Chapter 1 - First Meeting

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[Akira's POV]

Eleven long years I slipped away like sand through an hourglass, marking the passage of time since my senior year in high school. A destined encounter awaited me—I met him.

A pretty twenty-six year old average man crossed my path, his unassuming demeanor concealing the unforeseen role he would play as my first-ever boyfriend—the memories linger vividly in my mind.

[Eleven years ago, At Ibaraki Prefecture High School.]

I am Akira Kaneko, a sixteen-year-old high school student. I am a girl of unique beauty, possessing short black hair, round grey eyes, and a lovely brown complexion. With a pretty sharp nose, I stand at a height of approximately 152 cm—that's why my friends call me Chibi. *chibi is a Japanese slang word describing something short.

"I am a hardworking student who cherishes self-love but is delicate in heart matters."

Under the gentle caress of a beautiful sunny day, as lunch break embraces us, a warm breeze tenderly graces my face. Seated at my desk, I gaze out the window, where the spirited basketball team commands the quadrangle. The harmonious chorus of cheering girls resonates through the air, their voices blending in unison. Amidst this lively scene, I am the only inhabitant of our deserted classroom.

Today feels odd amidst the recent days of laughter, shouting, and boisterous commotion that once filled our room. Yet now, I find myself the sole inhabitant, prompting a murmured query of why solitude has replaced the vibrant atmosphere.

Boredom ruins me as I let out a frustrated "Tsk." The realization of forgetting my lunch adds to my vexation. The thought of braving the crowded cafeteria holds no appeal to my laziness. With a sigh escaping my lips, I can't help but lament the passing of time, for it feels like an unwelcome companion. I long to return home; my remaining subjects hold me captive. As I lie around in discontent, the echo of approaching footsteps reaches my ears from the corridor.

"Oh, what is that sound?" I mumble, my voice trembling as curiosity and apprehension intertwine. Ghostly notions in broad daylight seem far-fetched, but something strange is afoot. Before I can ponder further, a gentle poke on my shoulder startles me. I swiftly turn around, my gaze meeting the presence of a man seemingly in his late 20s. He dresses in a suit, which sets him apart from the students and faculty.

Suddenly, our eyes meet, and a fleeting moment unfolds. [his captivating hazelnut eyes chill down my spine, entrancing my entire being. His hair, a beautiful medium-length black charcoal, complements his features effortlessly. His lips' pink hue resembles plum cherry blossoms, while his perfectly pointed nose adds to his charm. In short, he is undeniably handsome.]

"Hi, Miss. Are you okay?" he said with a slight smirk playing on his lips. "Umm... Hello. Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for asking," I replied, trembling with surprise and shyness. "Um, what can I do for you, Mister?" I inquired, trying to hide my nervousness. "May I ask you something?" he queried, his gaze locked onto mine. "Yes, sure," I responded eagerly. "Do you know where Yozora is?" he asked with a hint of urgency in his voice. "Hmm. Yuki Yozora? Yeah, I know her, but, umm... I think she's at the library," I replied hesitantly, my uncertainty evident. "Okay, thank you," he said, swiftly exiting the room. I couldn't help but watch him as he left, his handsome face carving itself deeply into my mind.

A few minutes later, my classmates began to arrive, and the bell continued chiming. Our afternoon class was about to begin. Our Math teacher, Miss Enna, starts her lesson. However, Math has never been my favorite subject. Throughout the entire class, I find myself talking to myself, unable to focus. "Ehhh, what's wrong with me? Why do I keep thinking about that guy? His gaze was so captivating, and he was incredibly handsome. I can't believe I forgot to ask for his name," I thought regretfully. Suddenly, it struck me that he was looking for Yuki Yozora.

[Yozora has been my classmate since my first year. While we're not best friends, we share a close bond and often confide in each other about our secrets and personal matters.]

"Ahem. Alright then. I'll ask Yuki later," I said, trying to hold my curiosity. Throughout the class, my mind drifted back to that guy, unable to stop the smirk from forming on my face. "Am I really falling for him? No, that's absurd," I murmured, dismissing the thought. As soon as the class ended, I rushed to find Yuki. I checked the surroundings anxiously, and after a minute, I spotted her descending the stairs.

I hurriedly ran towards her, calling out, "Yozora! Wait up! I need to talk to you." My voice carried a sense of urgency. However, as I reached her, my words caught in my throat, and my mind went into a state of disbelief. I witnessed something that left me completely flustered. "I... I can't believe it. What on earth is going on? That guy and Yuki... they're..." I trailed off, unable to comprehend what I had just seen— "What the heck?"

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