Chapter 11

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The jet ride was long. Madelyn paced around the back of the jet, her mind running circles. Guilt and fear filling her. She felt guilty for making Steve and Bucky's friends fight. She felt scared for what was awaiting her in Bucharest.

Bucky noticed her pacing and biting her nails. He stood up from the seat next to Steve. "Where you going?" Steve asked. "I will be right back" Bucky said.

He walked over to Madelyn. "Hey Mads. You ok?" Bucky asked. "I'm fine" Madelyn responded. "Are you sure?" Bucky asked.

"Im scared" Madelyn responded. "I'm scared for what is waiting for us." She said. "I know. But Steve and I are here with you. You are not doing this alone" Bucky said, trying to make her feel better.

"I will always be by your side" Bucky said. Maddie gave him a small smile. "Are you ready to put an end to this?" Bucky asked. Madelyn nodded. "I never want to see another winter soldier in my life" Madelyn said. She noticed Bucky's facial expression fall. "Except for you though" She said. Bucky looked to her with a smile.

"We are almost there" Steve said from the cockpit. Bucky looked at Madelyn. "Let's do this" He said offering his hand. She looked at his hand. "You have a metal arm?" She asked shocked. He quickly pulled his arm back to his side. "No wait. Can I see it?" She asked looking at him. He nodded and pulled his jacket off.

His metal arm was on full display for her to see. "Woah" She spoke. "It's so cool" She said. Bucky liked that someone looked at it as a cool instead of a weapon. "Except i can't help but think you had to go through something traumatic to get it" Madelyn said looking up at Bucky. "I will have to tell you the story sometime" Bucky said. "I'm holding you to that" Madelyn said. Bucky smiled.

The jet landed. Bucky offered her his metal hand. She smiled and slipped her hand into his. He gripped her tightly and started to walk to the back of the jet.

There was a locker full of weapons. Bucky grabbed a large AR-15. Madelyn grabbed a large gun, similar to Bucky's. They both nodded to each other. Steve came around the corner with his shield.

"Are you two ready?" Steve asked. "Yes" Bucky said. They both looked at Maddie. "As ready as I'll ever be" She replied. Both of them smiled.

"I'll go first. You two follow behind" Steve said. Madelyn nodded. Steve stepped out of the jet. He had landed right in front of the entrance of the Hydra base.

Steve went first. He threw his shield at the keypad, breaking it, making the large metal door creak open. "Here goes nothing" Steve said going into the building first.

Madelyn followed behind him and Bucky followed behind Madelyn. Maddie and Bucky both held their guns in front of them, ready for any surprise attack.

They were in enemy territory, they had no clue what could happen.

Steve rounded a corner, Maddie and Bucky following closely behind. Not a single sound was heard, other than their boots hitting the cement.

They came to a small flight of stairs. There was a loud creaking and metal groaning as it was being pulled apart. Steve stood in front of Bucky and Maddie with his shield ready, Bucky and Maddie aiming ahead, ready to fire.

The metal doors opened and Tony Stark walked in, in his iron man. "Shit" Bucky cursed and pushed Madelyn behind him.

"Tony" Steve said. "Rogers" Tony said. "Sam made me realize. I'm here to help" Tony spoke. Steve looked at him. "Hey Manchurian Candidate this is a truce you put the gun" Tony said. Bucky lowered his gun.

"It's good to have you Tony" Steve spoke. They shook hands. "Come here" Tony said and opened his arms to Madelyn. She walked over and hugged him. "Thank you for helping. It means a lot" Madelyn said. "Of course" Tony said.

"Now what are we doing? Taking our some man we are supposed to meet here?" Tony asked. "Should I go first? Pretend i'm a soldier?" Madelyn asked. "No absolutely not" Bucky said. Steve looked at him. "We will be right behind her. She is strong" Steve spoke. "I can do this" Madelyn spoke.

Madelyn clipped her gun behind. She looked back at the three men. She nodded and walked down the long hallway. She painted her face with the look of the soldier, no emotion being shown.

She walked quickly, wanting this mission to be done. She kept going until she entered a large room. She looked down the hall and saw Steve, Tony, and Bucky moving slowly towards her. She could see the center of Tony's suit light up.

She continued into the room. "Soldier?" She heard a man speak. "Ready to comply" She said, trying her hardest to play this role.

The man walked out from the dark corner. "Very good soldier" The man said. "I am Baron Zemo. Miss Maude has told me you are exceptional at what you do" Zemo said walking slow circles around her.

"She owes me a favor and said you would be willing to complete a task for me" Zemo said. Madelyn kept her look forward, trying to fight the urge to jump into attack. "But before I tell you I have something to show you" Zemo spoke.

"If you will look at the cryo freeze right ahead of us you will see a soldier you may have known, dead. I am mad that Miss Maude would worth hold information from me. And for that I kill her second best soldier." Zemo said. Madelyn looked ahead and saw River, with a bullet in her head. Madelyn tried her hardest not to cry, no emotion can be shown or her cover would be blown.

She closed her eyes. "Now for my task for you. I need you to kill Miss Maude and Bernard. I want to be rid of them. They have caused me enough problems. And once you complete your task, I will kill you. Put an end to the winter soldier line." Zemo said.

His words stung her heart. He wanted her dead. Right as Zemo was about to say something else, Steve's shield came flying out of the darkness, hitting Zemo in the back.

He groaned as he hit the floor. Steve jumped on top of him, pinning him. Tony stood above him, blasted aimed at his head. Bucky stood farther away, gun aimed at Zemo.

"Who sent you?" Steve asked. "I am a free agent" Zemo said, still smug even though he was pinned to the ground and could die any second.

"Why do you want Miss Maude dead?" Madelyn asked. "Ahh soldier you play me. Like I said. Miss Maude has caused me many problems, I need her eliminated." Zemo said.

"Cuff him. To jail he goes" Tony said. Tony kneeled down, flipped Zemo onto his stomach. Tony pulled out hand cuffs, more his tech, lighting up blue when they locked around his wrists.

"I will take him to the jail in Berlin. I know some people there who may want to see this man behind bars" Tony said. "We have a jet" Steve spoke. "My helicopter is here. I want you two to escort Miss Madelyn to my compound in New York. I need to have a conversation with her" Tony said.

"I will be there as soon as I finish up in Berlin" Tony said and grabbed Zemo. Steve, Bucky and Madelyn followed Tony, dragging Zemo, out of the facility. Steve wanted to make sure Zemo didn't get away.

"You two get in. I will be right behind you" Steve said. Madelyn and Bucky climbed into the jet.

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