates in the sink and walked to the living room.

"Are you tired?" Bucky asked Madelyn. She loomed at him with sleepy eyes. She nodded. "Go to bed Doll" Bucky spoke gently. She smiled. "Ok. Goodnight Bucky" She said and kissed his cheek.

His cheeks turned a rosy color. "Goodnight Maddie" He said. She walked to her room to shower and go to bed.

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