Enough For Her

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^^ Mike & Chase, age 6 and 4


Maya smiled down at the blonde haired, green eyed boy sitting on her lap. She was currently at Andy and Sullivan's house for dinner and they were just chatting in the living room until dinner was finished.

"Yeah buddy?"

"How did you and Mama meet?" He asked as his eyes lit up when he said 'Mama.'

Maya and Andy exchanged glances with each other, while Andy fed her three month old son on the sofa opposite from Maya and her son.

It was tough for Maya, after Carina left, but she understood why she did it. Carina had just lost her little brother, Andrew, to a stab wound from a sex trafficer that they were pursuing three years ago. After he died, Carina found it hard to continue with her life. She felt numb, almost like she had lost a part of her heart. Andrew was everything to her and while she knew he was okay, it was still the most difficult thing she went through.

She had been married to Maya for four years before this incident happened, and the two of them wasted no time in expanding their family, something which Carina desperately wanted to do. They both decided to make their embryos using Maya's eggs and Travis's sperm, and Carina to carry their child. The process worked beautifully and they became pregnant on their first try.

When Michael Amato Bishop was born, Maya's whole world changed. It had changed once before, when she met Carina, but having Michael in her life helped her become an even better version of herself. He was born six years ago with Maya's blonde hair and a mix of green and brown eyes, a perfect ratio that represented both Travis and Carina. His personality, however, is just like Carina's. But he loves his Mommy dearly and was jealous when another baby came in the mix.

Michael was two when Chase Roman Bishop was born. This time Maya and Carina chose to use her eggs in the embryo and Maya would carry this child, so they had equal opportunities to experience pregnancy. Chase was born with brown hair and blue eyes, which puzzled the mothers at first since he was not biologically Maya's, but they knew that recessive genes could sometimes become dominant. It did not matter to them, though, they had two boys that they were fully in love with. Chase took more after Maya, enjoying morning runs and workouts with her. However, both boys love speaking Italian with their mothers, including Maya, who had been learning Italian since she met Carina.

"È una storia davvero lunga, bello. Forse un'altra volta (It's a long story, bello. Maybe another time)?" Maya suggested to her six year old son in Italian as she sighed internally. Talking about Carina had become a sore subject for Maya, even if she was also Michael and Chase's mother.

"¡Cena (Dinner)!" Robert announced as he walked into the dining room with a pan of food. Turning to Andy, he asked, "Where's Abby?"

"I think she's with Chase. They might be in her room," Andy replied as she burped Emilio. "Can you go get them please? I'm going to put Lio in his bouncy chair."

Maya stood up and walked to the table with Michael, both of them sitting down at their usual places. It was routine for them to eat dinner together on Saturdays, a beautiful tradition that had started once both couples had gotten married.

True to their word, Abigail Sullivan and Chase walked into the dining room a few minutes later. Chase grinned before sitting down next to Maya and Abby sat next to Michael. Abby was born a year before Michael, so they were close in age and had a great bond with each other.

"You're sitting in my seat, Abby," a taller boy said as he huffed and sat down next to Michael, who was supposed to sit on the other side of the boy.

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