Part three- Snack-time.

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I'm The Option You Shouldn't Have Chosen- Part three.

"Do I make myself clear?" Slade asked in a stern voice, his slight English accent showing.

I didn't say anything. I mean what was I supposed to say? 'Yeah, you can have permission to hurt me and kill me, sure thing.' I don't think so.

Slade grabbed my hair and pulled so hard that my back was arching up off of the floor and I had a piercing pain going through my skull.

"I said, do I make myself clear?" He yelled in my face.

"Yes!" I screamed out while trying to grip onto his hands with my own in hope that he would let go of my hair.

He suddenly let go and I fell to the floor like a blanket. My back hit the floor with a loud 'thump', my body instantly started to ache. I lifted my head up and glared at Slade. His eyes were such an intense blue, it was almost scary. Slade's black hair was a tad scruffy and it had fallen into his face a bit, he had it cut into a 'choppy' style and it stopped just above his shoulders.

Slade was wearing a black tank top that hung off of his hips and showed off his muscles. Looking down I noticed that he was wearing a pair of black slacks that fit him nicely. He looked much better than me.

If he wasn't a vampire I'd say that he was extremely sexy and his looks were to die for.

I saw Slade give me a smug look, noticing that I had been checking him out. I looked away when I felt the heat rising to my cheeks.

"I'm up higher then you, humans. You and your kind are scum to us and at the bottom of the food chain, the weakest. Whereas my kind," He said with a grin. "Is at the top."

"Then who eats you?" I whispered to myself.

"No one Darling, vampires rule." Slade said with a loud chuckle.

I just sat on the floor keeping still, not knowing what to say or how to respond.

"Now." Slade started. "Due to the circumstances of you already trying to run away, you'll be sleeping in my room tonight because I don't feel like having to kill you yet." He finished.


I had never slept in the same bed as a guy before, not to mention I'd only ever been kissed once and that was back when I was fourteen. Yeah, two years ago.

The terms 'scared' and 'nervous' would be an understatement of what I was feeling right now.

As Slade led me down the hallway towards his room, I just followed carefully behind him, not making any noise. Almost too scared to breathe.

When he opened his door he made a motion for me to walk in first. I had a slight smile on my face when I looked around, the walls were white, he a massive queen-sized, four-poster bed up against one of the walls. The wood of the bed was a deep burgundy colour, while the sheets were silk and the blanket, which was also silk, was a pretty deep red colour.

There were two doors, which from common sense I was guessing one would be the door for his bathroom, and the other for his closet. Also amongst the room was a burgundy desk that had books and paper scattered along it, beside the desk was a matching cupboard and to finish the room off an uncomfortable looking chair had been placed next to his bed.

Slade must have seen my curious gaze that I was directing towards the chair because he spoke up. "Oh and darling, that chair is now your bed, which you'll be chained to." He said with an evil glint in his eyes. It was only then that I noticed the pile of chain on the floor beside the chair.

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