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Two happy joyful weeks were quickly coming to an end.

Yibo felt more and more that Zhan will be the only one in his heart ever. They snowboarded together, made snowman and snow angels together, had snowball fights, went hang gliding, and even took an impromptu flight to Rome where they rode scooters on the streets and played football with the street kids. They even vandalised *cough* created art on some street walls leaving some secret insignia that Zhan came up with on each vandalised wall. *cough* art wall

Zhan was a true free spirit. They talked and laughed, pranked strangers and pranked each other. They chilled at cafes and stole kisses over the book they were reading, played in the rain, hugged and kissed and made love over and over again.

Zhan had healed Yibo, and Yibo was back. Back to his confident charming self. Fearless and ready for the world. Ready to strike the world with all the creativity that has been bubbling inside him.

Zhan was cheeky, kind, beautiful, and everything Yibo wanted in a man. Yibo however can't seem to shake the feeling that Zhan is broken. Zhan rarely talks about his life nor his family. He rarely even talks about himself while Yibo opened up and shared everything.

It wasn't that Zhan was not answering Yibo, but Yibo just never found the chance to ask amidst their bright moods and happiness. Hell, he doesn't even know if Zhan is from China and if so which province? All he knows is that Zhan is Chinese.

On the last day, Yibo's anxiety regarding him and Zhan grew exponentially. He didn't even have Zhan's phone number and he realised much to his dismay, Zhan did not bring a phone at all. He needed desperately for Zhan to stay in his life. In the least, stay in contact.

Zhan hugged Yibo from the back and lightly kissed Yibo's neck as Yibo was packing his bag.

Zhan.. Yibo turned around and faced him. With all the courage he could muster, he asked.

Do you want to come home with me?

Zhan did not smile back.

Yibo was broken. He knew, he knew dammit! Zhan already said this was a two week stand. That means no fucking strings attached. Why did he have to make this awkward. Yibo was really hoping for an affectionate farewell but seeing Zhan lose his smile is the fucking last thing he never had on his list. Bucking himself up again, he chuckled.

Zhan, I'm kidding. This is a two week stand remember? Yibo forced a smiled and kissed Zhan lightly on his forehead.

Zhan intertwined his fingers into Yibo's hands and asked gently.

What time is your flight?

I need to leave in an hour.

Oh, two weeks really flew huh?

Yibo smiled sadly. Yes, it did.

Zhan, you know you still matter to me somewhat. This is my private number. Let me know if you're in Beijing ok? I could take a small vacation and we could have fun together again.

Zhan accepted the paper and nodded silently.

An hour flew by seemingly like a second to Yibo and Yibo felt his heart break. Contrary to how the hour flew by, his heart broke so badly the hour seemed like years on end.

Yibo and Zhan hugged and kissed and held on to each other's hands, no words were exchanged, Yibo had to go.

As the door closed, Yibo raised his head willing the tears to go back. He walked away, lost his heart, left it with Zhan, and cried brokenly when he boarded the plane.

Third Time's the Charm Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz