You calm my soul

702 99 6

"Hey, you alright?"
A melodious calm voice asked.

Wang Yibo turned to his seat partner / stranger and there he was, looking into the most beautiful pair of eyes he had ever seen. And trust him, he had seen a lot of beautiful people in his career. This pair of eyes spoke so much of peace, comfort and calmness. Yibo felt like the world came to a standstill, his rapid heartbeat felt peace, it felt like he could go against the world, he wasn't afraid anymore, he was calm.

Looking at the silent Wang Yibo strangely, the stranger turned to look at the two ecstatic ladies, not really sure what is going on, he lightly frowned wondering if the ladies were bothering this man.

"You want to change seats with me?"

Wang Yibo came back to himself, quickly realising what the stranger was offering, he nodded eagerly.

To the disappointment of the two ladies, Wang Yibo was now seated comfortably inside, content to be where he is. Feeling the safety of the stranger who seemed like a guardian angel. For a split second, he wondered if the stranger was pretending, and might later pounce on him again. But was quickly comforted when he noticed the stranger plug back his AirPods, and leaned back comfortably with his eyes shut.

I don't think he recognises me, or maybe he isn't the rabid fan sort, Wang Yibo thought.

Wang Yibo observed the sleeping stranger, he was a really skinny guy. But his legs were thin and long, the stranger had to shift his legs slightly to the left so that his knees could fit. The stranger was surely quite afraid of the cold as he was dressed warmly, too warmly to Yibo's standards. He wore a thick hooded sweater under his down jacket and a thick long scarf wrapped around his neck several times covering his mouth and nose. He was even sporting a beanie which covered his ears, even though there was heater in the bus.

After a few hours, the bus was parked in a pit stop where there was a small cafeteria and souvenir shop. There, they were told they would take a break here for the bathroom and supper or light shopping for half an hour.

Without noticing, the stranger got off the bus and Yibo soon after. Yibo was about to dig into the soup he ordered when a commotion was heard.

"Get out of my store you beggar, I've warned you many times not to come in!"
Roared an angry shopkeeper at a small kid who wore too little in the winter climate. The 5 year old looking kid ran helplessly out of the shop afraid to be beaten.

Wang Yibo then saw his seat partner / stranger following the kid.

Why is he following the kid? Yibo was curious and decided to forget his soup and follow them from afar.

"What happened kid?" The stranger asked

"It's cold here, and I'm waiting for momma to come back. The shop was warm." The kid cried helplessly.

"When is momma coming back?" The stranger asked

"Momma always leaves me here and goes to work on a bus, she should be here soon. Usually when this bus comes, the next one will come after some time."

"Ok, that will be a few hours before the next bus. Does momma not leave you with someone when you're here?"
The stranger asked again seemingly worried

"Yes, my older brother is usually with me, but he is sick and in the hospital this few days."
The kid muttered sadly.

The stranger gave the kid some money and took off his down jacket and scarf.

"You take this money and buy something warm from the cafeteria"
He said as he wrapped his down jacket and scarf gently on the kid.

"Thanks big brother!" The kid nodded gratefully.

Yibo was shocked? Amazed? Impacted? He was feeling everything at once. Yibo already noticed how beautiful the stranger was when he took off his scarf. Eyes that shone and twinkled, rosy plump lips, a chiseled jawline, Snow White skin and a beautiful smile that seemed to light up the world. Even more beautiful was the stranger's heart. When nobody was concerned with a 5 year old kid chased by a hollering shopkeeper, the stranger offered his hand, and everything else he could offer.

Yibo felt his heart stir at the beautiful stranger as he quietly made his way back to the bus.

On the bus, Yibo noticed that the stranger loved listening to music. He actually changed AirPod when the first one ran out of batteries. He was curious what type of music the stranger was listening to, and without realising, he was curious about the stranger. His name, where was his from, what he does, is he alone?

Shocked at his own train of thoughts, Yibo reeled his heart back and plugged his AirPods too, falling into an easy sleep. This time, his sleep was calm, one that he haven't had for a long time.

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