Chapter 8 - Confront

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[After Gin discovers the connection between Akira and Mr. Mizuki, Akira realizes that she has neglected to mention an important detail—Mr. Inei Mizuki was a teacher who had recently transferred to their school. She felt remorseful for not clarifying the situation to Gin but hesitated to bring up the topic and provide him with the complete story.

Gin left after they shared the cake that day, and since then, Akira had heard no news from him. He neither texted nor called her, leaving her longing for his presence and missing their friendship. The absence of communication weighed heavily on her, and she yearned for the chance to apologize and explain everything to him. Their relationship's uncertainty left Akira unsettled and hoping for reconciliation with Gin.]

[Meanwhile, At Gin Hiroshi class. Ibaraki Senior High School.]

[Gin's POV]

Thursday had arrived, and I couldn't help but berate myself for my lack of curiosity. It had been three days since I last saw Mizuki at Akira's house, and I still hadn't mustered the courage to ask Akira about their connection. The lingering mystery left me uneasy, and my mind couldn't help but wonder.

Amid my contemplation, one of my friends noticed my constant sighs and inquired about my state of mind. "Hey, Gin! How are you? You seem a bit down. What's going on?" they asked with genuine concern. Trying to maintain a composed facade, I replied, "No worries, I'm fine. Just lost in my thoughts."

Our homeroom teacher entered the classroom as if on cue, drawing everyone's attention. "Okay, class. Good morning. I have an important announcement to make," our teacher began, capturing our collective focus. "Unfortunately, Mrs. Yamaguchi has fallen ill and cannot continue teaching. She requires rest to make a full recovery."

The news of our teacher's illness brought a sense of solemnity to the classroom, as we all wished her a speedy recovery. However, amidst the concern for Mrs. Yamaguchi, my mind couldn't help but drift back to the unresolved questions and the absence of communication between Akira and me.

The class buzzed with murmurs as the news of a new history teacher circulated. Our homeroom teacher tried to restore order, requesting quiet from the restless students. "Shhh...Please be quiet, class," she urged, attempting to regain control of the room. "You all have a new history teacher starting today," she added, hoping to capture our attention.

Excitement mixed with apprehension as my classmates exchanged whispers, eagerly speculating about the arrival of our new instructor. Questions filled the air. "Where is our new teacher? Is he already here?" Their curiosity was natural, and I couldn't help but share in their intrigue, but with a slight hope that the new teacher wouldn't be too strict. After all, an indulgent instructor would allow me to catch some much-needed sleep during the history lessons, a subject I hated with every fiber of my being.

A few moments later, our anticipation peaked as the door swung open, revealing our new teacher. He entered the room composedly, going to the front of the classroom. Standing before us, he greeted the class in a confident tone. "Hello, Class A. I am Mizuki Inei, twenty-six years old. I previously taught at Tokyo High School and am your new history teacher. Nice to meet you all. Please treat me well."

His introduction sparked a mix of reactions among the students—curiosity, surprise, and perhaps a hint of disappointment for those hoping for a more lenient instructor. As the class settled in their seats, we prepared ourselves for the journey through history under the guidance of our new teacher, Mizuki Inei.

As our new teacher, Mr. Mizuki entered the classroom, a wave of excitement rippled through the ranks of my female classmates—whispers filled the air, punctuated by occasional gasps and sighs of admiration. His handsome appearance had left quite an impression. During the commotion, I remembered him as the same person who had visited Akira's house not long ago. The coincidence felt surreal, leaving me both upset and awkward, unsure of how to face Mr. Inei.

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