Chapter 10

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Everyone suited up. "Sam can you scan the airport find me a jet" Steve said and ran off with his shield. "Where is he going?" Madelyn asked. "To distract Stark" Sam said. Bucky and Madelyn stood beside Sam as his little robot scanned the airport.

"Nifty little robot" Madelyn said. "His name's red wing. Cool right?" Sam asked. Madelyn chuckled. "Wicked cool" She said. Bucky groaned. "Oh come on Buck. Mad someone likes redwing" Sam said chuckling. "Just shut up and find the jet" Bucky said.

Madelyn chuckled at the boys. "I like this chick" Sam spoke. Madelyn smiled widely. Bucky felt a pang of jealousy in his chest.

"Ok. Found the Jet. It's in hanger 5" Sam spoke into the ear piece so Steve could hear. "Bucky Maddie and I are on our way" Sam said before grabbing Madelyn's hand and starting to run to the terminals to get to the jet. Bucky following right behind Madelyn.

"Where's everyone else?" Madelyn asked. "Probably fighting Stark" Sam said. "Fighting?" Madelyn asked nervously. "It's ok. Stark gets passionate about things" Bucky said. Madelyn halted her steps. "Are you sure i'm worth all of this Bucky" Madelyn said.

"Guys we don't got time for this" Sam said. "You are worth all of it" Bucky said and grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug. He held her tight to his chest.

Bucky looked up. Sam was smirking at the two. Bucky playfully rolled his eyes at Sam. "Ok. Now we really need to go" Bucky said taking her hand. "Ok" Madelyn said. They began to run through the airport.

Something hit the window, looked like a boy in a suit. "What the hell was that?" Madelyn asked. Bucky and Sam chuckled because that was the exact reaction Bucky had to the boy. "Everyone's got a gimmick now" Sam said.

They kept running. The boy came crashing through the window kicking Sam, making him hit the ground. "Sam" Madelyn yelled. "Keep going" Sam yelled back.  "Come on" Bucky said. The two took off at super soldier speed. "Can we out run that kid?" Madelyn asked. "I think so" Bucky said picking up his pace.

A piece of metal came flying, hitting Bucky making him topple over. The boy in the red suit landed in front of Madelyn. "Woah you look cool" The boy said. "Thanks" Madelyn replied. "I'm Peter by the way" The boy said. Madelyn smiled. "Maddie" She said. "Where  did you get that suit?" Peter asked.

"I don't know if you have ever been in a fight before but there is usually not this much talking" Sam yelled and flew into Peter taking him away from Madelyn.

Bucky came back to her, took her hand, and kept running. Madelyn looked out the large window and saw everyone fighting. She gasped a little bit.

"We are going to need to go out there to get to the hanger" Bucky said. "Where's Sam?" Madelyn asked. He flew up behind them and landed next to her. "I'm right here" He said.

Peter came swinging behind them, crashed into them, making them all crash through the glass railing and down a flight of stairs.

He used his webs to keep Madelyn Sam and Bucky stuck to the ground. Sam used his free hand and was controlling redwing. The little robot came just in time and flew Peter out the window, away from them.

"Couldn't have done that sooner?" Bucky asked. "I hate you" Sam said. Madelyn chuckled. "Why are you laughing?" Bucky asked. "Because this is my first time being shot with spider webs" She said snorting at the fact. Bucky and Sam started laughing.

She pulled with all her strength and broke free of the web. She then sat up and helped Sam, breaking the webbing. Bucky used his strength and broke himself free. Madelyn grabbed Sam's hand and helped him to his feet.

"We have to go outside now. through that fight" Sam said. Madelyn nodded. Bucky nodded along side her.

"Let's go" Bucky said. They came out the glass doors. Madelyn saw Steve. "Go to Steve" Sam ordered. Bucky took Madelyn's hand and ran to Steve as fast as her feet would take her.

"Ok. They are not going easy on us. We need to get to that hanger" Steve spoke. "Come on" Steve yelled to everyone and ran towards the hanger. Bucky and Madelyn directly behind him and the rest following behind them.

Steve stopped all the sudden, making Madelyn running into his back. "Oh sorry" She said. Steve smiled at her, it's ok" He said. There was a laser being shot, making a line in the cement in front of them.

"Captain Rogers. Madelyn is dangerous. We must apprehend her" Vision, the flying robot spoke. Madelyn got that nervous look again, but she covered it up.

"She is coming with us" Stark spoke. His team of people behind him. "No she isn't" Steve yelled. "Really?" Stark asked.

"Bucky and I will always protect her" Steve said. "Ok you know what. You are going to turn Madelyn over and come with us because it's us" Stark yelled. "I'm sorry Tony" Steve said. "You know what's about to happen" Nat spoke from behind Madelyn.

"We run" He said to the people behind him. Madelyn and Bucky nodded. "We run" Bucky repeated.

Everyone took off. "Mr. Stark They aren't stopping" Peter said. "Neither are we" Tony said. The two teams clashed together. Madelyn got knocked on her ass by a guy in a black cat suit.

She grunted as she hit the ground. Bucky jumped into attack at the black suit. Madelyn quickly stood up and helped Bucky. "She didn't do it. It was hydra" Bucky said. "Then why did she run?" The man in the black suit asked. Madelyn kicked out his legs, making him hit the ground. Bucky punched him, then grabbed Madelyn's hand and kept running.

They saw Steve. "That guy probably knows we are coming by now" Madelyn said. "We need to get to that jet" Steve said. "No" Sam said through the ear piece. "You guys get to the jet" He spoke. "What?" Steve asked.

"This is not the real fight Steve" Sam said. "He's right. I think to win this one some of us may have to lose it" Clint said. "I have a distraction. On my signal you run like hell" Scott said. "Are you sure about this?" Steve asked. "Yah. I have done this tons of times. Well once in a lab and I passed out" Scott said.

Madelyn looked at Bucky and Steve. "Get ready. If I tear myself in half tell my family I love them" Scott said. "He's gonna tear himself in half?" Madelyn asked.

All the sudden Scoot got huge and was standing in the middle of the airport. "I guess that's the signal" Bucky said. Steve, Madelyn, and Bucky all ran like crazy towards the hanger.

They were almost there. A tower started to fall blocking their path. Right before it hit the ground Wanda used her powers to keep enough space for them to slide under.

They ran and slid underneath. Nat stood in front of the jet. "We made it" Steve spoke out of breath.

"You need to go" Nat said and shot a taser. They turned around and the man in the black suit was behind them. "Thank you Natasha" Madelyn said. Nat smiled. "Now get out of here" She said.

They ran to the jet and climbed in, sealing the doors. Nat kept the man in the black suit distracted.

Steve started the engine and began lift off. "Are you guys i'm worth all this?" Madelyn asked. Bucky took her hand. "You're worth all of it" Bucky and Steve said.

"I hate that i'm making your friends fight" Madelyn said. "They'll get over it. They've done it before" Steve said.

"To Bucharest" Steve spoke as the he flew faster away from the airport.


I know this one was long! Sorry lol. But I needed to get this part done. Thank you for reading so far!

We Will Always Protect Her [Bucky Barnes]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora