Chapter 4 - Inei Mizuki

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It was already ten o'clock in the evening, and despite my efforts, sleep evaded me. My mind was restless, wondering whether anyone was thinking of me. "Hmm... I shouldn't dwell on such matters," I murmured, determined to push aside unnecessary thinking and drift off to sleep—exhausted, I closed my eyes and caved to sleep.

As I engaged in a deep sleep, my phone startled me awake with a sudden "DING!" A message flashed on the screen, originating from an unknown number. Curiosity awakened, and I eagerly opened the message.

I quickly read the message, and its contents surprised me.

"Hi, This is Mr. Ayumu Ito. Please save my number. I texted you because tomorrow is Saturday. Can I pick you up at your house tomorrow afternoon? I want to tell you something. Good night."

My heart raced as I re-read the message several times, trying to grasp its meaning. Why would Mr Ito want to pick me up and discuss something? The tension and curiosity stirred within me, making it even more difficult to fall back asleep. Thoughts raced through my mind, wondering what he could want to tell me—excited and nervous, I saved his number and considered the upcoming encounter, eager for tomorrow's afternoon meeting.

My mind went blank as I stared at Mr. Ito's message, unsure how to respond. I pondered for a few minutes, carefully composing my reply. Finally, I typed out a simple response:

"Hello, Mr. Ito. Okay, I will. Good night."

After sending the message, I anxiously waited for his reply. Moments later, I saw the typing indicator appear, indicating that Mr. Ito was composing a response:

"Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow afternoon. Sweet dreams,"

A mix of excitement and nervousness washed over me. Tomorrow's meeting with Mr. Ito held an air of mystery, and I couldn't help but wonder what he wanted to discuss. With a fluttering heart, I wished him a good night and drifted off to sleep, the uncertainty for the next day lingering in my dreams. I gradually drifted asleep, only to wake up early the next morning, around seven o'clock. It was the day I would meet Mr. Ito and have our conversation. As I prepared for the day, the sound of a car honking abruptly broke the silence.


The persistent beeping echoed through the neighborhood, signaling Mr. Ito's arrival. I hurriedly grabbed my belongings, making sure to remember everything necessary. Excitement and nervousness coursed through my veins as I headed towards the door, ready to embark on this bizarre arrangement with my English teacher. I believed Mr. Ito had arrived, so I descended the stairs, exited my house, and hopped into his car. Feeling self-conscious, I refrained from inquiring about the nature of our conversation.

Before long, we arrived at a quaint coffee shop. Stepping out of the car, we made our way inside. "Wow! This place is new to me," I exclaimed with a bright and cheery tone. "Come, Akira, let's find a seat. What would you like to order?" Mr. Ito suggested. "Um, coffee, please. I'd also love a slice of vanilla cake with a hint of milk flavor," I responded. Mr. Ito placed our order, leaving me to ponder the topics for our discussion. After a brief wait, he returned with our beverages and treats. "Here's your order, Akira," he said, presenting it to me warmly. "Thank you," I replied, feeling a mixture of curiosity and anticipation as we settled down to begin our conversation.

"Alright, Akira, let's talk about Inei Mizuki," Mr. Ito began, causing a lot of surprises to ripple through me upon hearing Inei's name.

"I've been aware of Yuki and Inei's relationship for quite some time. However, it's important to note that Yuki and Inei parted ways about a month ago. Yuki discovered that Inei tended to be unfaithful, earning him the reputation of a womanizer," Mr. Ito revealed. A wave of shock washed over me, rendering me shortly speechless. I couldn't help but wonder what happened next. "Does the day you witnessed them kissing still resonate with you? It was a sad moment, as Yuki's deep affection for Inei prompted her to allow that kiss," he added, revealing a layer of Yuki's intense emotions.

The weight of the revelation settled heavily upon me as I absorbed the information, my mind reeling with the importance of Yuki's enduring love and Inei's unfaithfulness. After an hour, I called the courage to inquire about Inei's job. "Um... Mr. Ito, if you don't mind me asking, what does Inei do for a living?" I asked the question directly, though my voice trembled slightly. "Inei Mizuki is also a teacher. He recently transferred to Ibaraki Senior High School and will resume teaching there starting next week," Mr. Ito revealed. "Ibaraki Senior High School? That's where my best friend attends! It's truly a small world," I was surprised by the unexpected connection between Inei and my best friend.

I was taken aback by the revelations, lost in my thoughts, while Mr. Ito continued to talk about Inei. Unaware of my distracted state, he suddenly addressed me. "Akira, is everything alright? You seem a bit off. Are you feeling unwell?" His gentle voice barely registered in my mind.

Before I could fully comprehend his question, he made a request that caught me off guard. "I have a favor to ask of you, Akira. Please exercise caution and refrain from dwelling on what you witnessed between them," he said with a concerned tone. "And most importantly, never allow yourself to fall in love with Mizuki." His words lingered in the air, leaving me confused and uncertain about their implications. Curiosity getting the better of me, I couldn't resist asking Mr. Ito another question. "Why are you telling me all this? I'm curious," I inquired, hoping to unravel the mysteries surrounding Yuki, Inei, and Mr. Ito's involvement in their lives. "It's all a bit confusing," I admitted, trying to process the information. "But why are you telling me this? And why would Inei be interested in someone from our class?"

Mr. Ito's voice was threatening as he responded, "I spoke to Mizuki last night, and he confessed his interest in one of the students in Class B. You were the first person to come to mind because I know what he looks for in a woman. But be cautious Akira— he's known to be a womanizer. So, be careful."

"Don't worry, Mr. Ayumu Ito. That will never happen—I assure you, I will never fall in love with Mr Mizuki," I responded with a confident smile.

"Erm, Mr. Ito, can we head home now?" I requested in a gentle voice. "Of course. Let's go home," he agreed. As we returned, I drifted off to sleep without realizing it. Mr. Ayumu gently woke me up as we arrived near my house. "We're here, Akira. Remember, if anything happens, don't hesitate to message me. See you on Monday at school. Thank you for coming along. Take care."

"Goodbye, Mr. Ito. Stay safe!" I replied.

As I entered my house, a persistent thought crossed my mind and made a firm vow to myself—I would never allow myself to fall in love with Mr. Inei Mizuki

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