Chapter 5 - Encounter

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I felt unwell on Sunday morning, the beginning of a new week. I woke up feeling sick. Weakness had taken over my entire body, making it difficult to leave my bed's comfort. To make matters worse, I was alone at home, with no one to care for me.

Currently, my parents are away on a business trip in the Philippines. They left just yesterday, and my eldest sister is currently out of town visiting her coffee shop in Kyoto. Another one of my sisters resides abroad with her husband and daughter. Our family belongs to the middle class, and I have lived in Ibaraki since I was born. However, the Philippines holds a special place in our hearts as it is our second home—where my parents first met and married. Among my siblings, I am the youngest, with two older sisters.

Glancing at the clock, I noticed it was only five in the morning. Realizing that I needed more rest, I decided to go back to sleep to feel better. Afterwards, I planned to visit the convenience store to purchase medicine and food supplies.

[Time flew by, and it was already ten o'clock in the morning. Akira remained fast asleep, unaware of the vibrations of her phone. Gin's call went unanswered as she was still lost in sleep. It took another two hours before she finally stirred awake, wobbly rising from her sleep.]

"Argh! My head is pounding, but my body feels slightly lighter, and I can stand up. Somehow, I need to go out and buy some medicine and supplies." I left the bed, changed my clothes, and wore a mask and jacket because I still felt terrible. While walking down the street, The skies turned gray to black, which is a sign that heavy rain would pour down any time. So I started to walk as fast as I could, even though my body was still weak. After a minute, I finally reached the convenience store.

One of the convenience store staff members greeted me, saying, "Good morning, ma'am." I responded with a slight smirk and inquired, "Could you please direct me to the section where I can find medicine for my cold?" He pointed me in the right direction, and I walked towards that area. After gathering all the needed items, I went to the counter to pay.

Just a few minutes later, the rain started pouring heavily. "Oh no! They don't have any umbrellas in stock at the convenience store. What am I supposed to do now? I can't risk getting even sicker by rushing home in the rain," I murmured in frustration. With no other option, I decided to wait until the rain subsided, even though it seemed like it would take a while. I stepped outside the store and, fortunately, spotted a bench nearby. I took a seat, hoping for a miracle that the rain would cease soon. As time passed, my vision blurred, my head throbbed with pain, and my body grew feverish—I felt miserable.

An hour later, as the rain continued relentlessly, I felt a gentle poke on my shoulder, rousing me from my slumber. Opening my eyes, I was taken aback as I recognized the person standing before me—it was none other than Mr. Inei Mizuki.

I was stunned and found it hard to believe. He inquired if I was alright, his face displaying genuine concern. "Hey, Akira, are you okay?" he asked with concern. "You look pale and weak. What are you doing here?" he added, "I just bought some medicine and other essentials at the store," I replied. "But then the heavy rain started pouring, and I didn't have an umbrella. I thought of buying one at the store, but unfortunately, they were out of stock. So I'm here, waiting for the rain to stop, hoping for a miracle..."

"Wait, how did you know my name?" I asked, feeling a strange sense of curiosity. "Ah, well, I asked your teacher, Mr. Ayumu Ito, and he told me your name," he responded with a hint of shyness in his voice. "Why did you ask him about me? What is your purpose? Please tell me," I inquired. "I've been attracted to you since I saw you at school. I asked you a random question as an excuse to talk to you," he confessed. However, I was increasingly dizzy, and his words blurred in my ears—I felt weak and unstable.

"Hey, Akira, what happened? You're trembling. I'll take you home. Just wait here, and I'll go get my car," he offered with concern.

[So, Mizuki hurriedly ran towards his car and reached Akira's location within a few minutes. He helped Akira into the car and swiftly got in himself.]

"Hey, Akira. Please tell me where you live. Let me know your exact address," he requested urgently. In my dazed state, I managed to hand him my School ID from my small bag, hoping he would find the necessary information. "My address is written there. Please take a look," I whispered weakly before caving to unconsciousness.

[Mizuki felt a surge of concern as Akira lost consciousness. He carefully held onto Akira's School ID, taking note of the address. With a sense of urgency, he swiftly drove towards Akira's residence, his mind filled with worry and thoughts of how to help. Upon arriving at Akira's place, Mizuki carefully carried Akira out of the car and swiftly made his way to the front door. He pressed the doorbell, anxiously waiting for someone to answer and offer assistance. Unfortunately, it seemed that no one was home at that moment. Mizuki's concern grew as he pondered the following action to help Akira. What would unfold for Akira and Mizuki in this situation?]

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