Part twenty three- Infuriating the Bitch

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Sorry about the long wait, I hope it's worth it! xx


I woke up on Slade’s office chair where it felt as if he had nicely dumped me. The first thing that hit me was the intense burning in the back of my throat. Meaning; Slade had taken enough blood out of me that he knew I’d need more when I woke up. It really was something seriously so strange to get addicted to. The thought of it made me feel sick, but if you were to put a cup of it in front of me, I’d down the whole thing without a second thought. I hated that I didn’t get to choose what happens to me in life anymore. It’s strange enough that a world like this even existed.

I said I never wanted to be second place next to Isabella, but in truth; I always would be. She was stronger than me and knew how this world works. The fact that I had to go to Slade every time I needed blood proved how much I would have to rely on him. And in my mind, he wasn’t very trustworthy. He had once again drunk from me and then dumped me. I was his own little toy and I hated it. He knew that he had every bit of power over me and I couldn’t do a single thing about it.

I angrily got up from the couch and started pacing around the study. I had to do something to see if Slade really worried about me. An evil smile came across my face as I thought about making Isabella extremely angry. Surely he would stop her from laying a hand on me, right? The plan was dangerous and could probably get me killed but sometimes you had to be reckless to have a little fun. And after the way Slade had been treating me, I felt like I deserved a little fun.

I creeped down the hall and back into my room with a giddy feeling like butterflies going throughout my body. I then stripped out of my clothes and walked into my bathroom to take a shower. I wanted to make myself desirable to Slade. Was that was even possible? Surely if a girl flaunted themselves in front of him he’d like it. He was in fact a male after all. While in the shower I lathered my hair with as much raspberry shampoo and possible and left the conditioner in my hair for a longer amount of time so my hair would be silky and smooth.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a white, fluffy towel around myself before walking back into my room to find some underwear. Of course the only underwear that was supplied was black or red lingerie. I thought for a second. Black or red? Black was nice but the red was exciting. I ended up choosing the red pair and then found a pair of short shorts in the next drawer down. I didn’t put a shirt on yet as I had to go back to the bathroom to dry off my hair. I searched through the cabinet and was surprised to see that a small makeup bag had been supplied. Who even brought this stuff in here? Or was this Slade trying to say I wasn’t pretty enough?

I lined my eyes in black eye-liner and then put heaps of mascara on my lashes to make them bold and stand out. In the bag I also found a selection of coloured lipsticks and I chose a plump red to match my underwear. I ran a brush through my hair and let it fall into its natural waves down my back and then went back into my room and wrapped the towel back around my chest. My footsteps padded along the floor until I got to my door and stopped. I peered down the hallway to see if anyone was in the corridor but it was clear. My heart stammered as I tip-toed my way through to the other end of the hallway. I stopped when I got to Slade’s bedroom door but I wasn’t sure if anyone was in there or not and that was a scary thought. If someone was in Slade’s room then my plan was pretty much ruined and I didn’t have a plan b or c. I wish that I had super-sonic hearing or something. It wasn’t fair that Slade had advance hearing and speed.

I quietly turned the handle on his door and let out a breath of relief as I stepped inside and no-one was in there. I walked across the room to Slade’s clothes drawers and my hands hovered over the handles, with a big breath of air I tried to pull them open as quietly as possible. My fingers started to search through them until I found the perfect top to wear. I pulled the black tank-top over my head and walked over to the mirror to see if it matched with everything else I had done. It was perfect! The sides of the tank-top drooped low making the sides of my bra show completely and it was long enough to almost cover the shorts I was wearing. It was practical, yet sexy.

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