Chapter 23 - Moving Forward

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One hundred eighty-six days have passed, nearly half a year since Akira and I ventured to Tokyo. The memory of her final rejection still lingers, fresh and painful. It's a wound that hasn't fully healed, reopening with every thought of her choosing Mizuki over me. Since our trip, there has been no communication between us, and I purposely distanced myself, cutting off any news or updates about her. I knew it was necessary for my well-being—I needed to find a way to move on.

In these past months, I've tried my best to focus on myself and find solace and healing in my journey. I've thrown myself into my studies, hobbies, and spending time with friends, hoping to fill the gap she left behind. But no matter how much I try, thoughts of Akira still find their way into my mind, tugging at my heartstrings.

"I want to move on. I genuinely do."

I want to free myself from the chains of this unrequited love and find happiness within myself. But it's a process—one that takes time and patience. I know that healing will come eventually, but for now, I must be gentle with myself and allow the pain to run its course. As days turn into weeks and weeks into months, I can only hope that with each passing day, the grip of her memory loosens, and I find the strength to forget a new path without her.

The final semester of senior high school has arrived, signaling the close approach to graduation. It's a bittersweet moment, knowing that this chapter of my life is coming to an end. As I reflect on my journey, I can't help but feel a sense of relief for having survived the trials and tribulations of being a student under the eye of Mr. Inei Mizuki, the man who holds Akira's heart.

My days as Mr. Inei Mizuki's student passed smoothly and peacefully, knowing all too well about the connection between him and Akira. There was a particular moment after class when I spotted Mr. Mizuki in the hallway, engrossed in a phone conversation. His voice carried a tender sincerity, and I couldn't help but suspect that he was talking to Akira. I chose to brush it off, pretending not to notice.

Whenever I happened to cross paths with Mr. Mizuki at school, he would always greet me with a friendly "Hello." I would respond with a nod and a forced smile, doing my best to conceal the pain within. It's no secret that Akira's affection lies with him, and I've come to accept this reality. Despite the pain it brings, I've learned to navigate the complexities of unrequited love and the ache that accompanies it.

I am filled with mixed emotions as I prepare to leave high school behind. There is a lingering sadness in knowing that the person I deeply care for is destined to be with another. However, I am also hopeful for the future, eager to embark on new adventures and discover what lies beyond these familiar hallways.

Though Akira's love may not be mine to hold, I am determined to forget my own path and create a future that brings me fulfillment. As the final days of high school unfold, I am ready to bid farewell to the past and step into the unknown, carrying the lessons learned and the memories cherished along the way.

The sadness weighed heavily on me as I reminisced about the promise Akira and I made to each other—that we would apply to the same university when college came. Embarking on this new chapter of life without my best friend by my side tugged at my heartstrings. "Jeez!" I muttered, feeling a wave of nostalgia and longing wash over me. The memories of our shared laughter, late-night conversations, and countless adventures flooded my mind, and I missed the comfort and familiarity of having her by my side.

[As the days turned into weeks and the months flew by, Gin's dedication to his studies became unwavering. Cram school became his second home as he diligently prepared for the journey ahead. His sights were set on a dream that burned brightly within him—to be accepted into the prestigious Tokyo University of Arts and pursue his passion for music.]

The day of my entrance exam at Tokyo University finally arrived. I made it to the campus at 8 am, giving myself a few minutes to wander around before the exam. I found a bench near the building where my examination would take place and sat down, trying to calm my nerves.

"Okay, deep breath," I muttered to myself, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement coursing through me. As I glanced at my wrist, I noticed the bracelet Akira had given me on my 10th birthday, which had become my lucky charm. "Okay," I whispered.

The first half of my exam concluded at 1 pm, and I took a break to have my lunch. I decided to explore the campus with an hour to spare before the next session. Walking alongside the Ginkgo trees, I felt a gentle breeze brush against my skin, bringing a sense of warmth and calmness. As I strolled, a wave of longing washed over me, and I couldn't help but think of her. "I miss her," I whispered, my words carried away by the wind.

Amidst the peaceful surroundings, my mind drifted to the uncertain outcome of the exam. Would I pass and secure my place in Tokyo? The thought filled me with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. It was a chance for a fresh start, a new chapter in my life where I would meet new people, make new friends, and immerse myself in a new environment.

I made a silent promise to myself. I dedicate myself to my studies and strive for personal growth in Tokyo. It was a conscious decision to distance myself from Akira, to heal from the pain and move forward. Tokyo would become my sanctuary, where I could find solace and strength to face the challenges ahead.

"I need to level up so I can move forward," I whispered to myself, determination fueling my words. The second half of my exam was about to begin, and I could feel the anticipation building within me. With just a few minutes remaining, I mentally prepared myself, going over key concepts and strategies in my mind. This was the moment I had been working towards, the culmination of countless hours of studying and preparation.

As the clock ticked closer to the start time, I took a deep breath, allowing the adrenaline to sharpen my focus. It was time to showcase my knowledge, to demonstrate my abilities, and to seize the opportunity that lay before me. With a sense of purpose, I entered the examination room, ready to give it my all. The hours of hard work, the sacrifices made, and the dreams of a brighter future propelled me forward. This was my chance to prove myself, to level up, and to pave the way for the next chapter of my life.

"Okay! The new version of me starts now!" I exclaimed.

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