Xiao Zhan 1

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Xiao Zhan's POV

Zhan was a broken soul. He grew up in a broken family, but not in a way that his parents broke apart. His siblings were the ones who broke apart.

Zhan was the fourth child, and the most beloved child. He had two older sisters, an older brother and a younger sister. Zhan's father was an abusive alcoholic, his mother was uneducated and believed strongly that a wife must obey her husband.

Since he could remember, maybe 3 years old? He was often woken up to the screeches of his mother and siblings screaming, crying and begging his father to stop hitting them.

He watched his father force his brother run naked around the neighbourhood crying, he watched his father grab whatever he could get his hands on to beat his siblings, be it canes, metal soup ladles, clothes rack, and even the floor fan. He watched his father pull his siblings hair and dragged them across the house slamming them into the wall. And for no reason at all, as if blessed by the Gods, every time his dad came home in a rage beating the hell out of his whole family,  his dad would force Zhan to go back into the room and lock zhan inside when he noticed Zhan watching.

Zhan's dad had never touched Zhan before. And so Zhan was traumatised, but he felt no hatred. He still loved his parents, like a child who will unconditionally love so. His siblings however hated Zhan.

They would remember each other's birthdays and celebrated for each other secretly. They looked out for each other, were there for each other during their ups and downs. Never once did they ever look Zhan in the eye and never once had they remembered Zhan. Yet Zhan felt no hatred as well, he did not know why he was spared from his father's rage, but how his siblings felt was justified.

Zhan grew up lonely, quiet. He was used to being alone, and did everything himself. He doesn't talk to his siblings, and he doesn't talk much with his parents at well. But he loved them all the same, and he was easily contented, he easily smiled.

As he grew older and his dad grew weaker, his siblings left one by one. Slowly, only his parents and him stayed together in the family home.

He started off as a graphic designer, at nights when he was lost in his own world of creativity, he goes home in the am, losing track of time. He slowly noticed that his dad was always sitting in the living room pretending to be watching tv. Hell he knew his dad, he wasn't a tv person much less stay up so late.

At nights he'd come home with food on the table, his dad watching tv. Slowly his heart warmed as he realised his dad was waiting up for him, concerned about him. His dad was not an affectionate guy, but he came to realise that his dad had an affectionate heart.

Zhan had a childhood friend Shuang, they grew up together and Shuang knew everything about him. Zhan was often afraid that the world will judge him for his parents biases for him. But Shuang was understanding, and Shuang never judged, she was patient and kind, always there when Zhan broke down.

Zhan started writing at Shuang's encouragement and he was again blessed by the Gods, he made his first pot of gold on his first novel.

As Zhan and his parents' relationship improved, he really wanted to give them a holiday, bring them on a trip. His dad may be abusive, but he never abused Zhan. Zhan also did not agree with his siblings leaving without contact. After all, his dad the sole breadwinner worked night and day to put food on the table and give them education.

His dad was not the best dad in the world, but he was a dutiful father. He upheld his duties and brought them up. And for that, Zhan wanted to repay him.

"Pa, I booked a trip to Japan for you and Ma. Didn you always say you want to see Sakuras in Japan?"

Zhan's dad turned around and met Zhan's eyes. For the first time since Zhan was born, his dad smiled. And for the first time looking at the wrinkles on his dads face, zhan realised his dad was aging, and losing a lot of weight, he doesn't seem well.

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