Chapter 4

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Madelyn woke up in an unfamiliar room. Her assassin eye scanning the room, looking for threats and quick exits, none of which she saw.

She rubbed her eyes and stood up. She tried to remember how she got to this place or who would have brought her. She didn't remember anything. She knew the memory loss was due to Miss Maude.

She stood from the bed, looking around the room once more. She saw a window, blankets, pillows, then her eyes landed on the door. She made quick movements and grabbed the handle to the door.

She tried to open it, the door not budging. Her mind quickly went into defensive mode, searching for another way out. She ran to the window. She pried at the window, slowly opening.

She stuck her head out of the window, looking down. Far fall. She contemplated jumping. She decided it was the best option. She swung her leg out the window.

She heard the door open, a blonde man entering the room. "Woah woah" The man said, holding his hands up, showing her he was holding nothing.

"Who are you?" Madelyn barked. "You don't remember?" The blonde man asked. "Remember what?" Madelyn demanded. "Just come back in and I will explain" The blonde man said. Madelyn stood her ground.

"Please. I'm not going to hurt you. I want to help" The man explained. Madelyn scanned his face and eyes, looking for an clue that he was manipulating her. She saw nothing if the kind, deciding to slowly crawl back into the room.

She stood in front of the open window, just in case she needed to make a quick get away. She crossed her opens over her chest.

She noticed her weapons were not in the slots of the suit she was wearing. "Explain" She spoke, demandingly.

The blonde looked at her. "Hi, I am Steve Rogers" The blonde man spoke, offering his hand. She looked at his hand and back to him, not shaking his hand.

"Ok well what's your name?" Steve asked. "Madelyn" Madelyn answered. Steve nodded. "You are probably wondering why you are here? what is this place?" Steve spoke. "Something like that" Madelyn responded.

"You are at what I like to call Head Quarters" Steve spoke. "An organization named Stark Industries owns the place" He explained. 'Stark' recovered a memory for Madelyn. Stark was bad. Stark was evil. Stark was the enemy.

Madelyn looked concerned. "Why am I here?" She asked quickly. "It's ok. We just want to ask a few questions. Nobody is going to hurt you" Steve explained. Madelyn looked at him questioningly, not believing his words.

"Rogers we will take it from here" A man with short brown hair and man that looked to be a doctor entered the room. "She is very confused Stark. She needs some-" Steve was cut off. "Rogers. I said I got it from here" The man spoke firmly. "She is confused Tony" Steve spoke firmly, emphasizing his point. "I know that Steve, That's why he is here" Stark spoke motioning towards the man with him. "They have questions for you in the conference room" Stark spoke.

Steve stood up and walked out. Stark and the doctor stood in the room. "Hello Madelyn." Stark spoke. She didn't respond, she just looked at him. "This is going well" He said under his breath. "I am Tony Stark. This is Dr. Fillmore, He is going to ask you a few questions" Stark explained.

Madelyn was confused, making no response to Stark's words. "Ok great." Stark said and left the room. Madelyn watched him leave, then turned her gaze to the doctor.

"Hello Madelyn" Dr. Fillmore greeted her, his accent was very familiar to her. She looked at him, trying to connect the dots, remember him.

"I was sent by the United Nations to evaluate you" Dr. Fillmore explained. Madelyn just looked at him, not showing any emotion.

"Ok I will start easy. You're name is Madelyn?" Dr. Fillmore asked. Madelyn nodded her head. "Do you know why you here?" Dr. Fillmore asked. Madelyn shook her head. "Memory loss" Dr. Fillmore mumbled to himself, scribbling words on a notepad.

Madelyn heard a loud bang, making her jump. The doctor smirked. "We only have to talk about one thing" He spoke. Madelyn looked at him confused. "Do you know what this is?" Dr. Fillmore asked, holding up the red drink that Madelyn dreaded so much. The one Bernard forced down her throat.

She instantly flinched and backed away from the doctor. "No please" She spoke, panicked. Dr. Fillmore gave her a wicked smirk. "Do you know Miss Maude? Did Bernard send you?" She asked, frantic.

"That is not information that you need" Dr. Fillmore asked, moving towards Madelyn holding the red drink. "No no. I'm not doing this again" She screamed. He came at her, she sprung into attack. She kicked his side, he pulled back slightly but quickly recovered. "That was a mistake Black Patriot" Dr. Fillmore spoke. She screamed and kicked and punched at the doctor.

He got her to the ground, holding her down. The sedative was still running through her body, making her easily defeated. He flipped the small bottle holding the red drink open and forced it into her mouth.

She scream and sputtered the liquid. She knew what came after the liquid was ingested, loss of control.


Darkness took over Madelyn's vision. She creaked open her eyes. Miss Maude still before her. "Soldier?" She asked. "Ready to comply" Madelyn responded, instantly. "You failed your mission" Miss Maude spoke. Madelyn looked to the ground.

"You have another chance. I need you to get to Bucharest. There is a man there named Baron Zemo. Once you get to him, you obey his every command. Kill anyone that gets in your way" Miss Maude spoke. "Yes Ma'am" Madelyn responded.

Her eyes opened. Dr. Fillmore standing above her. She stood up and made her way to the door. "Soldier?" Dr. Fillmore asked. Madelyn looked back. "Good" He spoke to himself.

Madelyn ripped the door open, handle falling to the floor. She walked out into the hall, red emergency lights blinking, fire alarms blaring. She moved quickly through the crowds of people trying to exit the building. She followed the crowd before adverting the path and sneaking up a stair well.

She moved quickly, taking 2 steps at a kind. "Madelyn" She heard a voice yell behind her. She looked back. Bucky stood there looking at her. "Please remember me" He spoke, desperately.

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