Chapter 13

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"Hey Doll" Bucky said gently, waking Madelyn. "We are in New York" He spoke softly. She yawned. "Ok" She said and sat up.

"Ready to officially meet the team?" Steve asked. "Yes" Madelyn spoke with a smile. "They are all waiting inside for you" Steve stated. Madelyn stood to her feet. Steve wrapped his arm around her shoulder and started to exit the jet.

"Hey y'all" Steve announced as he entered the compound with Madelyn to his side, and Bucky trailing behind them. Madelyn looked back and smiled to him, to which Bucky smiled back.

"Maddie Hey" Wanda cheered and ran to Madelyn, hugging her tightly. Madelyn chuckled and hugged back. "It's nice to see you again" Sam said and shook her hand.

"Oh hey Clint, Nat, Scott" Madelyn said and waved to them. "Hey Maddie" Tony said. "Hi Tony" She replied. He opened his arms and she hugged him.

"I don't think we've met I'm Rhodey" Rhodey spoke and shook Madelyn's hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Madelyn" She said. Rhodey smiled. "Oh I know you. You are the King of Wakanda" Madelyn said. T'Challa laughed. "T'challa" He said and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you" Madelyn smiled.

Peter and Vision introduced themselves to her. "Wait you are a robot?" Madelyn asked. "A synthezoid" Vision said. Madelyn looked at him confused. "Yes a robot" He said making everyone chuckle.

"Madelyn may I speak to you in private?" Tony asked. Madelyn looked back to Bucky, he nodded her along. She smiled lightly and followed Tony.

Tony led her to a conference room, down the hall. "Here take a seat" Tony said. Madelyn sat down and waited to hear what he had to say.

"I spoke to the attorney today" Tony spoke. "oh" Madelyn said. "He is willing to grant you pardon for the past winter soldier stuff" Tony explained. "On 2 conditions" He stated. Madelyn looked at him. "And those are?" She asked. "Well 1. You have mandatory therapy. There is doctor willing to help you adapt to normal life" Tony said. "Ok that's not too bad" Madelyn said. "And last but not least, the state wants you under supervision at all times" Tony said.

"What does that entail?" Madelyn asked. "You can't go anywhere without Steve, Natasha, Sam, or I without you" Tony said. Madelyn looked at him. "Why you guys?" She asked. "We are certified to deal with any and all situations regarding Avengers and enhanced individuals" Tony said. "Ok" Madelyn said.

"That brings me to my last question" Tony said. "Which is?" Madelyn asked. "Would you like to live here? In the Avengers Compound with the team?" Tony asked. She smiled. "I have no where else to go" She said. Tony smiled. "Welcome home then" Tony said and shook her hand.

"The compound has a pool, private screening room, a large gym of you want to workout" Tony explained. Madelyn smiled. "Thank you for taking me in. I know I have done some bad things but having friends like you guys looking out for me makes it better" Madelyn said. Tony smiled.

"Let me show you to your room. And Maybe Natasha will be willing to take you shopping because it looks like you have no clothes" Tony said. "Don't worry about money, I gave all the avengers a credit card" Tony spoke. Madelyn smiled widely and hugged him.

"Right this way" Tony said and led her through the compound. Madelyn smiled to Bucky as she passed him, following Tony to the elevator.

"3rd floor is the residential floor. This where the team stays. Yours is the last one on the left" Tony said. They walked down the hall and entered the last room. There was a large queen bed in the center of the room, a dresser and closet and a vanity placed around the room. There was a private bathroom, connected to the room.

"Here you go" Tony said. Madelyn smiled and chucked her jacket on the bed. Tony chuckled at her. "Let's go back down and we can announce our news and ask Nat for help" Tony said. Madelyn laughed and followed him back fo where the team was sitting on couches, talking with one another.

"If I may have everyone's attention we have some news to share. Miss Madelyn here" Tony said and grabbed Madelyn's hand and pulled her to his side. "Has agreed to the conditions of her pardon and is moving into the compound with all of you" Tony announced. Everyone cheered and claps. "Congrats Mads" Steve said and hugged her. "Thank you" She said with a smile.

"Natasha she needs clothes because she has nothing but what she is wearing. Will you be so king as to take her shopping, get her some clothes?" Tony asked. Natasha smiled. "I would love too. Everyone knows I never turn down an opportunity to shop" Nat said making Madelyn chuckle.

"Let us go" Nat said taking Madelyn's hand and dragging her to the garage. "Bye Bucky" Madelyn said turning back to smile at him. "Bye Mads" He said with a smile.

Once Clint heard the door shut behind the girls he stood up. "You love her" Clint said in a sing song voice. Bucky blushed and shoved him. "Shut up Clint" Bucky said. "Jeez man chill you're too strong for this. you are going to break my old man body" Clint said, making everyone in the room chuckle.

"We all see it Buck. You should ask her out" Sam said. "Yes you should" Wanda cheered. Bucky just looked at them. "You really think I should?" Bucky asked. "Yes" Steve and Tony said at the same time. Bucky chuckled "Ok ok. I'm gonna do it" Bucky said. "But I want to give her time to settle in and get used to things before I do anything" Bucky said. "Chicken" Rhodey said.

"Bucky no offense but if you do not make your move soon, some other guy will come along" Sam said. "She's beautiful" He finished. Bucky just glared at him. "You have a starring problem man" Sam said and got up, and walked to the kitchen to get a drink.

Steve and Bucky went to the balcony over looking the lawn to wait until the girls got back.

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