Chapter 16 - My Girl, Yuki Yozora

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Yuki Yozora is my girlfriend, and my love for her knows no bounds. She is my ultimate treasure, the person who means everything to me.

We crossed paths two years ago, and the memory of our first encounter remains vivid. It was the twenty-third of August, just a few minutes before dusk. Yuki, at the age of fifteen back then, appeared in a park near the school I used to attend. I was sitting on a bench, devoured by the lingering pain from Hina Sakamoto's betrayal. It felt like the agony would never disperse, and I weighed ending my life. But just like a magic spell, Yuki's smile captivated my heart. As she joyfully swung on the nearby swing set, her presence drew me in, dispelling all the negative thoughts haunting me. She became my savior, an angelic figure descending from heaven. Through Yuki, I learned it's okay to be foolishly in love, experience heartbreak, and ultimately find someone who complements your very being.

Hours passed, and my curiosity about Yuki grew stronger. On that fateful day, I found myself impulsively following her home. To my utter embarrassment, she noticed my presence and quickened her pace, attempting to avoid me. Yet, undeterred, I pursued her relentlessly. It was our first and final encounter.

Three weeks later, I returned to the park where I had initially laid eyes on Yuki. Hoping to see her again, I strolled along, lost in thought. Unaware of my surroundings, I failed to notice a ball hurtling towards me until it hit my face in a painful blow. "Ouch!" Startled, I swiftly sat upright, cradling my throbbing cheek. The unbearable pain caused tears to well up, soon hazing my vision.

It was at that moment that someone approached me. Frustrated by the discomfort, I immediately struggled to recognize the person before me. However, a gentle tap on my shoulder and a concerned voice brought me back to reality. "Um... Excuse me, sir. Are you alright? I'm so sorry." As I opened my eyes, shock coursed through me upon realizing she stood right before me. At first sight, the girl who had captured my heart was standing there, causing my heart to race uncontrollably. I couldn't contain my excitement.

Hey! Hey! Hey!" My heart skipped a beat as she howled at the top of her lungs. "You're the guy who was following me three weeks ago. What are you doing here? Are you some stalker?" She stared at me, surprise etched on her face.

In the following seconds, I managed to gather my thoughts and asked her, "Hold on a minute. Can you please calm down? Don't jump to conclusions. By any chance, do you play volleyball?" She nodded in response. "You're quite clumsy, aren't you? Before getting mad at me, shouldn't you ask if I'm hurt?" I added, a hint of annoyance creeping into my voice.

"Um... I'm sorry, sir. We didn't mean to hit you with the ball. It was an accident. Please forgive us." She bowed while speaking those words. With a smirk, I decided to tease her a bit. I said, "Alright, I'll forgive you, but only if you tell me your name and phone number." I couldn't interpret the expression on my face as I uttered those words.

"Do I look like some kind of perverted man?" I muttered to myself, rubbing my face—embarrassment colored my cheeks, making me feel like a teenager confessing feelings for his first love.

"I'm Yuki Yozora, fifteen years old," she responded curtly without hesitation. Then, she asked to borrow my phone. Quickly retrieving my phone from my pocket, I handed it to her. Nervousness coursed through me, making the world seem to spin. After she returned my phone, I saved her number, labeling it as "Yuki with a heart emoji." I dialed her number so she could save mine as well. As Yuki saved my number in her phone, a mischievous smile played on her lips as if she had something playful planned. Simultaneously, she showed me my name in her phonebook. My eyes widened as I read the name she had assigned me, "Mr. Perverted Man." Then, she burst into laughter and walked away.

Our communication continued, and although Yuki initially disliked me, we gradually grew closer and started dating. Despite the disapproval from her parents due to our age gap, I persevered, and after nearly half a month, we officially became a couple.

I acknowledge that our relationship is far from perfect, troubled by jealousy, arguments, and even moments of betrayal.

"I am Inei Mizuki; unfortunately, cheating has become embedded in my character."

There have been instances where Yuki caught me with someone else, time and time again. Despite my repeated betrayals, she chose to overlook them and forgive me because her love for me ran deep. Replacing a toxic obsession is difficult, even if I want to change. There came a point when I considered breaking up with her, but she vehemently disagreed. At that moment, I realized I needed someone like Yuki in my life.

Yuki Yozora, you are the catalyst for my desire to change. I no longer want to witness your suffering caused by my actions. Allow me to protect you from now on. I will stand by your side, ensuring you no longer shed tears. Your smile gives me the strength to face each day.

She is my savior from despair and has transformed my perspective on love. Thank you for rescuing me, my dear Yuki Yozora.

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