Part seventeen -Bloodlust.

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I’m The Option You Shouldn’t Have Chosen- Part seventeen –Bloodlust.


My mind was going crazy. I wanted nothing more than to drink Slade’s blood. The bastard had walked away and just left me; you can’t just offer to someone and then take it away.

I sniffed his scent and followed it through the house. I came to a stop outside of his office door, wondering whether or not if I should enter or not.

“I know you’re there Violet.” Slade’s voice spoke from in the room. “If you haven’t decided on your choice you may as well leave.”

I turned and walked across the hall in to my own room, missing the smell of his scent in the air. I was becoming some form of human monster. But as Slade had said earlier, the bloodlust wouldn’t turn me into a vampire. I sure as hell felt like a vampire right now though.

To sleep with a vampire, or to not sleep with a vampire?

He said it was for protection and becoming his wife would be a dangerous thing. Who knew how the humans would act? Better yet, who knew how his father and brother would act?

I went and had a shower, I wanted desperately to have a nice, long and warm one, but due to the hot water restrictions on slaves, I couldn’t.

I wonder if someone such as Isabella would get the same crappy water restrictions. Probably not.

While getting dressed I thought of something, I could always just act nice and do everything Slade says, then maybe I’d get treated like a princess. I won’t be escaping anytime soon because Slade keeps a tough eye on me, but if I gained his trust I could always run away when he isn’t around one day. It would also make life here certainly better.

I looked out into the night sky through my window. The stars shun brightly and it looked amazing. I froze as I thought that I saw movement down by the bushes. I moved to the side and hid myself behind some of my curtain so I could watch more closely without being seen. And I was right! There were two figures sneaking around the place.

My heartbeat sped up; it looked like Blake and Darton. What if they had finally came back for me like they said they would? I was scared out of my brains.

Would Slade care if I told him they were here? Or would he ignore me?

As I left my room I walked across the hall and into his study, I didn’t bother with knocking on the door because this was an emergency.

Slade looked up at me with a curious expression, he was about to say something but I cut him off.

“Blake and Darton are creeping around outside!” I watched as a confused look came over his face.

“You’re joking.” Slade said. “They wouldn’t come near here again.”

“I saw them out of my window.” I exclaimed as we heard the locks on the front door being rattled downstairs.

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