Part twenty one- What Goes Around, Comes Around.

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So I hope everyone enjoys this, I made sure I wouldn't take too long to update C; and some of yous said you wanted to see Violet get a little bit sassy, well here it is!

I’m The Option You Shouldn’t Have Chosen- Part twenty one- What Goes Around, Comes Around.         

Just breathe, just breathe, and just breathe. I chanted to myself as I walked back through the large oak door. I was surprised that no one had locked it on me. For once, this was actually all my fault. I had made the decision to leave. I had walked out that door. And I had turned and came back. Why did I have to be so stupid? I was always managing to get myself into shitty situations.

I decided to walk the stairs straight up to my room. If Slade wanted to hurt me then I was as sure as hell that he’d come find me. I was more than surprised when I reached my room to find that Slade wasn’t there. As I walked in further I noticed a small glass of blood and a note sitting on my bedside table.

Had he poisoned it? I could only hope.

I picked up the note, I was more than curious to see what it said.

‘Dear Violet,

What goes around comes around, never forget this. You were nice to me by not running and coming back and now I have been nice to you by supplying you with something you crave.

And before you think about it, no you don’t have any choice to leave. I wouldn’t have let you run. I think you and I both know what would happen if you did.


The threat about running at the end of the letter sent a hard shiver down my spine. I’d never stop trying to find little ways to escape. It’d be easier for him to just let me go. Not to mention the fact that I am nowhere near being good wife material. I picked up the glass of blood and sighed, my mouth watered at just the thought of drinking it. Slade was right, this is what I craved. I thought about our kiss in the lounge room. He was so sweet, yet so demanding with unspoken words.

As I sipped from the glass I decided I would go for a walk through the hallways. The halls in the mansion were huge and some were divided by a door in the middle. Slade’s room was at one end while his study was at the other, which meant you had to pass through a door to get from hallway (a) to hallway (b). I didn’t understand why he wouldn’t just want his bedroom and study on one end, it would save a lot of hassle with walking back and forwards.

I passed through to hallway (b) and started to walk down the end to Slade’s bedroom. I wasn’t sure why I even wanted to go near his room. But then again, I’m never sure why I make some of the decisions that I do. I got about halfway there before I heard Isabella’s giggling coming from behind his door. I then heard her moaning and felt vile rise in my throat. I once again felt betrayed by Slade. Just earlier on he was kissing me! And now he was in his bedroom fucking with some trashy vampire. I turned around and headed back to hallway (a). I tried not to make too much noise. All I wanted to do was slam every door I walked past to relieve some of my anger! I have never met a man that has been so harsh. How could you even treat someone like this?

I was going to go straight back to my room and sulk but my feet found their way to Slade’s study where I thumped myself down in his office chair and huffed. I took a look at the desk in front of me and noticed that the drawers were not locked. This was my perfect opportunity to try and find out more about this world and more about Slade. It’s not like he was going to know, he was too busy ‘doing’ other things. Like trashy vampire whores.

I'm The Option You Shouldn't Have Chosen.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora