Here it starts.

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Dedicated to that lovely lady up there because her story is perfect :)

And yes the title comes from the song 'Loverboy' By You Me at Six, they are an amazing band :)

I'm The Option You Shouldn't Have Chosen- Part One.

This couldn't be real.

But it was.

I was standing on a cold, cement floor in some kind of basement. My hands were free but both of my ankles were chained to the ground. And I wasn't alone. 

Five other girls were chained by their ankles to the floor; all of us had something in common.

We were all stripped down to nothing but our naked bodies.

I don't know what I was more ashamed of; my body, or the reason why I was here.

I wasn't exactly the skinniest person you would see. But I wasn't fat. I had bigger boobs compared to the other girls, but they were skinnier than me. And one of them was flaunting it, you could tell by the look in her eyes.

I couldn't help that I was a natural size 12. And it also seemed like I was the only Australian here, everyone else looked like they were California barbies.

I stood with my head hung in shame, I shouldn't be here, I didn't fit in. I didn't belong.

I felt like I was so stupid, I had gone into the city, to try out for a model shoot, thinking that I had a chance against the other girls. I had the slightest hope that I may have made it through. Well that would have been my thoughts if the whole thing wasn't just a kidnapping sham.

And now here I was, well I didn't even know where 'here' was.

There were three men at the front of the room; I didn't know what they looked like, because I didn't want to look at them. I could only just see three pairs of shoes.

They were talking to each other in hushed whispers, every now and then I'd hear words like 'perfect' or 'slave' or even 'cooking'.

But none of that helped because I still had no idea of what was going on.

"So, you pretty little ladies must be wondering what's going on." I heard one of the men speak. "Well I'll tell you..."

I felt a gush of wind next to me and then I felt a hard slap across my face.

"Do you have no manners?" A man spat, but not the same one that was just speaking. "Look at us when we speak to you!"

I whimpered as I looked up at him, I had never felt more scared and helpless in my life.

"S-sorry." I stuttered, feeling like an idiot.

"Sorry Master!" He said while grabbing hold of my chin and staring intensely into my eyes.

"What?" I questioned dumbfounded.

"Are you fucking deaf?" The man questioned me.

"W-well no." I stuttered again, I wasn't used to being yelled at, or intimidated.

"Then listen." He snapped.

I heard some of the other girls gasp, and then someone else spoke up.

"Stop that Darton, or else you'll send her into shock." The third man, who hadn't spoken yet, spoke up.

"Fine." Darton agreed stubbornly.

"You girls..." The first guy who spoke to us started again. "Now belong to us, well not technically to us...but you now belong to the Vampire World."

Say what?

This really did have to be some big kind of joke.

"Why a-aren't we wearing clothes?" One of the other girls spoke up.

"Because this is what we call assessment. I'm Blake by the way, that's Darton," he said while pointing to the vampire who had slapped me. "And the quiet one over there," He said pointing to the guy who had told Darton off, "Is Alec."

All three men were un-naturally attractive. 

They all had the whole package, amazing eyes, clear skin, built bodies, perfect teeth and the ability to lure any girl into their trap.

"Assessment?" Another girl spoke up.

"Yes. Assessment. We assess different aspects of you to find who you would be a suitable slave for. We assess your body, your attitude, your skills...and your strength." Blake said in a professional but deadly voice. I could help but notice when he said 'attitude' he stared directly at me. I don't have a bad attitude problem though, I was raised to be polite and can only recall speaking out of terms a couple of times, which was when I was younger and got a spanking for it anyway.

"And now, the assessment begins." Alec said with a cunning grin on his face.

This could not be happening.

Yes, this is a vampire story. But don't hate on me, because I'll make it a good one :) 

And the other terms are simple, don't like it? Then don't read it haha c:

Leave comments/oppinions so I know what you think of it, and I'll upload soon :) x

I'm The Option You Shouldn't Have Chosen.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon