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5 years later

Yibo had declared his love for Zhan publicly. Instead of the expected a full blown homophobic hatred, Yibo and Zhan received a lot of love from the public.

Yibo's family and friends had loved Zhan the moment they saw him and was now very unfairly siding with Zhan all the time. Wells, you can't win against the child blessed by Gods can you?

Zhan reconnected with his friends who were initially very very angry at Zhan for retreating. But for a moment of like 5 minutes then they broke into tears and brought Zhan into a group hug.

Yibo had proposed to Zhan and they have been happily married for 3 years now.

Yibo cut back on his activities and frequently travelled with Zhan, having fun on their travels pranking each other like kids again.

Yibo cannot believe how blessed he is to have Zhan in his life. Every laughter, every smile, every pout took his breath away.

Zhan was back to his cheeky and bubbly self and Yibo could spend all day watching him.

Yibo and Zhan visited Jay and his mothers' and father's grave at least twice a year. During the first visit, Yibo kneeled down at Jay's grave and thanked him for bringing out the positivity in Zhan. He cried and thanked Jay for bringing Zhan to him. Zhan was shocked to see Yibo kneeling and when trying to console Yibo, hugged him and cried together with him.

Zhan, you're the love of my life. You're my life itself. My world lit up when you walked in, and I will cherish and love you every moment, all of my life.

The end

On another note, Yibo and director Er Gou became best friends. Er Gou was even one of Yibo's brothers when he fetched Zhan the bride. He had apologised to director Er Gou for cursing him to stuff the production up the arse but he wanted Er Gou to forever stay this stupid. Because *blessed are the silly. And this silly had brought him the greatest love of his life.

* blessed are the silly
It's a Chinese idiom to say that the pure at heart are blessed (my own translation)

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