Stupid director

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Zhan was exasperated. What the hell is wrong with this director. He must have a screw loose somewhere.

First, the director refused to start production until a certain actor accepted the role as Lan Wang Ji. Then the director changed his mind on Wei Wuxian's actor and had to re-audition the role.

Now the director insisted he had to speak with the author in order to "inspire" him to find the right people and start production.

Zhan had never shown himself before. He had holed himself up in Jay's penthouse and shut the world out. He concentrated on writing novels under a few different pen names for different genres of novels.

His first novel under cultivation genre was a huge hit and was even adapted into live animation. At this point, selling novels and art works under so many pen names provided Zhan the means to retire indefinitely. But never once had Zhan stepped out of his penthouse and all businesses were conducted through calls and emails.

Zhan had locked himself away from the world for so long afraid to take another fall. He was deathly afraid that he'd fall and never get up again. Throughout this time, Yibo had kept him company through media. And Zhan was able to toil through life sometimes locked up in his world of creativity,  sometimes having Yibo keep him company virtually.

Should I give up on MDZS and just retire? Zhan wondered.
But the contract fee is a bomb.
Argh, stupid crazy director.

"Time and place?" Zhan replied his email in frustration.

Yibo was frustrated. What the hell is wrong with this director, he must have a screw loose somewhere.

Director Er Gou was going to meet the author of MDZS and insisted Yibo tag along. He had said he needed the author to "inspire" how Yibo was going to portray the character.

Inspire my ass! Why can't he meet the damn author and then tell me how to act this. Zhan's friend Qi was in Beijing on business and had to leave in the afternoon. Yibo needed desperately to meet her. But the stupid director said, no meet, no production.

"Seriously, if not for Zhan, I would not even join your stupid production, so your production can stuff it into your arse." Yibo muttered on his way to the meeting.

Yibo arrived and gave the director a hard glare before sitting one seat away from the director.

The director gleamed at his actions.

"I was right, you're the perfect fit for the role".

Yibo immediately felt his temper boil over and refuse to meet the director's eyes.

"Sorry I'm late." a melodious voice chimed as the door opened.

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