Chapter 2 - Best Friend

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While I was back in our room, the image of Yuki and that guy kissing passionately kept replaying in my mind, causing me to feel startled and trembling with disbelief. "Okay, they are in a serious relationship. I will ignore it," I muttered, trying to convince myself to move on. As I left the school and headed home, my thoughts were still consumed by what I had witnessed. But then, unexpectedly, I saw Gin standing before me.

Gin Hiroshi, my childhood best friend, stood before me. We had been inseparable since our early days, growing up together. Now both sixteen years old, we attended different schools, but our bond remained strong.

[Gin Hiroshi, with his silky silver hair partially covering his eyes, harbors a secret affection for Akira. Despite his strong feelings, he conceals them, unwilling to risk their cherished friendship. His deep black-brown eyes shimmer like stars, complementing his slightly pointed nose and lips tinted with the color of a ripe apple. In many ways, he embodies a complete and captivating package.]

"Hey, Kira! Why do you look like crap?" Gin playfully teases me. "No way! Please stay away from me; you're gross! Tsk." "Hahaha! Alright, I won't tease you anymore. Sorry." "Tsk! Tsk!" I nod in agreement. "Let's walk home together." "Kay!" I responded. We walk side by side, making our way home together.

Gin is like an older brother to me. He's always there to lend me strength when I'm hurting, to bring a smile to my face when I'm down, and to serenade me with my favorite song when the world feels against me. I cherish our bond deeply, but it's a love grounded in profound friendship barren of romantic tangles.

"How's your school? Any unusual affairs?" Gin asked, but my mind couldn't find the words to respond. Despite my distracted state, Gin continued talking, spotting me with random questions. However, the image of Yuki and that guy locked in an embrace remained in my thoughts, refusing to be forgotten.

"Kira, are you even listening? Snap out of it," Gin pleaded, concern engraved across his face. "I can't take it any longer. I must leave," I yelled, abruptly fleeing Gin's presence. Tears streamed down my face as I ran away, overwhelming my emotions. "I'm sorry, Gin," I murmured under my breath, filled with guilt for leaving him behind.

I arrived home and hurriedly engaged in the bathtub, seeking ease while reflecting on my actions towards Gin.

"Argh! What have I done? How can I face him if we meet again? I acted so foolishly!" I exclaimed, frustration clear on my face. But my thoughts quickly shifted to Yuki and the alluring guy once more. Their passionate kiss played in my mind on an endless loop. "How I wish I were in Yuki's shoes at that moment," I ponder, a mix of longing and doubt arise. "Could it be... Am I falling in love? No! It can't be true!"

[After all the thoughts mixed in her mind and the vivid images that played out, she finally prepared to retire for the night. As she settled into bed, her phone rang incessantly, disrupting the moment's tranquility.]

It was already late at night, and Gin's name appeared on my phone screen. I was taken aback, uncertain whether to answer or not. After a quick thought, I decided to pick up the call.

"Hello?" I answered, my voice quivering with uncertainty. "Hi, Kira. How are you? It's me, Gin. What happened to you? I'm so worried, and I can't think straight. What can I do to make you happy?" He added with a voice filled with tears.

As I heard his words, my mind became even more confused. Gin's deep, soothing voice stirred something within me—my heart skipped a beat, and I couldn't help but tremble.

"Are you still there, Akira?" he asked, concerned. "Yes," I murmured, barely loud.

"Okay, if you need someone or something, call or text me. I'll be there for you. After all, I'm your best friend, right?" "Yes, of course. You're my best friend," I replied, grateful for his support. "Kira, I'll hang up now. I need to get some rest. Good night." "Thank you, Gin. Good night to you, too," I responded, feeling a sense of relief flow over me.

After talking to Gin, I felt a sense of calm, and my anxieties began to fade away. Tomorrow, I could face Yuki with a renewed sense of confidence.

[She set her alarm for six o'clock in the morning, turned off the lights, and finally drifted off to sleep.] The sharp sound of the alarm shook me awake. I wobbly reached over and switched off the blaring alarm, realizing I had barely drifted off to sleep.

"Seriously! I could use a few more minutes of sleep," I groaned, dreading the early hour. "But it's already six o'clock in the morning." Determined to face the day and prepare for school. Today, I vowed to confront Yuki about the unsettling scene I had witnessed. The truth awaited, and I was ready to unravel the mystery.

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