Chapter 6

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"What are we going to do Buck?" Steve asked Bucky. They were standing in an abandoned building not too far from the Stark building.

"I don't know Steve, but Stark is going to arrest her" Bucky spoke. Steve took a deep breath, trying to calm himself and think of a solution.

"She has 50 assassinations over the last 20 years" The red headed Natasha spoke. "She is a winter soldier" Bucky spoke. "I know I know" Steve said.

"We have to help her. We can't let her go to prison. She didn't do any of this voluntarily" Bucky added. "Ok ok hold on. I'm just a tad bit lost. Bucky you know her?" Natasha asked. "Yes. During my time in Siberia there was unit. All females. They were being trained and broken in. They went through all the same torture and mental destruction that I did." Bucky explained. "They were supposed to be the new under cover optimized winter soldiers. No big jacked up bodies." Bucky kept going. "All but 2 of them failed and were eliminated. I only heard of one of them The Black Patriot" Buck finished. Steve and Natasha both looked at him shocked.

"She is going to wake up nervous and scared and probably very confused" Bucky finished. Steve and Natasha looked at each other. "If we run with her they will come after all of us" Natasha pointed out. Bucky looked to Steve, giving him a look of 'Please we can't leave her'.

"Ok Buck. Stark is not going to like this one bit" Steve spoke. "Are you two prepared to be running from Stark and all his buddies?" Natasha asked. They both looked at her. "Ok ok. I will keep an inside tab. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help" Natasha spoke. "Thank you Nat" Steve said. "It means a lot" Bucky added. "Well I am going to leave you two to your confused super soldier" Natasha said and left.

Steve and Bucky looked at each other. "Let's go wake her up" Bucky spoke and walked to the room. Madelyn was asleep, chained to a chair. Bucky walked up to her and shook the chair, waking her up.

Madelyn's eyes creaked open. "Where am I?" She groaned. "You are in Washington DC. Benning road to be exact" Bucky said. She looked at him. She then looked down to the chains. She knew exactly what happened. "What did I do?" She asked groggily, voice coarse.

"Enough" Bucky said. "Do you remember anything?" Steve asked. Madelyn looked at him. "No" She spoke. "What did I do?" She asked again.

"Nothing much. Besides trying to kill Bucky with a helicopter" Steve spoke. Madelyn looked at Bucky. "I'm sorry. Are you ok?" She asked. He nodded. "Im fine." He said.

"Madelyn Do you remember me?" Bucky asked. She looked at him, scanning over his features. "I know your name is Bucky. You look really familiar" She spoke. Steve looked at them. "Do you remember me?" Steve asked. "Yah you're Steve. You were in the hospital room with me" Madelyn answered. "That's good" Steve spoke with a smile.

"Why am I chained up?" She asked. "My face is really itchy and I cant reach" She said, hand struggling to reached her face. Bucky chuckled and rubbed the side of her face for her. Steve went behind her and started to undo the chains. Madelyn was too focused on Bucky touching her face to notice the chains loosened around her.

"We have a few questions that need answers" Steve spoke. "I can do my best to answer" Madelyn said, stretching her arms out.

"Who was that doctor?" Bucky asked. "I uh. I don't know" Madelyn answered. "There's people dead Madelyn. I need you to do better than I don't know" Bucky responded.

"He uh-" Madelyn started, trying to remember what the doctor told her. "He wanted me to go to Bucharest. There is a man there that I was supposed to see" Madelyn responded. Steve and Bucky looked at each other.

"What?" She asked. They both turned and looked at her. "We have a problem" Bucky said.

Next thing Madelyn knew Bucky had her by the hand and was dragging her along. "Listen we need to get out if here without anybody seeing us." Bucky explained. "Just follow my lead" Steve said. Madelyn nodded at them, and let Bucky pull her along.

Steve guided them out of the building. "We're gonna need a get away car" Steve spoke and pulled out his phone. A helicopter flew over head. "Bucky" Madelyn said looking at Bucky worriedly. He squeezed her hand. "It's gonna be ok" Bucky spoke to her, trying his best to keep her calm.

Madelyn took a deep breath. She knew she needed to trust Bucky and Steve. That was the only way. "Thank you" Steve spoke and ended his call. Bucky looked at him. "Over here" He said and motioned them to follow him.

Bucky squeezed her hand and looked at her. Madelyn nodded. They both took off in the same direction as Steve.

Steve had slipped into a small red car. Bucky and Madelyn got in the back. "Where are we going?" Bucky asked Steve. "Somewhere under cover. We need to not be seen" Steve spoke. "They have a man hunt out for Madelyn so we need to be careful" Steve explained. Madelyn nodded.

"Thank you" Madelyn said. Steve and Bucky both looked at her. "For what?" Bucky asked. "For running with me. For helping me. I haven't proved i'm a mentally stable alliance but you guys are helping me anyway" Madelyn spoke, letting her face show the emotion she was feeling.

"Of course Mads" Steve spoke. He then felt awkward for giving her the nickname. "Is it ok if I call you Mads?" Steve asked. Madelyn chuckled. "Yes you can call me Mads" She said. Steve smiled.

Steve began to drive, turning on some music. Bucky leaned back in the seat, Madelyn following suit. "Thank you Bucky" She said. He turned and smiled at her. "You're welcome" He said. "If this isn't wicked awkward. Can I ask why you are helping me?" Madelyn asked.

"I'm a winter soldier to" Bucky said. Madelyn looked at him confused. "Do you ever have blackouts? can't remember what you did? but you know you were not in control?" Bucky asked. Madelyn nodded.

"That's Hydra. They somehow can get control of over minds. Make us their little robots to do their dirty work" Bucky explained. "How did you escape it?" Madelyn asked. "The guy in the front seat singing Taylor Swift helped me" Bucky spoke chuckling at Steve singing along to the music. Madelyn chuckled too.

Madelyn turned back and smiled at Bucky. Bucky smiled back. He took her hand, knowing that would help calm her nerves. He's not sure how he knew, he just did. Madelyn leaned into him. He hadn't had anybody trust him like this, to hold them, to keep them safe. The action sent a wave of warmth through him. He smiled and put his arm around her.

Madelyn was extremely tired from the running and getting knocked out. She let herself fall asleep against Bucky's side, still holding tight to Bucky's hand.

Steve looked in the rearview mirror, seeing Madelyn asleep on Bucky. He raised his eyebrows at Bucky. Bucky just rolled his eyes with a smile. "Where are we?" Bucky asked. "I found a hotel away from the city. It will be good for one night, then tomorrow we get to the airport and go to Bucharest" Steve explained. Bucky nodded along to the plan.

We Will Always Protect Her [Bucky Barnes]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora