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Labor Day

I screamed as I was trying to push this baby out of me.

Chris-Were almost there baby, almost there. He said. He was helping deliver the baby.

Doctor-Okay Jacob one more time I need you to push hard. She said I nodded

Doctor-1 2 3 Push. She said I pushed screaming.

I heard baby cries

I looked as Chris was holding our daughter he was so happy.

Chris-Oh my gosh look at her she looks just like me. He exclaimed. I smiled.

But I blacked out


I woke up with blurry vision my head was booming and I could hear people talking

Jacob-Can you guys be quiet. I whispered but it wasn't loud it was like a whisper for only I could hear. My head was spinning I winced holding my head.

Jacob-Please be quiet! I snapped. Making it quiet.

Doctor-Jacob, your up. Right now you are experiencing a migraine because of you pushing out royalty which I will be giving you medicine for that. She said I nodded.

Jacob-What happened? I asked.

Doctor-Pushing out royalty overwhelmed you a lot. That caused you to pass out. I was afraid that might happened so we were prepared for that. She said. I nodded.

Chris-How you feeling baby? He asked rubbing my cheek.

Jacob-I want to go home and go to sleep. I said to him and looking at him he chuckled.

Chris-Not until two days. He said. I whined.

Jacob-Where's royalty? Is she okay? I asked.

He smiled

Chris-She's perfectly fine and healthy. He said. I smiled.

Doctor-Do you want to see her? You can go to the baby's room whenever you get the energy. She said. I nodded

I was holding royalty yes royalty our daughter. Me and Chris wanted to name her that we came up with that name during the first month.

She is so adorable looking like Chris when he was little.

My mom and dad came by and Chris parents came by and Cameron and Genesis and allat good stuff.

I'm just so happy her small self is out of my stomach. She was giving me problems.

Chris-I can't believe I have a baby. He said smiling. I smiled looking at him.


It's been two days and now I'm home on bed rest! Bed rest?!?! But I can't complain Chris is doing his part and that's all that matters.

Chris rubbed on me as royalty was in the middle sleeping. Me and Chris sleep with royalty because that's what the doctors provided but she's sleeping in her room tonight so she can get use to that environment I don't want her to be clingy and be the child who sleeps with their parents.

Chris-I want another baby. He looked at me. I laughed softly.

Jacob-Oh my gosh we just had royalty! I exclaimed.

Chris-She's perfect, now we need a son and a ring. He said to me I blushed.

Jacob-Yeah not for a while or we can adopt one. I'm not having a kids anytime soon not even in a year miss me with that. I said. He chuckled.

Chris-I mean adoption isn't bad I'll think about it. He said. I smiled. We kissed slowly.

Chris-In the meantime, we can focus on us. He softly spoke. I smiled

Chris-Being my girlfriend. He said. My eyes widen.

Jacob-Girlfriend? I looked at him he nods smiling I smiled so hard.

Chris-Yeah...I cleared all my hoes and all of that. He said.

Chris-I want our family. No hoes included. He said. I smiled we kissed and kissed.

Jacob-Ugh man your so lucky I can't have sex. I whispered

Chris-Don't worry, I got chu when your cleared. He teased I giggled. We kissed slowly.


I woke up hearing giggling. I looked I saw nobody. I sat up seeing Chris and royalty playing on the floor with toys.

I smiled I grabbed my phone videocording them.

Chris-Ow you just goin hit daddy? He said she was giggling and sucking on her fist.

Chris-Thats mean. He said picking her up he was blowing on her cheek she was giggling

Chris-You daddy's baby. He gushed kissing on her cheek she giggled.

He blew on her tummy she was laughing. He blew on it more as she squealed laughing he chuckled.

Chris-You like that? It tickles? He said she was giggling. Making baby noises.

I saved the video posting it on the gram tagging chris with the caption.

My two baby's playing with eachother.

His phone started buzzing and so was mine he looked at me and smiled

Chris-Hey love, I'll go warm up your breakfast. He said. I did smell breakfast. He stood up with royalty who was whining

Chris-You want mommy? He asked giving royalty to me she snuggled agaisnt me I smiled

Chris-Aww. He gushed. I smiled.

He walked out going downstairs I kissed on her cheek as she snuggled against me.


I was eating my waffles Chris put royalty in her room a few minutes ago she was sleeping. But now he's like all up on me.

Chris-Yall see my wifey? He spoke as he videocording me eating.

Jacob-Chris what i tell you about videocording while I'm eating? Can I eat in peace. I said looking at him.

Chris-Uh not when I'm around. He said. I laughed he chuckled posting the video.

I sat the tray on the side and I got on top of Chris. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

Jacob-I love you. I said.

Chris-I love you mamas. He said kissing me I kissed back.

I snuggled up against him

Jacob-Baby. I whispered

Chris-Yes? He said.

Jacob-Are we going to get married? I asked.

Chris-Yup. He said popping the p.

Jacob-Never divorce. I whispered.

Chris-We can try. He said.

I giggled looking

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