Fun night in the club

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Ok so Zhan knows I am Wang Yibo but he expected me to have a one night stand. He must either be very naive or trying to get me into trouble. Knowing this just made Yibo feel more dejected.

He came to know Zhan is an author. He likes music, and he graduated with a PHD in arts and design. So why is he not drawing but writing? Yibo was slightly confused. Zhan was a bubbly person, he didn't seem to talk much so Wang Yibo the silent ended up doing most of the talking. Yibo rather enjoyed talking with Zhan as the other beamed and reacted to everything he said with that beautiful smile and melodious laughter. Yibo thought that he could go on and on forever just so he could see those reactions over and over again. Although Yibo did not know why, the bubbly Zhan's beautiful eyes looked soulless. Yes he was laughing, but his eyes looked lost, broken even. Yibo now rather hoped that Zhan would talk more instead.

Yibo was impressed when they reached the club. The waitors were dressed impeccably James Bond theme like, and the club was illuminated with crystal chandeliers bouncing off green red yellow spotlights that grooved to the very high and rowdy live band. It instantly brightened up anyone who walks in and fill them with excitement.

Zhan's face lit up as he made his way to the bar and very excitedly challenged Yibo to shots.

"Ready? GO!"

Yibo and Zhan quickly attacked the shots that were placed on the bar counter in a straight line on both sides. Being super competitive, Yibo smirked as he finished 5 shots while Zhan still had two left.

Zhan pouted at his loss and very quickly, they challenged 3 times of which Yibo could have proudly won all 3, but the second time Zhan's pout melted Yibo to his bones so competitive Yibo let Zhan win the last one.

Shaking his head at Zhan's celebratory dance, he was dragged to the dance floor. Yibo was high and had so much fun. For a long time, Yibo had not felt so happy, he just let himself dance free and remembered why he loved to dance again.

When they decided to take a break from dancing, Zhan dragged Yibo and made a beeline to the shots again.

"Zhan, you're gonna be so hungover tomorrow. "

"Yibo, cmon, you're on a holiday, let go and relax."

Yibo chuckled and let Zhan win every round this time. Zhan was jumping elated at his wins and accidentally twisted his foot tipping over. Yibo grabbed Zhan instantaneously and felt his ears heat up when his hands touched Zhan's slim waist.

Zhan looked up sheepishly, his plump red lips mouthing an apology to Yibo.

In that moment, Yibo lost control and smashed into Zhan's lips.

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